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Television and Film
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Television and Film #862
Television and Film
What movies make you cri every tiem?
Screw Guardians of the Reddit
What the fuck was his problem? Why did he sperg out and start spitting food like that?
Anyone have any webms from the latest Dark Matter episode of alien 5 and Android boobs?
The state of marvel
Friend returns borrowed game
This was so much better than it had any business being
Had you considered what you might be trying to compensate for with these Hostile actions and feelings of inadequacy is...
Damn.. Jim from the office looks like THAT!?
Da Vinci was gay, so who will play his lover in the movie? Will DiCaprio agree to do a gay sex scene?
Looking for a certain The Simpsons episode
If this scene was made today which actors would be in De Niro and Pacino's place?
Thoughts on this kino?
Justice League deemed “unwatchable”, ending reportedly changed
What movies do Stacys like?
Salvation is a reboot
It’s all wrong By rights we shouldn’t even be here
$200 Millions Dollars
/got/ general
Why was this movie so universally hated? I thought it had a cult following
Sarah Silverman
Death of Stalin
Easy Money
Harrison Ford is 75 years old
Post essential jewkino
"If you like soup so much, why don't you marry soup?"
Now that her show is cancelled, how long until her career is back on track?
Aspiring comedian here, how do i become good at stand up?
This worth watching?
MST3K: The Return
They are testing our resolve. But remember, when times get tough, we MUST stick together
$20 billion debt
*blocks your path*
Zombie outbreak movie
/got/ general
You do support the film industry right Sup Forums?
ITT: Times you acted like Pennywise
Post a famous film star from your country. Others have to guess your country
Director: we need a gun for the evil vaguely european mercenaries
/lbg/ - Letterboxd General
Would he have mad a good Bruce Wayne?
M'ask you somethin rick
How the hell did Driver get away from a chopper in LA?
This is actually a pretty solid trilogy. What's your favorite trilogy Sup Forums?
Why did found footage take so long to get popular?
What was going through their heads during this?
Alan get out of my house
What are they watching?
ITT: Films virgins will never understand
Why is this movie so boring and why is casey affleck such a pretenious faggot?
Alright, Sup Forums... which one of you was this?
Hey, what can I get ya
Stop supporting Targs
Whats the best action scene of all time?
The Witcher - Netflix series
Why are actors so afraid to come out of the closet?
C'mon, Sup Forums, you know what this is
Who is this guy? Was he in previous seasons of GoT?
/got/ general
So he's a virgin right?
Does anybody else hate Doug as a character...
Those retards that claim this is hard sci-fi or a deep movie instead of seeing it for what it is: A horror movie with...
Atheist about to watch Silence
Is 300 super gay or super awesome?
Post hair kino
I'm gonna go take a shit
Why hasn't Victoria hit the big league? Did Ari steal her career? The nude leaks? Dan's revenge...
Synopsis: Roseanne discovers that Darlene is seeing someone besides David, and that he knows about it
Was Jason a virgin? I bet Sup Forums can relate to him
Can we have a serious discussion pertaining to the merits of this motion picture?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Is this the most overrated piece of shit to grace Sup Forums
The epitome of liberal comedy
Is this movie pro-Sup Forums or anti-Sup Forums?
You're losing a fight to the antagonist of the last movie you watched
Character has sex with trannies intentionally
Why him Sup Forums? Why him?
I'm Dunn Hier
New Star Wars The Last Jedi leaks
War for the Planet of the Apes
/got/ general
Minority kino
Fuck her. I want the white walkers to win at this point
Why is Jazz such a bitch?
Remember that time Hank besmirched the name of a well-loved dead man and pinned criminal negligence on him in order to...
Marvel has bad cinemotorgraphistry-
Star Trek General
Why was she so chunky in this movie?
What are some films about depression?
Dog movie trailer
Just a reminder how shit and presumptuous Sup Forums is
Probably spoilers idk
Left or right? I loved Rob Zombie's wife in these
Late 90s teen flick
What are some movies about bashing nazi scum
Official Captain Marvel concept art
/bb/ - Big Brother 19
Who's worse?
Helicopter pilot is MIA or dead
Are there any good recent movies with a pro-white message?
One episode to make me like this show, which will it be?
"They capped that nigga?"
