
There is no stopping the Bulgaria taking Macedonia train.


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first for greater albania

Dont worry bosniakbro
You are our Illyrianbros
We, unlike some others, dont kill our brothers just because Muh other abrahamic religion

>Bulgaria has trains

There are whore lipsticks now??

Bulgaria has trans

Kek so Macedon doesn't want to change name ?

>mfw chinese have infiltrated tetovo

my sides

you can tell, most girls don't wear such bright lipsticks, either autistic or she wan'ts customers to know she gives head



you don't want to kill ~60% of your countrymen because they believe in a semitic warlord rather than believing in the true prophet, a jewish carpenter? umm KEKED much?!


soldiers are a mistake anyway

you are actually both turklets

it is common in Greece
Greece is not like denmark you slavic animal

t. asani muarem

t. blerand rexhepi

t. aziz ziberi

t. sulejmani hadis

t. mubvilj sherifi

t. emini muhabi

if we both went to greece right this moment
and we lined up and asked 10 strangers to identify which one was greek and which was a foreigner (we lie and say one of us is greek)

i would win 9 times out of 10

how does that make you feel, Lazboy?

You know, just because your mother is autistic and wears that kind of lipstick, doesn't mean other women do Iki

t. gzim memedi

His mother is unironically a whore
He said so himself

t. musli mexhiti

his mother is a prostitute though
a non-meme one

>offspring of a hooker is fucked up mentally
sad shit desu

There is a way out, ikibey.

I was trying to be nice, but damn..

i would beat you up and post pictures on balk

lipstick on women
is good
you slavic subhuman

t. islam ramizi


t. spetim rushiti

Delete before mods see it

my name is jehova berxolla though

Дaј мepџo cyкa

delete the file or youll get banned m8. i got a month ban for less

did i actually write it here once?
i think over 1 year ago

i had a dream

i was driving through bulgaria
my car was cold
the trees around the street formed a dark tunnel

then i came out and Greece was written on a shield

i was driving through a nice street
my car turned to cabriolet
sunny weather

>jehova berxolla

Why do albanians have internet ?
Moreover how did they find out about 4 chinks ?

t. gafur seferi

t. qatip beqiri

t. asani refik

t. zejneli alija

>Delete before mods see it
Literally the last thing i would expect a Albanian to say

>дијacпopaшиптap нeмa динaмичeн AJПИ


Dunno man, maybe you're right

hey lad, Greeks don't insult people like this.

i will introduce it to Greece
let the lesser creatures know their place

true, we use worse insults kek


wtf grekoids explain yourselves

ooh not only that but his mom also made him meet her turkish clients beffore getting fucked

t. burim islami

Is it snowing there bosniakbro

aaah shut up, naser umer was the only funny one

Here ill give you a picture hang on,

t. valmir skakaletsov

bitch please

ok that is funny

Best i could do in the dark

Balija daj sneg



fuck europe

oh yeah. no title. this table describes the percentage of people that wash their hands after using the toilet.

Islamic Gypsies?

south italy is alright

>iljazi bljeron


>sashko aleksanderov

facebook com/gjini.blerim.5
just searched for blerim lel

If I rub his forehead 5 times will a gjini come out of his ears and fulfill my wishes in exchange for my kidney?

So even catholics use Blerim

what's the story behind it


Gjin is a catholic surname, Albanian version of Gianni

I meant blerim


where just where do albos come up with atrocities like this


I forgot to say that I find this the most clear, concise explanation of the macedonian question


why the fuck would someone name themselves after the color of snot

Blerim means Spring, not green


ngadxhjim is not a name
you meant ngadhnjim

either youre purposely messing around letter or these are the result of some sort of slavic translation and then retranslation back to latin script

Ok that is actually REALLY funny
good job iki

That's gay

>From blerë

>blerë m (feminine blerëe)

> green


In quite some languages the word for spring comes from verdure/green


where are all bulgars?

dead from frostbites

>нeмa динaмичeн AJПИ
Лyпaм pecтapт нa мoдeм и кo нoв

We find cold comfy. Winter is when you sit by the fire, when the new wine is ready to drink and YOU SLAUGHTER THE PIG.

Oh wow that makes it better.

>finds cold comfy
>claims to be mediterranean
what is up with bulgarians and larping

we are a nation of opposites

nobody likes winter

Give me a fun idea for an EU4 run.

White people like winter

santo stefano bulgary

Das rite, native balkan bois

white people won't exist in 100 years

Any country, make all the new world orthodox

some comfy meals you can only eat during winter

uninstall it and play a real game



they dont
they sit all the day at home or in warm rooms