Mfw i realized how retarded it is that american audiences clap for movies so i can no longer see new movies in the...

>mfw i realized how retarded it is that american audiences clap for movies so i can no longer see new movies in the theater because the clapping makes me cringe
has an Sup Forums meme ever genuinely ruined something for you?

I'm assuming they clap so they can know if it was a good movie or not. If it gets little or no claps it was a bad movie and if 5 minutes of clapping ensues it was a movie of the year.

I haven't visited a cinema since I was a kid, so I'm not sure how the culture works here, but I do vaguely remember people applauding after movies here as well.

I've never been in a movie theater where people clapped. Is this a regional thing

americans are just too social
in poland nobody even says anything to a stranger nor interact with strangers in any way

when i was in the cinema last time the only loud sound someone mad was some guy saying kurwa because the text on screen after like 15 minutes of advertisents and trailers before the movie said to put on the 3d glasses, and they started playing 3d advertisements

after movie everyone just grabbed their things and ran away in silence

Where I live in Chicago it happens very often when I go. If it's the opening weekend of a big movie it is guaranteed. Superhero movies are the worst offenses, people literally clap and scream throughout the entire film.

>has an Sup Forums meme ever genuinely ruined something for you?
No it's the opposite, we are being brainwashed against america and an average american is being portrayed like an overweight dumb asshole.
I must say when I visited the US first time (it was 8 wk business trip) I was slightly surprised how naive and ignorant an average american was. FWIW I was bay area where like 50% of population are immigrants and visitors though.

When I went to the movie for the first time there I was shocked. All I repeat ALL of the viewers are there just to eat fucking popcorn and drink liters of cola. It's fucking loud and disgusting. In order to enjoy the movie you either have to be drunk or constantly eating popcorn to mask that fucking crackling sound coming from others eating pop corn. If you order a small cup of cola or small popcorn you will be asked like 5 times are you sure you want small? maybe medium big? are you sure you want small coke? It's small, look at this small cup! are you sure want small popcorn? look it's really small! for fuck's sake yes I'm sure I told you multiple times I want small coke and small popcorn.
After few years I went to Sup Forums. I see most of americans here act immature, they constantly try to provoke others by constantly insulting others and playing with their racial stereotypes. Brits, Finns, Germans and some arabs act way better, at lest they don't constantly throw insults and you can have a decent dialogue with these guys. For some reason most americans lack basic knowledge of english grammar and spelling rules. Sometimes foreigners correct native english speakers. Pathetic.
So I'm becoming firmer believer that american education sucks and that an average american is indeed thick.
Oh also I learned that blacks are 5-8 times more likely to commit a crime and despite being under 20% of the population they are responsible for over 50% of crimes. So I also become more racist toward blacks.

>going to a movie theater in America
Are you trying to get shot user?

maximum autistic

>the only loud sound someone mad was some guy saying kurwa because the text on screen after like 15 minutes of advertisents and trailers before the movie said to put on the 3d glasses, and they started playing 3d advertisements

i would be really paranoid if i lived in USA
i would avoid public places where many people gather, like cinemas, concerts etc
how can you live like this, every underage brat can just stole gun from his dad and go shoot some people

in poland i know i'm safe because there is no way someone has a gun
there was no shooting EVER because it's literally impossible
i remember some time ago someone was running around in the mall with a knife and stabbing people but he got knocked out and beaten fast by some chads
if he had a gun we would have a real problem

Thanks to muslim terrorists I try to avoid all events if there would be tonns of people.

Are you a nigger

>i would avoid public places where many people gather, like cinemas, concerts etc
I don't go to theaters or concerts where people are close together. I still go to large outdoor cultural festivals though.
>how can you live like this, every underage brat can just stole gun from his dad and go shoot some people
It is what it is and I don't mind. At the time of typing this I've got an old single shot shotgun only a meter from me. Of course I live on a farm and everyone in my area is addicted to heroin and prescription drugs.

>I don't go to theaters or concerts where people are close together.

Too hard to escape if something were to happen. I don't want to be trampled by fat Americans.

I see. Makes sense. I took my mother to Victory day parade (9th of May) last year, she was too hesitant to go there but yet I managed to pull her out of the house. We both enjoyed. However it's scary as most of the people were chinese, koreans, kazakhs, uzbeks and alike, it was like 90% of people were speaking foreign language. Feels like you are abroad. These people were making a mess, they weren't civilized, were constantly pushing each other, yelling, etc. Not going again.

Thats exclusive to wh*Tes in the US. wh*Tes also clap when the plane lands.

>I've got an old single shot shotgun only a meter from me
Can't you get a better gun? Will probably pay off if needed, specially living in a farm.

I have a pistol and a couple rifles but I just have them in another room. I only had the shotgun out because I went rabbit hunting today, the season ends in 2 days.

>Oh also I learned that blacks are 5-8 times more likely to commit a crime and despite being under 20% of the population they are responsible for over 50% of crimes. So I also become more racist toward blacks.
How fucking new are you?