Nightcrawler was better than Enemy
Looking for more like this: intentionally over the top, somewhat tongue in cheek, send ups of action thrillers...
Gotham Thread
I saw the whole season 1 and 2. Everything is very clear to me except:
Watching Logan
/who/ - Doctor Who General
What even was the point of this movie overall?
/got/ general
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Who was in the wrong here?
What are some good movies about the evil nature of white "people"?
Since Sup Forums is about to get permanently shut down
What is Tim Curry's best performance?
"Don't fight in the north, or the south. Fight every battle, everywhere. Always. In your mind."
What are some good movies for someone who dislikes degeneracy? Seems like everything these days is so bad
Why do people like planet of the apes?
What shows do you watch when smoking weed?
Get once in a century opportunity to close down the Versailles and film there
Why are horror movies so shit nowadays...
This is funny according to the 80s
Can anyone provided a non-tinfoil...
Was it autism?
Post Christmaskino
Pick you're Wilson Sup Forums
Why don't ya like good ol' wholesome TV, Sup Forums?
Shin Godzilla (left)
Seriously...Wtf was Peter Jackson thinking when making this movie...
So today I'm feeling like talking about Michael Cera. What the hell happened to Michael Cera?
/got/ general Viserys Edition
What should I watch: Badlands or Kubrick's Lolita?
Post webms
So was it a dream or not?
/bb/ - Big Brother 19
Simpsons jokes you don't understand
Good night Prince of Choppers
Is he, dare I say, our android?
What song is she bopping to?
How surreal is it that this old fuck shitposts on Sup Forums ?
Leave him alone
What do you guys think of the Before trilogy? And do you know any similar movies in terms of topic and/or style?
Glynis said you were a cartoonist
The Great Debate
Since the janitor from Sup Forums is allowing his friends from Sup Forums discuss videogames here >>86276627 Let's...
Scientists land on alien planet...
This is a boy according to 80s horror movie
And this year's Oscar goes to
Where did it go wrong?
I caught this on Spike TV during a bout of insomnia...
How do YOU watch movies, Sup Forums?
Find a flaw
You have 5 seconds to name a worse trilogy
What does Sup Forums think of Karen Gillan?
That part in the IT teaser footage where It forgets that It's supposed to be a clown and stares dead-eyed at George
Contenders for movie of the decade
‘Rick and Morty’s’ First Female Writers: ‘Resisting the Change Will Make Things Worse’
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Tfw he and his brother are morbidly obese
ITT: Draw a movie poorly in MS Paint and people guess it
This would have been so much better if it had a slower pace and focused on the woman
Last HitB a month and a half ago. No Dunkirk HitB, no Apes
Only God Forgives
Daylight, come. Daylight, go
Mfw just found out a friend got done for not having a tv licence
Alexandra Daddario
Watching the office
Why does Sup Forums hate Malcolm threads?
I hate Netflix
Sup Forums had a decent Wes Anderson thread yesterday, are you excited for his upcoming animated movie?
Who will he cast?
What's a movie you watch at least once a year?
Why didn't Mike try to make it in L.A.?
What's the first word that comes to mind when you think of actor Matthew McConaughey?
Was that all? Or are we going to see more of her on Twin Peaks? I was hoping she would have a bigger role in it
This guy chucks a glass of beer on your girl's head
Leftist dystopia in film thread
Man of Steel
Is his Phantasmagoria: A Puzzle of the Flesh let's play YouTubekino?
A mechanical canine
Looks good, just Rick and Morty doing shit instead of Summer and family drama
Guess the morph thread
/got/ general
What the fuck did they mean by this?I thought lotr was kino not some feminist propoganda. Is this shit /reddit/ now?
Sup Forums Meta Thread
I'm in love
Pick a film
"Donald Duck is the 'Louis C.K. of Duckburg' in DuckTales Revival"
Why is she such a cunt?
Why won't they cast her?
ITT Absoulte shit movies Sup Forums had recommended
How stupid do you have to be not to realize that the White Walkers/Others built the Wall to keep the humans out...
So 11 years later, did Kramer EVER recover from his racist rant?
What did she mean by this?
Has a movie ever made you fall asleep in the theater? Pic related for me
Deleted this show halfway through because it kept promoting degeneracy and perversion, but I have to say...
