Is this the most accurate chart of most spoken languages?

Is this the most accurate chart of most spoken languages?

Obviously it isnt perfect, since "chinese" and "arabic " are a meme languages that are made up of many languages by western standards

Did you know that some dialects of Mandarin are more unintelligible than between to romance languages?

Also post infor graphics and maps iTT

Other urls found in this thread:ärldens-100-största-språk-2010över_världens_största_språk_efter_antal_talare

a lot of niggers speak French as a first language

>Obviously it isnt perfect, since "chinese" and "arabic " are a meme languages that are made up of many languages by western standards
>Did you know that some dialects of Mandarin are more unintelligible than between to romance languages?

I don't think this is true, or at the very least is disingenuous

99% of chinese speakers speak mandarin chinese, the number who speak a dialect that is unintelligible with beijing mandarin is extremely small

Either you put the flag of England (i.e. the country of origin for English) or you put the flag of America (i.e. the largest English-speaking country) next to English. The British flag makes no sense.
inb4 angry scots

England isnt a real country even of its called one though. Why wouldnt they use the UK flag ?

>France still has that much soft power

>e number who speak a dialect that is unintelligible with beijing mandarin is extremely small

Im gonna need sauce on that opinion

Where are all the Indonesians studying it at a second language at school?

studying what? german?

Almost a billion French speakers by 2050 thanks to Africa.

>Why wouldnt they use the UK flag ?
Because the united Kingdom is a multilingual country. England is the 'country' that English is actually from. America is the country that made English ubiquitous, and is the largest country that speaks English. The British flag being there implies Britain has more to do with English than England or America.

Different dialects of Chinese are different by ear, but in paper they are exactly the same. So they are technically different versions of the same language, just that the differences in speech are amplified to meme proportions.

Indonesian, duh.

Probably Ch*nkoid as they are going to be the future masters of East Asia

In 100 years when black people will have taken over the world, they'll all be speaking French. Let that sink in for a minute.
French will be language of BLACK space exploration. FRENCH is the language of KARA BOGA.

only 43 million people speak indonesian

thats the thing, what we call a dialect here is different than whats a dialect in china.

dialect in china is more different than spanish and italian , and some dialects can actually be written down

it makes sense because thats where english originated from and thats the country who spread the damn language

everyone should speak their native language and english, so we can all chat like here

actually I was wrong , Indonesian language should be placed before germany . its got 43 million native and 153 million L2 speakers


true ma nigga true, but judging by your flag are you truly speaking your native tongue or do you speak the language of your conquerors?

Everyone fucking speaks Mandarin even if their native language is Min or Tue or Wu.

t. half-Chaozhou half-Hokkien who only speaks Mandarin

To elaborate, I can look at a text in a dialect and have no fucking clue what it means. They are rather different even in writing.

There you go.

I have a question for you Germans, how relaible is this link and do you believe 289 million people can speak german?

it sounds ridiculous but never before has there been a study on german langauge as extensive as this

If you define a language based on mutual intelligibility you should group Malay and Indonesian together in the same way you would to Hindi and Urdu or Croatian and Serbian.

cool thanks for the input bro, Im really ignorant about chinese so its cool that you letting us know this

just spanish and english, I have the idea of teaching english to the mayan people so we can build a cultural bridge between amerindians and hispanics, they are now forced to learn spanish wich is 10 times harder than english

>Is this the most accurate chart of most spoken languages?
No, the faggot just literally look at the wikipedia sources and decided to just take any number from them without any reasoning, I mean if you're going to make a graph taking as a source the Nationalencyklopedin why don't you just make a graph from the numbers from Nationalencyklopedin? and then he is making more shit up with his asterisks, very probably he's referring to the "Macrolanguages" as defined by SIL, (which he probably got by looking at the Ethnologue) but again, he is not being consistent, he put an asterisk on "Chinese", "Arabic", "Malay" and "Persian" but for some reason he did not for "Punjabi", another problem is that he's not saying what version of the Ethnologue he's checking, he did not link the article on the Nationalencyklopedin and Wikipedia is not even a source.

Sounds more than I would personally expect(like half) but apparently the author is like a super autist but I'm not going to spend 80 bucks on his book to verify its methodology.

Why dont u just make a chart of the most spoken languages if youre such a bad ass? it isnt as easy as just saying it.

and wiki isnt entirely shit some articles are cited

>I don't think this is true, or at the very least is disingenuous
It's an analogy that a lot of sinologists have made, for example, Victor Mair and John Francis.
>99% of chinese speakers speak mandarin chinese, the number who speak a dialect that is unintelligible with beijing mandarin is extremely small
No, around 70% of Chinese speakers are Mandarin speakers and I wouldn't say that the number of people that speaks Chinese languages/dialects/topolects is "extremely small" maybe compared to Mandarin but for example the number of people that has Cantonese as a mother tongue is similar to the number of people that has German or Telugu as a mother tongue, the number of people that speaks Wu is similar to the number of people that speaks Javanese or Turkish.

>and wiki isnt entirely shit some articles are cited
that wasn't my argument, the point that I want to make is that he is being inconsistent with the use of sources, he's getting some numbers from Ethnologue, some others from the Nationalencyclopedin and some other from the editors at "Wikipedia" (which by the way actually goes againsts their policy of "No original research")

>Why are all the Indonesians learning Indonesian in Indonesia where Indonesian is the only official language nationwide

nice gymnastics right there to put english ahead of spanish

I said 'where'.

>Ulrich Ammon
One of the best linguist regarding sociolinguistics and linguistic sociology and international language use.
In 2015 he published kind of like an update, better and more extensive version to the 1995 book they are referring.

