How's your day fellow Third Worlders cunts?
/third-world/ thread
Fine I guess.
ANything interesting happened today?
No gf to visit?
Not really. Went for a walk with my father, though.
What about you?
Worked on my "new" phone, having issues with the chip.
What country is this?
Ate home made pizza so its ok
> mentioned
Leticia e Tabatinga sao muito Comfy, anao
I just procrastinated a shit ton of homework until right now
Im obviously not going to finish it on time
Thinking in how Im going to kill myself
Seems like a nice place, most of our countryside cities are pretty comfy, specially around the southeastern area.
Going to Colombia and Panama in 2 days with no vaccines my whitey ass gon die
Cool, now fuck off.
u first
Wikipedia nigga lmao.
I wanna be 3rd world too:(
Meh. You are not dying of Jungle fever unless you go into deep Darien.
I ate some peanut butter banana sandwiches and played GTA 4. I'm probably gonna jerk off and go to bed soon.
calculus demonstrations and electromagnetism problems
Wikipedia can't help
Do you post in /carib/?
Fug D:
What do you study in college?
I do not.
Hello guys :(
Hi, how's your day?
You don't come to Sup Forums very often?
Not really. And when I do browse I never see an active /carib/ thread.
First world country checking in to show how alpha I am
Communications engineering
Which cities? You only need vaccines if you are going to spend time on the Caribbean coast. If you're going to stay inland (Medellin, Bogota) you don't need vaccines as those cities don't have tropical weather
Oh noice. I used to study CS but i dropped.
Very bold to drop out of college living in a 3rd world country
Yeah, but i'm happier with myself now, i wasn't really happy at the time.
hi fellow unfortunate souls
Hello, how's ur day.
Wew wish I could do that
I feel like shit in this major, depressed and can't see the end of the tunnel
But can't quit this far up the road now
meant for
Good so far, my crypto portfolio is finally going up so there's one less thing to worry about. How's yours
Life here sucks. I have 0 friends and I'm depressed.
Well i went to the Military, which gave me some security in case i fucked up. Now i'm much more "active", but i'm still pretty autistic and depression will never go away, i learned to ignore that desu.
Good, been trying to fix my phone like i mentioned.
Ciudad de Panama, Bogotá, Nieva, Medellín, Armeniá, Santa Marta y Cartagena
Weird, the nurse told me that Caribean coast and mountains do not require vaccines, while the Amazone or Zona Cafetera regions for example do. I have some pills for malaria though.
You'll be ok
You should put the yellow fever vaccine... Legally you don't need it, but if you're going to Santa Marta I'd say you should...
I was paranoid about mosquitoes the whole trip because I couldn't use the yellow fever vaccine
We dont have yellow fever vaccine because apparently there is an escasez of the vaccine across all Canada. Only a few doses left in Montréal.
Do you relly need vaccines if you are an Argentine going to colombia? I tought you guys had malaria too kek
Trying to sleep now as I got a date before my nightshift job.
>We dont have yellow fever vaccine
Well... I survived I guess... but I did cancelled Tayrona park, that's the most "dangerous" part
>Do you relly need vaccines if you are an Argentine going to colombia?
yeah tropical diseases don't get this far...
Did you fug?
>my nightshift job
Ahh yes, this is 3rd world af. I used to do this to literally double my salary doing less work
I unironically love living in my cunt.
Today was a chill day, tomorrow ill go to work from 7:00 to 12:00, then from 2:00 to 5:00 i go to study. This is my daily routine, most or some of the times i dont even go to my classes, and just walk around uni with my friends, probably will get high af with them.
I wish to end my relationship, but I don't know how.
Just send her a message on Whatssap.
9 months already.
What? Relationship or pregnancy?
I mean does she gave you any reason for you to not love her anymore?
Kek, relationship. I simply don't like her anymore. He was a total bitch this year, I broke up twice, but she kept asking for us to get together again, I agreed, but I'm really not feeling okay. We are going to watch Black Panther tomorrow.
Then you subtly now be a total dick with her and when she breaks up, you GTFO for good. ezpz
What do you study?
>tfw not born a qt girl so i could green card
I wish I could marry some of you guys. :3
shit, being neet in 3rd world
Is Indonesia good?
pretty good. only have class two days a week and i've been playing ps2 a lot lately
Same but the only thing that bothers me is high taxes
Boring as hell, I want some habbening like terrorism, gang wars and mass shooting. Would me more exciting than news reporting about python found in well.