ITT: The most annoying characters from tv shows
How did this make you feel?
Is this the most realistic horror movie ever made?
/bb/ Big Brother 19
/got/ general
Post yfw Chris Hansen tells you to take a seat
Using rush as your main theme
Why did they recast him? Fiennes was crap
Norm Macdonald sucks
What the hell happened
Why is Holly Flax the best Office waifu...
Stop sexualiasing Annie
/who/ - Doctor Who General
How do you age like this in 17 years?
Has there ever been an actor with a more perfect face than Nikolaj Coster-Waldau?
You autists seriously think this movie is scary?
When did Howard Stern stop being cool? Was it Fartman?
A little over three months until release
Lawrence of Arabia
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Predict this movie's RT score
Please be good
/got/ general
Did he do his job well?
Look like meat is back on the menu boys
"What doth life"
Are there movies about some protagonist that serves no purpose and just wanders around
Found out my fiance of three years is a slut who at some point last year was letting strangers fuck her...
Sup Forums doesn't get that the pickle rick is ironic
What is the best film of 2017 so far?
IIT: kino film music
Sup Forums Cup
What went wrong?
/got/ Book Cersei General
Is Don Draper the ideal role model for a man? He is literally the perfect man, he is strong, cool, confident, serious...
She asks what's you're favorite russian movie
Netflix on course to lose over 50% of stock price; customers will be made to pay more
/pickle/ Pickle Rick General
The Witcher - Netflix - Mad Andy Edition
How did it fail so miserably to capture the imagination and sense of adventure brendon's mummy had? this was awful
Director talking about It
Did you do your part and watch /ourgirl/'s movie?
Hates paparazzi
Don't mind me just pirating this snack
What if Cypher was a vegan?
Why was Voyager able to implement a working ECH on its own?
Power ranking Top 5 Game of Thrones. Current events, old people like Robert and dead people like Rhaegar don't count
What does Sup Forums think of redwall?
Post Anime that is worth a live Adaptation
ITT: Films men will never understand
Females can't play villai-
/got/ - Game of Thrones General
Liz Olsen
You know in the His Dark Materials / Golden Compass...
Celebrity Big Brother UK
Post a tv show cast that matches your friend group dynamic and who you are in it, I'll start
Steals the most successful restaurant business of all time
"Pickle Rick" Writer on Adult Swim’s Lack of Shows by Women
What is your favorite actresses from the silent era?
Right wingers hate this show because it will undoubtably bash white people in general and promote white guilt and...
What's going to happen to him in the end?
What's his name?
Objectively bad movie
Any Sup Forums related tatoos?
Is this still the only survival kino?
Quick question Sup Forums
/got/ general
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Rank these directors according to their visual prowess
Name my band
Film doesn't feature any women or the only women in the film have such minor roles that they're insignificant
I don't know what I was expecting, but yeah, this was abysmally bad
So how long until they divorce
ITT we are reddit
Haha, I smuggled a knife into a Jury room
This is Zack Snyder, a director and victim of studio betrayal. Say something nice about him
Me want tater
Are there any good recent movies with a pro-white message?
/got/ general
I used to be in movies you know
Anybody catch real time with bill maher last night?
Watching this right now, discuss this film Sup Forums
Cast the perfect PowerGirl for the inevitable capekino
This is Shailene Woodley, an American actress and activist. Say something nice about her
If you watch these shows your IQ is below 90
DCucks + Raimicucks + TASMcucks BTFO. $300M domestic. $677M worldwide as of 30 july without China and Japan...
Go north. Find the Dunedain. There’s a young ranger amongst them. You should meet him...
Darmak and Jalad at Tenagra
Hey, user. Watch a film with me on my laptop
Will Depp's daughter have a film career?
Other movies like this?
Final Destination Discussion
Trusting studios and agents with your career
How come Chinese are better at making rip-offs of superhero movies than Americans are at making super hero movies...
This is Josh Brolin, he's going to be cable in deadpool 2, say something nice about him Sup Forums
/got/ general
All these leaks but still none of Emma Stone
Is it a dick move to get seats in the center of an row?
So why exactly they didn't use eagles to reach Mordor?
Webm Thread
This is the best animated film ever
D-d-d-did she suck it?
"They iced that nigga?"
