Question here for you connoisseurs of Sup Forums.
Has there ever been a Season of TV as a "piece" that's ever been as good as True Detective Season 1?
I'm pretty sure this is the pinnacle. Prove me wrong.
Question here for you connoisseurs of Sup Forums.
Has there ever been a Season of TV as a "piece" that's ever been as good as True Detective Season 1?
I'm pretty sure this is the pinnacle. Prove me wrong.
It lost that title after they killed Reggie
It's another 'provide objective proof for a subjective view' garbage troll thread.
No, it's the best miniseries ever made.
The Night Of is pretty solid, check it out.
Not really m8. Just that I'm too busy for TV and need something as good as True Detective when I can actually see some TV.
I hear Love Island is pretty good.
Both seasons of Utopia
>busy people post on Sup Forums
>too busy for TV
Shut the fuck up. Sniff out suggestions catered to your entitled tastes like the rest of us
I'd say GoT S1 probably ties with it. But yeah, it's practically flawless.
Some would argue Westworld.
What do you want from me m8, it's Friday and I've had a few lines of coke. You're my only friends I have to talk to.
It's Friday? I wish I had friends and a job that didn't make me lose my sense of time. Last week I legitimately thought it was 7:30 pm when it was 7:30am
I thought season 2 of Fargo was really great, but it obviously doesn't quite match the tone of True Detective.
Many because it's not as great as you wish it was.
I'd rather watch the 1st season of Homicide: Life on the Streets than TD.
Any day, all day.
Who the fuck is arguing this?
Fuck I miss coke
The Wire Season 4.
Yes. The Prisoner. 1967. Years ahead of its time. Not kino. Definitely TV, but excellent TV.
True Detective tripped up on its own bullshit and fell apart for the second half of the series.
The Leftovers Season Two
Season 1 was SO good, it's ruining Twin Peaks Season 3 for me...ROO-EEN.
I agree OP I would call it perfect in every way
True Detective S1 isn't just the best TV ever made, it's the best visual media ever made period. Literally every single scene in is perfect. Every line of dialogue is perfect. Every shot.
Well, seeing as most shows don't have each season as a different story, no.
This years Love Island was unironically kino though.
Breaking bad
>he thinks rus and his reddit tier philosophy is deep
I offer The Young Pope.
Band of Brothers
I, Claudius
Show Me A Hero
Generation: Kill
All superior single seasons of television in my opinion
80% of it was plagiarized garbage and matt was just playing the same fucking role he always does, only a little more cynical.
Fuck no.
Westworld had great parts, but the plotline with the black chick forcing the engineers to help her break out was so bad it drags the whole show down by at least 2 points on a scale of 1-10.
I hope you have some benzos or good indica man, cause coke comedowns are the WORST comedowns I've ever had.
The Young Pope
Game of Thrones Season 1
The Wire Season 3 or 2
Band of Brothers
Generation KIll
House of Cards season 1
Twin Peaks Season 1
Rome Season 1
Deadwood Season 1
Gomorra (Italian TV series) Season 1
Mr. Robot Season 1
Hannibal Season 2
Maybe Breaking Bad Season 4.
Furthermore it's not even close to the pinnacle. The whole season takes a big nosedive after the 4th episode and the finale is quite a bit of letdown save for the finale scene between Rust and Marty
That story arc and the atrocious finale killed any excitement I had for the second season.
Westworld is a fucking mess thematically and there are so few likable or relatable characters.
Only MIB is relatable. Glad he's back for season 2.
True Detective s1 is easily one of the best tv shows of all time.
That's not to say it's perfect - it's not
But it's effectively what great movies could be if they had time to breathe and really play out the script.
You know why people say books are better than their movies? Because have the luxury of drawing out the themes and character development. This is basically what TD was able to do.
Mind you, it was beneficial it was only one season as opposed to 7 like GoT. There comes a point where its just fucking around and aimless - keeping things tightly knit in one season avoids this.
It's about balance.