Ver Sacrum Giant Stick Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
don't understand where gays learn to act gay
like not the actual having sex with men part, but the behaviours that just make you realise immediately that they are gay. that's definitely a socialised behaviour, not a genetic result of the gay genes.
This is now a spider-man thread
so you agree with r/asianmasculinity
agree desu dunno how the sterotype super camp gay guy came about, can u imagine one day waking up and deciding to be like that
would anyone be worse off if all gypsies died?
i thought the website alluc was pronounced alyook . only just found out it means all you see
Not even the friends of gypsies
To all the smart arse cunts last thread: I also resent posting here, and also it's not as much a part of "mainstream" social media culture.
If they notice that too, then yes.
dumb crossposter
slept from 1am-8am and then dozed till 9am and now want to go back to sleep ffs
love posting here me
Probably full of comments about how "awesome" it is he's been forced out of a full sized house by his wife and her son.
any slay queen man in?
all gays adopt the same pattern of homobehaviours across world cultures before the world was flattened by Anglo aggression circa 1700s
how would the stock market work if people couldn't get their fortune told
Watched a very strange VR porn a couple minutes ago. Idk who comes up with this shit
bought one of those huge mousepads highly recommend
We all know what you love posting the most.
this is the winter of our discontent
no snow up my end
I don't want to hate on other people's tastes but can you imagine being so fucking boring that u stick superhero and star wars posters up all over your walls
got accused of failing to post machines on /brit/
piss off
come from
these ends
piss on
room is very spartan desu. not really big on decorating
I would buy soylent if they sold it in the UK
on train
*sits nervously up the front of /brit/*
*accidentally does a big fart*
why are brits so influential online
room is very athenian desu. very big on democracy.
Ah yes, global warming
Wonder how autistic people who make fun of "soyboy" are irl. You know making those faces etc is just joking around?? And soy doesn't have any impact on hormones. Get a sense of humour
haha cuppa tea!!
names harry and ive got a cute british accent
more like global colding haha was snowing in cardiff like half an hour ago
I'm SICK of people who hate Trump. Absolutely fucking sick of them.
fun fact: when that phrase was applied to the UK's winter of discontent strikes, it was intended to cheer Jim Callaghan up. The following line from Richard III is "made glorious summer by this sun of York" and the intention of the person saying it was to say that the worst had passed for the government and things would pick up.
Then the devolution referendums went off the rails leading to a vote of no confidence and an election a few months early. It's like poetry: I don't get it.
>god doesn't exi-
It sticks because people get provoked by it e.g. you.
eurovision is a big night in the LGBTQ++ calendar. this shouldnt surprise you
God took the picture?
might start smoking heavily so i have a fucked up throat by 30. not really concerned with my well being or smoking, just want a really gravelly voice.
You wouldn't last a day in Canada
and what do weebs have to do with gays
Jesus mate
grab your camera and take the same picture, see what happens
that's cgi here's a real shot from the space station
What takeaway pizza is the best pizza?
Oh, well Jesus is a wonderful photographer then
ok brb
did another gay wank
sorry da
tell me about the red circle
all wanks are gay wanks
remembered that i told a friend i'm a furry and i'm cringing again
i wouldn't mind if i actually was a furry, but i'm not. can't imagine why i thought it was a good idea to lie.
trap killed hip hop
what about it
>god doesn't exi-
love that bonding experience when u and the lads are at a club and ua ll get off with the same girl haha
is it alri?
isnt 6ix9ine mexican why is he allowed to say n****r
>tfw no british mars
how come blac kids dont shoot up their school?
racists btfo
unironically think best arguement in favour of a god is how beautiful some girls are
What if it's a no hands wank
mass murdering of children is a strictly wh*te thing, only wh*tes can become such warped incel virgin freaks that shooting up a school with a high powered assault rifle is the way forward
no mystery, T_D is a bunch of cucks
they get shot in the hood isntead
just shaved
got such a nice soft face now
Wish I could get a smooth shave
Face feels like sandpaper not an hour after no matter what I do
he's not a furry either so there was absolutely no rational explanation
baffling indeed
Whites are a force to be reckoned with, precisely the reason why your race baiting shit very counter productive.
Cause they deal drugs and fuck bitches instead.
>when a wh*te replies to you
reporting thailad to the thai government so he gets put on their watchlist
What did you expect to happen?
Can't wait for a white ethnostate lads
im too lazy to explain
but there is an explanation
So this is completely different to (3^3)^3?
Why is the approach so different when it seems to do the same thing?
>Whites are a force to be reckoned with, precisely the reason why your race baiting shit very counter productive.
>Whites are a force to be reckoned with, precisely the reason why your race baiting shit very counter productive.
My fursona is a snow leopard
facial hair grows really sparsely and patchy myself
just shave it off every week