Recast it without a monkey in the lead role
Marvel has bad cinematography-
Tell me about him Sup Forums
Yfw you see DETROIT bombing at the BOX OFFICE
Watching Unforgiven with girlfriend
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Anne Hathaway
Do people really emotionally brake down after Killing someone like they do on TV or is that just bullshit moralist...
Now that all the smoke has cleared:
Anyone else pumped for the second season? it's the only show I actually enjoyed last year
"well that's pretty funny"
How the fuck do you even end up 600k in debt?
Nice hiss
But I'm not gay or anything
This board is incapable of grasping anything with any level of subtlety...
/got/ Game of Thrones General
What's her name again?
What the fuck is his problem?
/got/ /bestprincess/ edition
Hey user i emptied your piss jugs for you
Pictured here: Azor in book, Azor in show
Spiderman is a tranny in Homecoming
This is a 10/10 on Sup Forums
Cara Delevigne Wants To Play James Bond, As Rumored Bond 25 Details Emerge
What did he mean by this?
Do grownups really do this?
The eternal debate
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
*eats ur brain*
Your personal 10/10 that you know aren't objectively 10/10's
The name's bond
Have you ordered your Yas Queen Vibrator yet?
I never saw this movie, was he a good Joker?
/got/ Game of Thrones General
Netflix's Andrzej Sapkowski's The Witcher
Thoughts on this young lad?
What r some films about when just before all is lost the good guys finally begin resisting?
Hey mister, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar :3
Bj vid where
What happened to sexy commercials?
Great Tier
50 years have passed
Arnold Schwartzenegger, James Cameron confirmed returning for Terminator 6
This is the dumbest episode of south park. If Matt and Trey did it just to be edgy contrarians, then that's one thing...
Movie is named Akira
What went wrong?
Remember when being a nerd meant more than simply knowing shitty pop-culture references?
What's your favorite movie released pre-1950?
/got/ general
What are some movies where holy people attempt to live pure lives in the face of extreme temptation?
Why is Betty so emotional in Riverdale?
Why did he fail?
So is her film career over now, after the leaks?
ITT: Movies that will leave you scarred
Left or right?
Tfw we won
/got/ general
Poor Pauly, man
Reminder that President Donald Trump is edited out of Home Alone 2 viewings in Canada
Dont they feed the cast on set?
Did you like it?
This film and The Meyerowitz Stories (New and Selected) (2017) generated some controversy after being selected for the...
/bb/ Big Brother 19
Could someone explain to me why this is considered one of Kurosawa's greatest films? I honestly don't see the appeal...
You're a big girl
So what's with all the anti christian propaganda that has been inserted so much in recent media?
Since I was a child I've always struggled to answer one question
Name a better capeshit moment
/got/ general
What went wrong?
The rest is just the same, isn't it?
Dany goes to Westeros with ten-thousand Unsullied, the entire Dothraki people, the Martells, Tyrells, three dragons...
God damn this movie is bad
ITT: cinematic catastrophes
Wtf, I love the beach now
Whom would win?
What do you think of her body of work?
/got/ Game of Thrones General
What made this show pure, unadulterated kino? Does David Simon have some kind of magic touch?
Most popular fan-made couple is incest between aunt and nephew
Hey user would you mind helping me with my homework?
Who's to blame for this?
Im stuck at home, so, give me shit colored movie stills and ill give you back kino
What exactly has Cersei done to make her as evil as everyone says...
This meme will never be funny no matter how hard you try to force it
Is there a better Nautical movie?
It's Friday night. Why are you here?
Characters that Remind You of Yourself
How can one person be so fucking un funny?
Dinner's ready. what movie should i watch?
British boarding school
What did Chloe Sevigny mean by this?
Sammy got whacked?
90% of Sup Forums identify as white nationalists
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
/got/ Game of Thrones General
Why didn't he just bend the knee? it would literally cost him no more than 2 seconds of his time
You score a movie date with a cute girl (pic related)
So why did Ron settle down with literal used goods?, couldn't he find someone better?
Where the fuck are you, Kirk?
What does this song mean?
Using real bullets for a boardroom presentation
/got/ general
Season 1 and 2 are reddit darlings
Why doesn't he just come out of the closet?
What are Sup Forums's favorite podcasts?
