Does LGBT marriage makes your country a better place to live?

Does LGBT marriage makes your country a better place to live?

Oh believe me it's awful up here with fag marriage.

I mean gays have been marrying here unchecked for years. Businesses won't go near the place, the standard of living has bottomed out to the point that people are literally living in double wides and trailers, and prescription drug abuse and alcoholism have skyrocketed.

Oh wait lol. That's the place WITHOUT gay marriage.

it makes it incredibly slightly better for gay people i guess

y i k e s

Fags should be shot

Thankfully I don't live in Massachusetts.

I don't care what you do in your bedroom, when you try to use buttfucking as a political weapon however...

Is it me, or does that map correspond almost 1v1 with presidential election maps?

Both of your maps are outdated you absolute melts.

I don't see how gay wedding cake is supposed to improve my quality of life in any way, but then I don't browse Huffington Post, so...

>edgy poltards
Gay married master race here
Enjoy your husband points that you meagerly rack up towards a mediocre blowjob while she blows all your money in the meantime


Not necessarily, having laws doesn't automatically change people attitudes towards LGBT people.

How does it even affect you? I can get if you are appalled by does BDSM public buttfuckers you see on CDS, but they are a minority of gay people. And even then I think it's still their freedom to do.

>I can get if you are appalled by does BDSM public buttfuckers you see on CDS, but they are a minority of gay people

True or not, I never hear the gay community come out to condemn these individuals. Silence=acceptance.

It's still their freedom to do so anyways

The dumbest meme.

Literally nobody but SJWs wants SSM but the media and politicians keep trying to push for it anyway.

I guess I don't mind if they get married. It's weird to base your entire life and identity around a fetish for man ass though.

It shuts them up at least

it didn't change a thing
fags are insignificant

It will make life marginally easier for the handful of kids with gay and lesbian parents, because now mummy jean can take you out for an appointment without mummy delilah having to fill out and certify forms in triplicate first.

I wouldn't expect a fucking Brit to know anything about freedom.

breeders literally organise their whole lives around their heterosexuality, it's just that a fish doesn't know what water is even though it's swimming through it.

Of course. Avant-garde art goes hand in hand with the LGBT community


Yeah, and a bit sad for you.

Sadder for the state of Germany where you've willingly turned yourselves into slaves for foreigners

Statistically, the more freedoms and rights a country has the better off it is, but I'm not sure if they're implementing new rights because they're better already, or if implementing more rights is what makes you better in the first place.

This, holy fuck. Nothing more hypocritical than disgusting breeders with zero sense of self awareness

Problem being that marriage was never a right any more than a driver's license is a right.

How is marriage between two consenting adults not a right, in the west, in current year?

Fuck, straights are even allowed to be polyamorous in some states, and throughout history, but god forbid two fags wanna share their lives and have it be recognized.

Disgusting, amoral, breeders.

Isn't modern day marriage a legally binding union?
I agree it's retarded to marry just because you want to say you married and that gay people could just make a contract with similar conditions for that of marriage, but then again there's no real reason why it has to be exclusively between a man and a woman.
You could say it's degenerate but I've seen more than enough man-female marriages divorcing and being non loyal, and just shitting in the spiritual side of it that it's obvious heterosexual marriage isn't above degeneracy

>granting legal recognition to a sexual fetish

I’m not even gonna argue with you, you’re being purposefully obtuse. I feel sorry for you if that’s what you truly believe, you have no sense of empathy and will probably shoot up your middle school soon (cause not only are you a schizo, but also probably underage)

>Gay marriage is technically legal in all of Mexico as per a Supreme Court ruling, states trying to resist have simply stalled in enacting laws to allow for it but you can technically do the process via an amparo (Mexican equivalent to habeas corpus) in all of the territory and all states must recognize unions registered in jusrisdictions that do allow for such.

Meh, I don't really care who fucks who, and who marries who

Idk better for some gay people I guess. Worse for cake makers. Meaningless to anyone else

It REALLY gets my almonds roasting

Basing your entire identity around fucking buttholes is...yeah.

>Worse for cake makers.
>worse that same sex people are now marrying and buying cakes for their wedding

Cake maker who doesn't believe in gay marriage have to make a cake or go to prison.

If they're Muslims of course they don't have to bake a gay wedding cake.


I don't even think most gays actually want SSM, it's mostly the work of certain activist groups tied into left-wing politics.

people are just not marrying anymore

Gays are alright unless they that believe in "gay culture". The gays that march in pride parades are almost as insufferable as straights that march in pride parades.

Colombia has same sex marriage (not just civil unions) since a couple of years.

Thanks Lula now my future partner will harass me to marry him.