Is your anus pink or brown?

Is your anus pink or brown?

Other urls found in this thread:

brown because I'm subhuman
gov free painless quick euthanasia when


brown cuz i'm brown

i cant remember the last time i saw my anus. i dont really look back there even when i shave my nuts/taint and i get rid of some of the hair near my asshole i just do it by feel so

between brown and pink, seriously wtf

I don't look there but girls have pink right

Can't really see it though the dense jungle of hair. Call it schrodingers asshole

why is this a thing

Anyone with a pink anus must post pics for proof

How could I know


Cant see behind all the hair


Why don't you find out

what if it's like that dress that's either white and gold or black and blue?

It's yellow



Pinkish red

2 much hair


who tf shaves his asshole

practically black

I know you have to wax it

Quite common among traps to bleach it

Supposedly very good anus hygiene will lighten the color as well

And how do YOU know that?

tried it once and sliced myself up


i have ananas in my anus

Red because of all the things I stuff on it

Because I have done it

pics pls

Sorry I don't want to get banned again!

bans here mean literally nothing, i get banned almost every week

But you said that it's common among traps, you cant be a trap right?

Only the weekends

My boipucci :)

Keeping your asshole shaved results in a drastic decrease in dingleberry buildup. It's also useful if you find yourself wearing underwear that pulls on your hair a lot.


More brown than pink.

Well as long as you don't like men it's fine but that is really stretching how far I will let you go


Don't worry I will fix you.