ITT: post your current/ex SO's favorite movies
Graboid based
Vietnam movie
Was it good?
Would Be Season 2 MDE World Peace Sketches
Tfw Jay dressed like Limp Bizkit as late as 2012
What the FUCK was his problem?
/got/ general
Watch a godzilla movie
Did he do it? Is he /ourguy/?
Pic related is playing in select theaters nationwide on 8/13 and 8/16 as part of Fathom Events' Turner Classic Movies...
Has the "White Walkers turn a Dragon" theory been covered here?
Is this the greatest film poster ever made?
It was shit
WEBM thread
Is the downfall of CN symbolic of the downfall of culture altogether?
Friday night
/bb/ Big Brother 19
How does Sup Forums feel about pickle rick
Hey, Joseph Gordon Levitt here. You can call me Don Jon
/got/ general
Question here for you connoisseurs of Sup Forums
How do you go from this
Whats your goal body Sup Forums?
What are your thoughts on his le movies?
What is the most garbage opinion you have in regards to cinema?
ITT: Post things that make you mad
This board is incapable of grasping anything with any level of subtlety...
"Are you the fat guy in Hollywood still?"
Sup Forums can we have a fucking skins thread please? It's honestly kino
Has there ever been a successful live action film based on a non-super hero comic series...
It / It 2017 General
What are /tv's/ thoughts on the harry potter series?
You can't be serious marvel HAHAHAHAHAHA
Why didnt Tyrion just have Bronn fight for him in second trial by combat with the mountain instead of some mexican...
What the hell happened to this guy? Did he get too old to keep getting cast as a 15 year old?
/got/ general
This show was never funny
/who/ - Doctor Who General
If Ellaria Sand being left in Cersei's dungeon counts as her being written off the show, doesn't that mean Cersei lives?
Does Sup Forums like the Neverending Story? Is it fairytale kino?
Worst timeline
There is only one Trilogy
Was he a piece of shit?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
More Information Benicio Del Toro's "DJ" In STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI
Flash is OP
Post your favorite sex scene, I need to bust a nut
Did we like Okja? I think it was the best thing Netflix has produced so far
You keep saying MI2 was bad... You really shouldn't
Prequelfags BTFO
What are your thoughts on this upcoming kino masterpiece?
“Was that racist, or did it just seem racist...
Guardians of Galaxy is Better Trilogy then Star Wars
I hate normies so fucking much holy shit I am about to fucking reeee
Who did you main?
/got/ general
ITT: Cringekino Interviews
So was Star Trek 1 just a rip off of 2001 Space Odyssey?
Indian cinema
Where my /Porg/ bros at?
Sounds about white
What the fuck did Verhoeven mean by this?
Could THIS be anymore of a Friends thread?
Why do Italian women age like milk?
The Last Jedi spoilers...
Any other movies with absolutely ZERO women in the cast...
I've been working on my buddy cop action film script for a few months
What doth life? ahahaha
I'm sorry, the card says "Moops"
Honest opinions?
What's the worst movie you've ever seen in the theater? I'm still mad I paid money for Date Movie
Is it just me...?
Still the best OP of any show ever
Why did it flop?
I pray to God every night that feminists will get btfo. Please Sup Forums...
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Doctor Pavel, i'm CHLOE
Why is burgerland TV shit?
What are you top 5 films of 2017 so far?
/got/ general
/got/ general
Now that the dust has settled
Your favourite actress
Should men play trans women in movies? Or should only trans people get to play trans people...
Any movies on being ugly?
What're your thoughts on Samantha Bee's body of work?
Is it true she was only killed off because the irl actress demanded no more nude scenes even though she is a nobody who...
Why didn't they cast a child actress who could act for Hermione Granger?
What are some films from this collection that you've seen, and would personally recommend?
/lbg/- Letterboxd General
/lbg/ - Letterboxd General
Dunkirk vs Ghostbusters 2016
Post actors/actresses you want to meat
Peter weyland is the real bad guy in the prequals. Will mans pursuit of AI doom us all?
Literally Redddit Repellent the show
Reddit - the character
You will never experience LOTR in the theatre for the first time
/got/ general
Why Is The New Star Wars Cast So Ugly?
The Merchant of Venice 2004
Was he /ourguy/ ?
