
This lad has really bad gyno edition

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>this confuses and scares the anglo boi


The fall of the USSR was a mistake

oh my days just fuck off no one cares

Terry A. Davis on being a slave for Mr. Toilberg:
>"It is absurd as Truman from the Truman Show going back to work.
Fuck you, are you fucking kidding! I certainly would walk the streets homeless before getting tortured by the CIA locked in a room for 8 hours a day. Fuck no! Are you insane? There is no way in hell i am ever getting tortured by the CIA in a job again. Fuck you."

he's right. you know it's true.
why haven't you quit your job to live a minimalist lifestyle on bennies? are you fucking stupid?

janny's gonna FREAK

youtube.com/watch?v=0V_cnZ6kcpY choon

I'm not living
I'm just wasting time

is this actually a gaelic dance

why make a thread thatll get jan'd

no tits in this thread use this


your existence was a mistake

nassim taleb is a fraud

how can such a post possibly make you angry you hormonal little bedroom urchin

apologise before i chin you into the stratosphere

'nny will not like this thread

Is this real? Cara has such terrible tits? Aahahaha.

Best looking trap/shemale lads?

i know you all do it so might as well ask

still cackling at the vocaroo that irishman made earlier

going to change though


they usually just delete the OP image

apologise? you should apologise to me cunt if you knew what was good for you

love ren rika. she'd be perfect if her dick wasn't mutilated

which one?

new this before you answered

the ol ‘one ‘ircle

>ren rika

you did this on purpose didn't you


> white womans

typing like a pudgy pubescent teen wont help much when trying to be intimidating

comfy anons in the other thread

she posts on /soc/ sometimes. obviously browses the 'chon. another 'chon browsing ts model is Lilith Lovett

fond of natalie mars

belting spaz


been on a bit of the byrds binge lately lads, some quality music

drake is a god

just got wonder years nostalgia

literally never heard of em

>tfw my ancestors were brought over in the 1500's-1600's as slaves
>I literally am more american than most white people


want a job

Controversial I know, but I really enjoyed Tyler the Creator's newest album

>almost 3 months into 2018
>still no gf in sight

haha how you all doing with gf 2018 then lads aha

obviously. most white people dont live in america. dumb nog.

you should be the suicide yank then

you wouldnt know, paki twat

have mine

remember when val venis joined right to censor

havent had feelings for a woman in about 4 years

listening to two door again

whats this type of jacket called


wrestling died when the godfather got rid of his hoes

leather bomber


gf is sleeping on my balls ama

parkas go down further

waterproof coat

Have to pick between being a barrister or solicitor by week end. First to reply decides my toil fate

brit is so boring at these hours

>south african qt at work was worried about her parents in Cape Town because of the drought
>thought it would be funny to make a joke by sneaking into the womens toilet when she went for a shit and turning all the taps on and leaving a note saying 'BORRIWING SOME WATER - mum and dad'
>when I went to do this someone was in the toilet and saw me, and screamed
>ran away but they told the manager
>got in big trouble, avoided firing by feigning ignorance
>now everyone suspects I am a creep


name a better debut album

the goal aesthetic

Pablo honey


Definitely Maybe

>two active /brit/ threads
which bender caused this?


>pablo honey

henry cow legend

Brit is filled of promiscious pricks

Incredible post

>he fell for the fashion meme

The only people you’re impressing are homosexuals. No woman wants to date a man who cares more about fashion than her

this retard this thread was the first posted in the last thread

thoroughly enjoy this

managed to convince myself i am smarter than every single rock or pop musician working today

ex military, the stone roses, never mind the bollocks heres the sex pistols

fuck off you twat at least he goes outside

all in here lads

Poster from the other thread here
Stop spamming your thread we're fine where we are

The College Dropout


think my dad is trying to convert me to the jehovah's witnesses lads

What the fuck was going through your head?



At lest you recognise you can’t compete with yeezys genius

Hey Faggots,
My name is Hungary, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-cunts who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, do any of you even have a Gini Index under 0.30? I mean, I guess it’s fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than blaming all your problems on sand people.
Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I've got one of the largest cities in the EU, and my museum of fine art contains over 100,000 pieces. What art have you appreciated, other than “naked drawn Japanese people”? I also have a 0.84 HDI, and have a banging hot capitol city (Parliament is neo-gothic architeture; Shit is SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It’s me and my bitch

>he doesn't know how sfw boards work
enjoy your discussion getting cut short by janny and looking like a right prat when you have to crawl back to us in the real thread ()

hungary is asian

the saffer must be going mental

what's the difference between black people and irish subhumans???

Don’t you forget it Paco

went to hungary once

was mugged by a gyppo with a knife

he took 10,000 forint off me

drove my truck to a small town on a whim and went tracking around the moors there

to my surprise the place was fucking full of shell casings and blunt wraps

US is super interesting tbqh

>he doesn't know how sfw boards work
it seems you are the one. the OP image is deleted, not the entire general you retard. this thread has more posts

Blacks act human sometimes.