If autism was a country

If autism was a country

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Wrong pic. Meant to post

so what, they have good machinery and chemicals.

so what, they have good memes and sauna

Germany is made for bullying.


why must you dig holes?

t. posted from your mobility scooter at the walmart checkout line

>go to German grocery store
>people behind me in line legitimately upset because I take too long to pay (had cash in hand)
>Cashier demands I use my coins because I was trying to pay for a 4.46 Euro item with a five note and she saw I could make lower change, but obviously I was rushed by the people behind me
>accidentally walk

Their beaches are windy as fuck.

natural habit

well compare to the ones in commiefornia, I wouldn't be surprise, at least they aren't filled with gravel instead of sand.

You were lucky, we usually fuck people up if they take longer than 20 seconds

>accidentally walk into a closed area
>see employee, sees me leaving and figure he will ignore me as it's obvious I was lost and am leaving
>follows me around the store and finally catches up with me to helpfully inform me that I am not allowed in that area
>repeats this multiple times just to make sure I know that I am not allowed in that area

american btw

You think its fucking funny, same shit happened to me in germany and the cashier just took the coins from my hand. Rude as fuck!

But how does a stupid country that you claim show a genius in mechanics? Is Germany a good math country?

>accidentally walk
wew lad, don't strain yourself

Yes EXACTLY. She did that exactly, like someone so focused on the trivial details of a pointless job that they would abandon all social restrictions just to be 1% more efficient
aka an autist

They're mad that even after 70 years their shithole is still occupied

Kjeh, I disagree.

That's a schizo

>their shithole
please count the number of countries between Germany and Finland

Oh no, you just triggered
*World war 1 flash backs*

Think of all those poor millions of mexicans that die in the european trenches.

That picture is embarrassing for your country, we're just a small country in the north that doesn't produce much yet we're that good. Don't forget to apologize today.

I thought you were mindlessly shitposting but as it turns out you just proved to me that you have actually been to Germany, and I know that because what you described pissed THE FUCK out of me.

Why are they always in a rush when the time to pay comes? It's so fucking weird.

Germans like to be quick and effective like blitzkrieg
Or maybe you are just a slow fat fuck

>Iceland and Netherlands ahead of Germany

pretty embarrassing considering your size m8.

Inb4 they were the rats

Do krauts actually dig holes at beaches or is it just a meme?

I didn't actually thought of that but fuck you guys are good when it comes to bants.

why am I whiter than everyone in this picture?

Sorry for making you feel poor for your lack of purchasing power and insignificant for your lack of industry.

Don't forget that this number includes eastern Germany which suffered from 40 years of planned economy and constitutes 20% of the population.
I googled the numbers for the federal states and if you exclude eastern Germany, Germany would be between the USA and Saudi Arabia.

>retarded cousin of Sweden and Norway
I legitimately have no idea. All of Germany is so rigid and unyielding. At first, it suited my autism as the sense of order was very satisfying and predictable, but it quickly became very obnoxious to be surrounded by adults with almost no social skills.
It's the least self-aware people I've ever interacted with.

yea they do from what a friend of mine told me. He works for a tourist hotel and whenever they flood florida, they always dig holes at some point like gophers.

If you wouldn't be retarded you would know that smaller samples allow for higher variance. Frankfurt and Munich on their own would shit on Norway and Singapore.

It is the natural impulse of every aryan to master his environment

bullshit, I rather believe you guys are related to rats.

That's a cute family photo

Looks like a stuka crater

Because you never go outside for some important vitamin D

>not a shithole

pick 1 mate.
Would much rather live in Norway and Singapore than that stinking pile of shit full of turks and moslems.

Would you tell me why do you think so?
I don't understand why you say so.
Perhaps, you want to talk with Germans?

No perhaps, I wan to talk to you?

Based Japan, stay out of this one. You don't want to get caught in the crossfire

I was weighting several options to refute your uncultured spasm againat another, I really pondered myself, wrote down the pros and cons of each... but ultimately I decided to go for the following one:

What do you want to talk to me?

I don't mind.

>What do you want to talk to me?
The most important question I have always wanted to ask a japanese person, who is your favorite porn actress?

I'm sorry.
I don't know few about porn actress.
The most popular actress ranking(DMM.com(JAV)) of 2017 is like this.

1 Syouko Takahashi
2 Sasaki Aki
3 Hatano Yui


what a terrible answer, are you not a man of true culture to not have a varied rapporteur of porn films and their actresses? You disappoint me and your countrymen.

Cuz I'm not interested in JAV at all... (;´Д`)

I aught to clamp you

>I aught to clamp you
Wouldn't it be better to search JAV porn actress yourself. ( ̄m ̄)

Looks comfy.

We want an insider take, obviously
Locals know the best restaurants, rappers know the best rappers, Japanese people should obviously know the best fetishized Japanese porn catered exclusively to western people


Don’t call my brother a retard!!!!!!

Not yellow enough.

Okay, please count the number of countries between Germany and Finland now

>Wtf I (unironically) love Finland now

Also eyy good job on those gun numbers my bros
How did you manage that in Europe?

Hmm well.. Just superior genes, I guess, my American brother.

Americans have autism

Severed head found in Osaka suitcase thought to be that of missing Hyogo woman; American tourist in custody

More body parts believed from missing Hyogo woman found in Osaka and Kyoto

It's not autism, it's intellect and dedication. Something you will never understand.

Why are Americans so mad because Germans have anti-American sentiment while they make one anti-German thread after another? Or irl one anti-German movie after another?

>and the cashier just took the coins from my hand. Rude as fuck!
It's not rude at all, the cashier was helping you, dummy. It often happens here in russia, especially when old grannies are trying to pay.

> be american
> receive help at checkout
> get mad

>shittiest Nordic country
>calls others shithole

>Japanese people should obviously know the best fetishized Japanese porn catered exclusively to western people

my ancestors :)

But Germans have plenty of mind.

Hi,Justin Bieber!

Germany should invade murica and save it from all the mutts

Good thread

pic related
just look at Sup Forums any post comes from this flag

You should be the gigachads on this board, considering the masses of boos here

>loses a war
>kills 50 million people
Why did the Germans do this?

I have to agree, The Weimar Republic was fucking autistic.

Holy shit...