Get nearly wiped out by alien race
Movie Theaters Have a Bigger Problem Than This Summer of Duds
What does Sup Forums think of Karl Urban?
What are some essential spongekinos?
/bb/ Big Brother 19
Just marathoned the first 9 minutes, when does it get good?
From the writer of 'Sicario' and 'Hell or High Water'...
Anyone else cringe whenever they refer to it as Hell's Kitchen? Just call it New York, for fuck's sake
Tasteful way to do the orgy scene?
He may have been your father boy, but he wasn't your daddy
Are we entering an age of avant-garde television?
/got/ general
What does Sup Forums think of Supernatural? I just started watching it, I think it's pretty good
Got this yesterday. Will Sup Forums get the reference?
What roles do you think best Emma should take to expand her horizon...
"Ben Affleck: Justice League is 'an interesting product of two directors'"
Anybody buying a 4K tv now is wasting their time and money...
What does Sup Forums think of Krysten Ritter?
Doctor Who General - /who/ - Missy Who Edition
The Witcher - Netflix
Seeing Dunkirk today
*loud autistic breathing*
Dark Matter
Post your childhoo TV shows and others rate you and guess things about you
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Its official now
/got/ general:
Why didn' whitei jus' hijack da eagles ???
Why are there so many scrupulously groomed twinks in Nolan's Dunkirk?
She's finished
50-Year-Old Superheroes Present New Challenges for Hollywood Fitness Gurus
Explain why RnM is bas WITHOUT mentioning,inferring, or implying Reddit ONCE
Video Game Adaptations
Is this the greatest performance of any TV character...
Uh... David Duke and M-Moonman *smirks at the camera*
This is a Martian space marine
How about a live action Archie series actually about Archie and uses the stories from the comics?
What went wrong?
entire movie is about a white guy who locks the apes in a concentration camp and makes them build a wall with tons of...
Was Batman v Superman simply too deep for modern audiences to understand?
Is this the pinnacle of Baykino?
/got/ general
So...this is it huh? Sup Forums has become so shit that we now praise literal stoner "deep" mumble shit...
Not good
Post some reality kino
WebM Thread
There are people on Sup Forums that think the dog episode was better
In many ways, the work of a critic is easy. We risk very little...
Would you do it?
Was Angel really better than Buffy?
What are some movies where the good guy dies?
So what's gonna happen to him?
/got/ general
More than an hour long episodes
Didn't you wonder why you were getting checks for doing absolutely nothing?
You can't name a better movie franchise
Why is he bald?
Patrick Stewart is 77 years old now. Do you think he will die?
What is the best Bond film?
This fucking cunt. Dumb bitch didn't use a computer
"Fielder said the last episode of the season is something huge that grew bigger than he expected."
Why didn't he just run? That charge was utterly pointless
Who was in the wrong here?
/got/ general
Literally /ourguy/
Reminder Sid did nothing wrong
Not even Jamie Foxx could save this movie from being the most average movie of the year
ITT: Oh yeah, that happened
Scenes where young actors are made to look old, compared to how they ACTUALLY looked when they got old
Will he die in The Last Jedi?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Is she a good director?
South Park BTFO
Get hyped
What are the best comedies of the last decade ?
Will we ever get a documentary about china and the shit that goes on there?
/got/ general
Jay has amazing restraint. I would have got up and smashed a beer bottle over his head
Why aren't there any comfy sitcoms these days, Sup Forums?
I want a television series where all the dialogue is sharp and everyone speaks in an artificially elevated manner...
What was this film even going for?
Lol good luck getting Mads back, he only wants them big bucks now unless you are from where he was born
WebM thread
Tfw the new kinometer arrives
/got/ general
Wait, so...
A couple years ago it was Breaking Bad
Simpsons jokes you don't understand
ITT - Characters that Remind You of Yourself
What are some movies about being inadequate in every single way as a man?
Movie trailer
*leans back*
Robin Williams August 11th 2014
What's the tv/movie equivalent of this album?
Please find a good actress to recast Dany
Well Gosh dang it, yall reckon my old friend Samuel Shepard Rogers III ain't fixin to come back to this here honkytonk...
/got/ general
/who/ Dr Who General
Is ex machina an anti feminist film?
Who was in the wrong here?
