Tfw no numnums

>tfw no numnums

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Did anyone else find Rugrats oddly sexual?

Dude this scene gave me nightmares
Anyone else?

That's a big baby

I don't remember the scene, but I felt my gut fall when I saw the picture/quote.

So I'm guessing it was vaguely traumatizing. Anyone link?

For Stu

>tfw vacation all I ever wanted

he died so young...


I still do. But it's not weird to be turned on by women talking like babies.


I had forgotten about it too, but remembered being really creeped out by this scene when I saw this thread.



Yup. Gave me a feeling of dread, felt it when i saw the pic.

Diapees are a butt's best friend

Lynch tier nightmare fuel


Hi Boppo, I'm Tommy.

>that episode where phil and lil kept getting naked for no apparent reason

that was fucking weird to see on a kids TV show.

The picture still unsettles me, although I don't even remember the context.

>tfw no numnums

Looking back, this show was straight up nightmare fuel a lot of the time.

How do you feel about this character?

her parents were the whitest dorks on the block desu

>an episode about nightmares was scary

If I remember right, her first episode was about her getting lost inside her own house. Sad!

yes, that's the point, but some non-nightmare episodes did the same thing.

>how does Sup Forums feel about Kwanzaa?

ftfy, honestly I really didn't care because she was just a foil for Angelica but really wasn't needed at all.


I developed my current pee fetish from being a child and touching myself during Chuckie's potty-training episodes.

Wait, there was an episode about chuckie's mother? I don't remember it at all and it was really weird when I saw Kiki in all grown up.
Granted I haven't seen a lot of later episodes, because Dill was infuriating.

no nightmares but this scene did scare the shit out of me as a kid


Yeah and there's a episode where Chuckie is sad on mother's day then starts looking through old photo albums to have a flashback of her. Later in Rugrats they make it a point to show that Kira will never be able to replace Chuckie's mom but she'll still love him regardless. Kira was actually pretty based repairing his teddy bear his mom gave him and adopting him even though I never really understood the point of that because they were already a family. All Grown Up was trash but I really liked that episode where they have a ghost chick that died from cannibalism based on the Donner party.


Even as a kid I thought this scene was a little much.

Susie's existence only makes Angelica a better character. The trike episode is by far the GOAT Rugrats episode for showing how the characters are when the tables are turned and also being the best showing of what Angelica is like when not hiding behind her bully insecurities. Shit, just thinking about it is making me emotional.

this shii deadass go hard

>That scene in the movie where Tommy is about to have Dill brutally mauled to death by a group of angry monkeys

Shit was kinda fucked up back in the day wasn't it?

Oh shiieet!


I cant believe they let raimi guest direct

fuck i used to have these

Good ol' Grandpa!

That episode with the bathtub drain made me scared of taking baths for a while.

I didn't get it when I was younger but this show did have some mature moments

the opening has a super weird acid trip feel to it. I watched it recently and it creeped me the fuck out.

hows this one make you feel

That's what babies do

How did you guys feel about this episode?

tommy was having a fever dream

Fever Dreams are fucking cool. I would totally get the flu again just to have awesome power rangers/ slime people fever dreams again

Not really.

Getting a hole in one on Ice Cream Mountian will be remembered back when I played this in 99

It and the Hanukkah one are pretty forgettable because nobody actually celebrates that shit Kwanzaa and I still find it funny the grandparents look just like anti jewish propaganda.

I like the Moses special but I'm a fool for the parts in the bible that get really metal.

newfag filter post

Exodus is the most kino story in history to be honest


how come no one outside America knows about this show?

>tfw those early episodes where angelica had white under her outfit
I feel bad for fapping to it

Fuck you reddit that's not what he says


Best cartoon coming through.

Recently picked it up again, I remember finding the helga and Arnold relationship extremely cringe as a kid, but now I absolutely adore it.

This is literally triggering some deep down PTSD of me watching this scared shirtless when I was like 5

>scared shirtless
Hahahaha nigga just get a shirt on

h-hey there, shortman

The nigger holiday specials will never match the Jewkino


I feel like All Grown Up was just Rocket Power without the skateboarding and surfing. I didn't even like the special on Rugrats itself, the entire Emika concert scene was just so drawn out and felt like the final episode of the show even though it had like 1 or 2 seasons after.
>one of the first episodes is how Phil and LIl still share a room
>they're preteens so probably around 12 years old
>and still sharing a room together

its Klasky Csupo, their animation is just ugly in general and always looks like an acid trip

that episode where tommy was sick almost made me sick with just how disgusting all the characters looked

Fuck that scene gave me nightmares.

>up to an adult's ribcage
manlet confirmed

I've ranked childhood kinos

Max Steel was pure kino

entry level pleb filter

>tfw no one ever remembers Daria

Muppet Babies, Real Ghostbusters, and Doug mediocre tier? No.

Sailor moon's placing doesn't make sense there. If you can stomach the saccharine stuff it's top tier.

To clarify, I think sailor moon is love it or hate it, should go in top tier or bottom, average doesn't make sense

[Whistling Intensifies]

we don't talk about that

>imagine having tastes this bad

What a miserable life

>Disney's Doug...

>To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand The Rugrats

fuck me this is a really good list (except Invader Zim, I can't rewatch that shit)

Glad I'm not the only one. The artstyle is cool, but my nostalgia faded so fucking fast after seeing an episode on tv recently. Was Invader Zim the show that created the LOL SO RANDUM XD movement on the internet or was it just the most popular example?

Honestly, Nicktoons end with Angry Beavers for me. Never got into Zim, it was okay I guess. Hated Rocket Power, CatDog etc.

I liked
Moville Mysteries
Growing Up Creepie
The Buzz on Maggie
Oggy and the Cockroaches
My Gym Partner is a Monkey

So this is the power of Raimi

The art style is like the worst part

Anyone know the cartoon with anthro dogs?