Heheheheh... nothing personnel libtards xD

heheheheh... nothing personnel libtards xD

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He's right tho

>There's more than 2 genders

What makes libroids go cool bananas
Facts and freedom

yeah he's right but the pic is cringy af

sure, continue caring about how others define themselves. That's definitely the definition of FREEDOM.
Everyone should be able to choose wether to carry a gun or not, wether to pay taxes or not, the drugs they want to make, wearing a helmet or not, everything. Freedom is paramount. But GOD FORBID someone wants to identify as genderfluid or sapiosexual or whatever.

>there's are

can libtards even count to two?

OOOO sick burn!

>haha le libtards are dumb

meanwhile in reality 95% of all scientists are liberals while conservative are poor factory workers that eat nuggets for dinner every night


good flag post man

>95% of all scientists
what sciences would those be? gender studies and feminist philosophy? right out, faggot

>see flag
>see post


call le burn unit xDDDDDDDD

It's ironic you dipshit

lmao look at this reactionary retards in denial

ONLY 6 (SIX) PERCENT of scientists identify as republicans. This is not big suprise, because nobody intelligent would identify as a RR (retarded republican)

>meanwhile in reality 95% of all scientists are liberals while conservative are poor factory workers that eat nuggets for dinner every night
Do you have any proofs of this? Being STEM in the U.S. I'd say most are moderate and conservative in some areas. It's only in things like global warming and evolution do they side with liberals. Hard science generally hates SJW shit that ignores facts and is based on emotional responses.

>look at how controversial and offensive I am!
>>hey, I disagree
>LOL TRIGGERED LIBKEK xD, btw I was only pretending to be retarded

>productive members of the society are conservative
I would be liberal too if I received a degree paid by tax payers and then did research all my life and never do what some people call "real work". This though only applies to countries where university degrees are "free"

according to liberal scientists your mum gay mate

have all my keks, shadilay!!

fucking rekt

yea its cringy because it was made by a false flagging libtard. and its not even trying to be subtle about the false flagging either.

>shit that ignores facts and is based on emotional responses

You just described 99% of conservatives

>muh only physical labour is real work


Americans literally ruin everything with their identity politics.

Scientist's that believe in more than 2 genders?

>feminist theory scientists are smartest human beings!!


>went from being the most controversial, high profile pundits in all american politics.
>reduced to sponsoring snake oil

That's what happens when you think fucking kids is a-okay

>Muslims commit majority of terror attack's
>Liberals deny this fact
Conservatives don't use facts

Why do bring up gender studies shit like it's relevant whatsoever? Most scientists have nothing related to gender studies

Wow it's almost like he was a con artists all along that never said anything he knew his following would dislike

Around the world that is absolutely true yes. If we look at USA most mass shootings have been done by non-muslims though
>Conservatives don't use facts
You're right about this

Unironically this

Guess which occupations trend conservative

False flag Sup Forumsard

>Ironic right-posting
>Swede comersfrom his daily dilatation and gets triggered about it
>Unironical right-posting
All the time

everything STEM and business related and manual labor

>Someone disagrees with a conservative

Every time


The same experts blame objects intead the dindu
>You're right about this
lmao I was being ironic nigga


to be fair, experts are generally a bit weird and absorbed in their subject. they dont care much for politics, so most are just whatever is mainstream / encouraged by the government.

guess what, there were genuine nazi-scientists / -mathematicians in 1920s Germany *gasps*

at least the memes are there

>The same experts blame objects intead the dindu

This sentence really would make no sense if it wasn't for the fact that I know that you're a conversative and therefor most likely doesn't have a very good English education

>Around the world that is absolutely true yes. If we look at USA most mass shootings have been done by non-muslims though
>>Conservatives don't use facts
>You're right about this
I'm sitting a 10 minute walk to two huge holes in the ground that all the number of dead from mass shootings haven't gotten close to the dead from those two buildings.

look up "false dichotomy" on wikipedia, you might just learn something today

you're oblivious to the fact that either a its satire or b some lefty made to make the right look hurr durr retarted

You know that Brazilians don't have any obligation to learn English?

He was always a joke, he just got his 15 mins when Bannon put him in charge of the whole goobergate coverage.

We have the ones that believe that climate change is totally man fault.
We have public security "experts" that claimed and still claim that gun control work in Brazil

In the US, 6% of all scientists are Republicans and 55% are Democrats. 6% of biologists are Republicans and 58% are Democrats. 9% of chemists are Republicans and 49% are Democrats. 6% of physicists are Republicans and 53% are Democrats. Liberals are massively overrepresented not only in humanities, but also in STEM.

got any source? seems like a lovely thing to poke some Sup Forumsedditors with

City people voted for Hillary, only rural subhuman trash voted for Trump

>I'm sitting a 10 minute walk to two huge holes in the ground that all the number of dead from mass shootings haven't gotten close to the dead from those two buildings

Actually, only since 2013, 2569 people have died in MASS SHOOTINGS in USA. Many more have of course died from gun violence.
So since 2996 people died in the biggest terror attack the world has ever seen, you guys have almost passed that in only a little more than 4 years of mass shootings.

You don't have any obligation to be conservative either but here we are