I'm ugly

I'm ugly

Me too

You're a dude.

Put on a suit.

Me also.


I hate suits
I had to wear one yesterday but it was a hand me down from my dad and it was to big

white people can't be ugly

I'm not white

Actually, it's even worse if you used to be quite good-looking, user.

you only need money to fuck hot girls.

Have 525 dollars to my name
What does that buy me?

>I hate poorly fitted suits

How unique.

You are all needy faggots. You’re beutiful and I love you all in a platonic way, but Jesus Christ don’t be this needy.

you are in the USA, any retard can make money there.
I used to earn 11 usd per hour cleaning offices at night in Miami.
I returned to peru with 10 000 usd cash. I was 15 yo at that time.

Are you a big guy, though?

No I'm 5'6
Yeah you spics make a lot of money working under the table

Pedro you can earn 11 USD from working at Walmart now.

You sure you're uglier than this?

I look like the 56% meme irl

Yeah me too.

unironically yes

I have a cute face but am ruined by bodily abnormalities.


I'm cute

I'm glad im not too ugly. At uni there was this guy in the opening talk for science and technology.
He was leaving early walking up the stairs so i had a good view of him.
I did a double take. I think he noticed because he looked at me but with an open mouth and didnt move his tiny eyes just his head at an angle like a dinosaur listening for prey.
Good god he was ugly. Like thats the first thing you notice. Poor fella. Little spindly goblin body.
I know if i manage to fix my social retardation i will some day be fine with women this poor unit never stood a chance unless he becomes a billionaire.

Me too ;_;

i have a decent face but im so close to being underweight
not quite a skelly but too close for comfort

I'm uglier.

Not possible

Sounds like you had seen me.

very China

In my case, I honestly don't know
Looking back, the only girls that "liked" me were either
>way out of my league, which made me think they were pulling my leg for a prank or something
>straight-up milfs (30+)
besides those two categories, every type of girls just sees me as a friend


I wasn't talking about your height

t. so soy he's auto-friendzoned
Grow balls, faggot

Unless your Black, White, Pajeet or Muslim, you can easily get White, North American women, easily. The sluttiest bunch of women on Earth... yes, even more so than Russian grills

Oh fuck, I wrote that backwards, LMAO.
I mean to say, if you are Black, White, Pajeet or Muslim, you can easily get...
Every other race/ethnicity is SOL.

what happened?

i'm not , it's even more frustrating


but I don't mind user
I've always been interested in a monastic life so being in a non-romantic relationship is not really a big deal for me