Why is this country so safe???

Why is this country so safe???

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Too busy to fap anime girls.

animu waifus reduce crime rate

very broad and stable middle class demographics compared to other gun loving shitholes

our cultural conception that guns are for the coward

good sense of community

Severed head found in Osaka suitcase thought to be that of missing Hyogo woman; American tourist in custody

More body parts believed from missing Hyogo woman found in Osaka and Kyoto

no white people

no slavs

stop spamming
you are making more and more japanese IPs filtered out on Sup Forums

It's more common to kill self than to kill others.

Sasuga Japan

Oh wow, a whole unheard of incident once in a blue moon.

Meanwhile in Mexico that shit is on the news every week.

japanese ''men'' are low test manlet with absolutely no agressivity.

your country would be magically safer if you actually banned all gunz

it's due to their culture and because their country isn't a diverse shithole like ours is. although if you count suicide, then the country isn't that safe

ignore any of the fags who say that it's because guns are banned

50% too busy, 50% hikkas

Everyone kills themself.

>Why is this country so safe???
1. No Refugees
2. No Muslims
3. Few Blacks
4. No stupid gun culture
5. Has a good flag design like mine

>good flag
literally just some period blood on some white pants

your flag looks like kermit's asshole

That's a good thing


Redpilled answer: Japanese men are soyboys


Because nobody reports crime

you mean, betas? but soyboys aint betas
arent them a offshoot of nu-males? japanese dont have them whether its good or bad

Japanese suicide rate is going down, not in the worst 20 now

japs are betas though
couldn't even win ww2

being a thug or law abiding or less violent is the antithesis to being a beta tho

Thanks to Logan Paul's suicide awareness video

betas never fight
therefore you are wrong

but since the end of the war, we have been winning everything unlike you.

i mean, "being an alpha" isnt being a thug, or being law abiding/less violent doesnt mean being a beta.

Soy based diet

especially suicide contests

go eat some soy and beg for US to provide your military

Tell me some cruel mexican cartell stories pls

whats with these fucks screaming soy everywhere

nu male was a better buzzword

In my city, a van was found with around 9 dismembered bodies insides. They were from some cartel gang.
Cartels and rival gangs kill each other. Some random civilian being murdered for no reason isn't common or regular.

>Mexico has recorded its highest homicide rate in years, with the government’s interior ministry reporting there were 29,168 murders in 2017

Nice country you got there

Like 80% of those homicides are between gangs/police

>period blood on some white pants
T-That sounds good........

Let's say I want to do some vacation in your country. What are the chances of getting kidnapped?

Depends on the state you go. If you go to typical touristic places like Cancun or Mexico City, you'll be fine.

nice quads. Why would you become a police officer in Mexico anyway? Isn't that pretty much a deathwish?

Becoming a journalist is also a death wish here and people do it anyway.

I wouldn't think it even pays good? Are they just hoping to get some bribe money?

What the fuck happens in Guerrero?


I'm surprised at how dangerous some states on the US/Mexico border are. I thought they would be some of the richest and have lower crime rates. It makes sense though, there must be lots of drug/cartel related activity because of all the Pacos trying to cross the border with their drugs.

Some people like to live life to the extreme.
You could ask why soldiers decide to enroll in the army and going to war.
Violent hellhole. Never set foot in there, especially Acapulco.

There's a clear relation between homicides and firearm crimes, and since we have gun control, it's mostly cartels doing this shit.

we do, still has crime...

>our cultural conception that guns are for the coward
reminder: this is an english teacher who always speaks in hushed, reverential tones about the honor of the katana and rages at his family in Iowa about their pig gaijin guns

>japan is safe
>tourist comes to make it unsafe
Japan btfo

uk is much safer than amerimuttland at least

Soyboy rhymes while nu-male doesn't. If you want it to have proper meme potential, use fail-male or something catchy like that.

Ethnic homogeneity

i meant its definition

the ones who use it most is Sup Forums influenced weebs or alt-rights who hate sjws to death. they do when attacking sjws. soyshit doesnt mean betas in most cases

Sup Forums had this battle of soyshit vs nu-male in the late 2017 or so cause soyshit looked really like a forced meme. apparently soyshit won tho

they are a soy country.

I thought that state was far more conflictive.

I don't buy it

Chiapas is poor, nothing much happens there.
Coahuila is actually pretty chill, only northern state without high narco activity.

they are very safe, but their culture also causes them to report crimes to the police a lot less than most other countries

this is an american sjw propaganda
have never seen anyone showing actual sources

this false story was transformed into a fait-accompli by neogaf, which was a far left authoritarian delusional gaming forum, was imploded due to the admins sexual assault, i suppose, and their successor called resetera and their branch /r/gamerghazi which is another sjw gaming sect still have done this shit with no hard evidences.

and the moment you mention it, you instantly get banned by the authoritarian mods.

i've never seen any proof of that teapot orbiting the sun either, it must be there, especially now that there's a car orbiting the sun

what matters here is whether its to defame someone or not

you can believe what you want without any hard evidences but it cant change the fact that this comes from mainly american sjw forums and is made up to smear japan and japanese

you merely are playing into those american sjws hands and unknowingly supporting their far-left ideology to reinforce their american identity politics

i don't care about them, it's just a very believable notion from everything i've read about japanese culture over the years

hard evidence for a negative can't exist, so saying so is pointless, i thought the analogy i used would have told you that

>cant show any evidences either
>doubling down as it is


because anime makes you a beta faggot

Isnt your conviction rate like %100?


and all you're doing is using an excuse because you know proving a negative is impossible in a context like this, because your counterargument is circular

your country could literally have a 50% murder rate and as long as nobody filmed it or complained about it, you could say it's 0%

99,96% or something equally absurd. Anyone who actually believes those stats is profoundly retarded.

Again, japan is a very safe country relative to size but if you think 140 million people can live cramped together without any sort of violence or crime then give me a ride to la-la-land because reality sucks ass.

Basically this. Granted, it's still far more safe than the US, but the statistics can be misleading without context.

Yakuzas are much weaker than the police.

says the fucking bong beaten up by japanese during WW2

There are countries with a population density way higher than Japan.

Yes but convinction rate is a very different thing from homicide rates, convinction rates are not comparable accross countries and are not designed to be in the first place, meanwhile a homicide is a homicide in all parts of the world.

a jap wrote that they manipulate stats to look better
with so many tourists they shouldnt do that though

REEEEEEE are you telling me that Anonymous from a Futaba copypaste image-based bulletin board knows better than the global network of researchers, scholars and statisticians that actually study those things, I rather believe them and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime instead of a NEET that post 24 hours a day on Sup Forums.