A country with less than 98% of population with european origin

>a country with less than 98% of population with european origin

You got to 98% by killing the millions of Jews in your country during the holocaust; that statistic should be your shame.

this, fuck racism

>a country with less than €1000 average monthly salary

>a country with less than 2000 yearly hours of sunshine on average

polish death camps

>yfw Germany, England, Sweden, et all will not exist 100 years from now
>Poland, even if it gets nuked, still will

Countries with more than that are non-whites.

>et all

poles may exist but poland won't the ruskies will make sure of it
also germans will still be saxon but will worship a different god and remove jews once again
because we like them

Poles have contributed less to civilization and human progress than even Russians or Italians. 100% Polish = 100% nigre

is true can confirm am also subhuman
polen subhuman 100%

>even Italians

bro wtf??

False. As a Phoenician you are worth much more than a p*llack

any self-respecting american would have gloated their victory against tunisia at this point.

no user i am a burger at heart
i am arab/black/anadlusian/bereber/phoenician/blakanite/caucasian/south european
i am mutt very very sad

There is nothing wrong with not having 98% of population with european origin when your country has regions all over the world you dumb poo.

you mean the barbary wars?

Metropolitan France by itself is probably 80% right now lmao

And if we exclude over 45 year olds?


>Ile de France

I dare you to name just one famous pole
Poles who went abroad and threw away their joke of a citizenship don't count