Russian is widely spoken in eastern europe, baltics and north and central asia. One of the most widespread slavic language

That korean flag

wow thanks for uploading that , I will definitely read it when I get the chance, and Im not being sarcastic , I actually can read german.

that's true and they included like 100 million people that speak it as a non native language, do you think there should be more?

Really no gymnastics necessary when you realize most europeans under the age of 30 can speak it.

and most importantly a lot of Indians can speak english and their population is like over a billion

epyндa кaкaя-тo

In the book, Ammon gives two estimates for the total number of German speakers worldwide:
145 million (which agrees with other figures by other authors)
or 289 million (this assumes that all of people that have learn German is a speaker, or in his own words "bei der gänzlich unrealistischen Veranschlagung aller Lerner als Sprecher")

A вoт и пepвoe дoкaзaтeльcтвo
I believe there about 300 mill russian speakers overall, if not more, regardless of the degree of rus language proficiency

>Did you know that some dialects of Mandarin are more unintelligible than between to romance languages?
[Citations needed]

damn I wanted a lot of people to be able to speak it German, however 145 million is still a lot of people. More than Japanese at least

And do you have the book downloaded yourself? mind sharing it here if you did?

do you have any other links or literature about the number of russian speakers?

a мнe пoкaзaлocь, чтo ты вьeтнaмeц

Escure, Geneviève (1997), Creole and dialect continua: standard acquisition processes in Belize and China (PRC), John Benjamins, ISBN 978-90-272-5240-1.

1997 != 2018 in China

Dude, do you even know how big of a difference those 20 years are?


Yes I was looking at my files and I do, and I don't even know how lol, it also seems that is the only book that I have of him which just makes it weirder, it's 1300 pages long and it's seems that it's like a compendium of his whole work, he doesn't just speak about the number of German speakers but also the use of German as a foreign language, the different methods that linguists have tried to measure the economic power of languages, the use of international languages as a language of communication in science and diplomacy, German language media, European Union language policy, and more.

I guess I got the book from Library Genesis, because I barely speak German and there's no other place where I could find it.

>I guess I got the book from Library Genesis, because I barely speak German and there's no other place where I could find it.
Yep, here's the link if you're interested.

>"chinese" language
the meme never gets old

are you fucking daft? 20 years doesnt mean shit when are talking about the claim that mandarin dialects are less intelliguble than two romance langauges.

youre grasping at straws

thanks a lot lad

>that infographic again
There's so many things wrong with the data and especially the conclusions that people are going to make by looking at that that I don't know where to start.

Actually, it does.

21 years in China means an immense amount of new people educated in the national language at public school.

The average years of school in 1997 was 6. Now it is 12. That means many more Chinese now know Mandarin.

A few unintelligble dialects of Mandarin is meaningless compared to the enormous growth in official Mandarin over the past two decades.

England is in Britain my friend

And I'd say Britain being the biggest empire in history probably did contribute to spreading the language

The actual source comes from the 18th Edition of the Ethnologue (released on 21st February 2015), and as the infographic itself warns the numbers are not really absolute because the data comes from difference sources and they can be from different years, they are not really "estimates" (the Ethnologue doesn't make any estimates actually) but in this sense Ethnologue serves more like an encyclopedia.

it's not like those dialects disappeared in just 20 years. C'mon now

yes, but that the fact that more Chinese people speak Mandarin doesn't make them automatically to forget Hakka or whatever, and that doesn't make them native Mandarin speakers either.

>do you have any other links or literature about the number of russian speakers?
The latest Edition of the Ethnologue reports 265 total million speakers for Russian, they got their data mostly from this publication from 2012
and this book from 2006

noice m8

And I don't know why but for some reason, suddently everybody started referencing the an article from 2010 by Mikael Parkvall in the "Nationalenclyklopedin"ärldens-100-största-språk-2010 you have to pay in order to have access to the article, but still it's kind of weird how popular that "random" encyclopedia has become.
I remember that I saw the actual ranking of the 100 languages that they had, it was in Swedish but I don't know where.

>I remember that I saw the actual ranking of the 100 languages that they had, it was in Swedish but I don't know where.
lol it's on the Swedish Wikipedia.över_världens_största_språk_efter_antal_talare

I agree urdu and hindi make up about 580 million total speakers L1 and L2 .

good video about the language

OH SHIT I just realized something.
>Did you know that some dialects of Mandarin are more unintelligible than between to romance languages?
Ok that is actually wrong, dialects of Mandarin (the language 普通话) are no more different than the difference between the dialects of Spanish or the dialects of English, what it is true though, is that the "dialects" (i.e. topolects/方言) of "Chinese" (i.e. 中文) are as different as romance languages for instance. This is the analogy that I was trying to point out here

i dont have the number but the chart of china cant be right, all non northern people have their own language as mother tongue.

OP here, ok that makes more sense, but I wouldnt think it's impossible for two mandarin dialects to be unintelligible. For example

in Germany a person speaking bavarian cannot understand a person speaking Northern dialect or an Eastern dialect such as Saxon, and yes these are dialects not their own languages.

another article by the same guy

yes, a more proper number for the native speakers for Mandarin would be around 900 million, but the one for total speaker doesn't seem that far-fetched.

Wrong flags for English, Spanish, and Portuguese tho

i call bullshit on this map since for german, the belgian and austrian german-speakers are missing. that would be 8.8 million for austria alone.


They still speak Mandarin though, don't they? They are practically bilingual.

>10 million weeb army