Dead Career General
Was prime Leo GOAT actor interns of looking?
Why is she so perfect bros
Whats some good depressioncore so i can feel SAD and wish i was DEAD at every moment
ITT: Scary Scenes
So now that the dust has settled what did I think?
ITT: Times you acted like Pennywise
Haha look everyone, I called a bad movie kino! hahaha! comedy gold! epic for the win!
Holy shit this movie is terrifying. I hope this fucker is on a terrorist watch list now
Who is better to watch kino with?
This is just the Simpsons except not funny
We have to fucking discuss this
Why did Worf never make it to command?
/got/ general
Was the crossover the worst animated episode ever?
Really makes u think
50 Shades
ITT: post your Sup Forums filter list
Just saw pic related for the first time, I don't think I fully understand the ending...
What movies do Stacys watch?
Villains Who Were Rightfully Punished
The problem with Dany et E.Clarke
Are there people that really believe that BB is better than BCS? can't be true can it...
Alien: Covenant
Was it kino?
ITT underrated villains
Let's talk about this kino
We need someone to play a Russian who's not actually Russian
Why are Germans always villain in movies?
The big question
It's not funny
/bb/ Big Brother 19
Shin Godzilla subs potential v2
Watching Hannibal (2001)
The Dark Tower - thoughts?
Was he /ourguy/ ?
Why the hell is this so expensive, I just want to own my childhood favorite
About to start watching this. What exactly is so "smart" about it?
Video game adaptations
What is the best comedy kino and why is it pic related?
Why dont films use attractive people anymore?
Friendly reminder that this is the final boss of the MCU
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General:
What is the ideal cast?
What are you watching tonight, user?
Are the simspons redpilled on women?
Why does Sup Forums dislike when Arya does it but when Oberyn does it's fine?
Vue might as well be dead
Why all the hate for her character? Because she has dragons?
How do male actors deal with getting erections?
A Sherman beat a Tiger tank in a 1v1
When was the last time you clapped after watching a film at a theater?
The Witcher - Netflix
*blocks your redditors
Mfw it's a question!!
Should I watch Love season 2 on Netflix? Is it an improvement on S1?
How would you explain what makes this show so 'reddit' to someone who hasn't seen it before?
ITT: failed Sup Forums memes
What are some films where the bad guys win?
Yfw the leaked nudes are less fulfilling than her film nudes
YouTube Kino is Dead
Forget Death Note
Favorite memes from other boards?
/DChad/ General : Borg Life Edition
I'm sorry, the card says "Moops"
He turns 50 tomorrow bros. Say something nice about him
I just watched this. How did she know where the tan Sierra was? Was that literal luck?
It was all in his head wasnt it?
‘Justice League’ actor says Joss Whedon reshoots will “lighten up the film”
So who was in the wrong in this show?
How do I tell my family that I'm dangerously close to killing myself and desperately need help?
What's the story, Wishbone?
ITT: Spin-Offs That Were Better Than The Movie
So they were gay, right?
Tfw no numnums
What the hell happened to her career? when she got the reduction seem s like everything went off a cliff...
ITT: Post your favorite Spanish translations
The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where feed and seed both end in the sound "-eed"...
/bb/ Big Brother 19
Meow :3
Why is this considered the scariest movie of all time? it's not even top 5
What was he thinking?
Damn, Pablo looks like THAT
/got/ general
/got/ general
Reminder thar Rick never said 'GOD'S NOT REAL MORTY'
I love Metallica and my favorite album is
Films about social isolation/alienation?
Are they wrong?
Is he our guy?
ITT masterpieces hidden behind their genre/concept
You guys are excited for Young Sheldon right?
This is Sigourney Weaver. Say something nice about her career
How many times have you watched it already?
Now that the dust has settled
/bb/ Big Brother 19
Anyone else want to unironically fuck his sisters?
What are the chances you could receive a blow to the head that wouldn't render you unconscious but would cause...
IT preview leak
ITT movies that have god tier opening scenes but go to shit after that
/got/ general
Kino jumpscares?
NBC Trying To Reboot THE MUNSTERS…Again
Documentaries general
Arya and Bran get to Winterfell
Is this the best music documentary ever made?
Star Wars: The Last Jedi Images
Simpsons jokes you don't understand
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...