Sup Forums Cup

It's time niggas! Sup Forums will prevail!

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WTF is this reddit lol

It's a Sup Forums tradition. Take a break from watching got and cheer for Sup Forums's team.

We're up next. Us versus /vr/

Yeah, that's why I made the thread. Hopefully folk'll see in time.

We dont have pickle rick on the team so it's a GUARANTEED LOSS

Wow i never realized pro evo had this level of customization

these custom names, faces and national anthem got a chuckle out of me

never heard of this before thanks for the heads up


What positions do you play?

just score my goals up


you were in the /his/ thread you fucking faggot.






Where can i watch this or how?

Check the wiki in the OP

smashcast. Its on the front page.

>However as Goalkeeper

racists belong on

Sup Forums Cup and Winter Ball are both stupid RPing shit and I think it's retarded that they let this shit waste a thread on Sup Forums. Keep this shit in /qa/.

Sup Forums IN THE TOP 8

i loled

Yeah, well I think Winter ball is retarded rp shit and 4cc has lots of people making genuine efforts to make something fun to watch.

Why is our emblem so shit?

jesus they have the banners made, the characters and everything. How much time did they invest in all this shit?

Yeah, a dozen threads of no importance and useless shit like Sup Forumsshit and that tattooshit, as well as memeshit with gf's not understanding movies and similar crap are very Sup Forums oriented.

>these commentators

That doesn't even make any sense.


>it aint me stops plays

>get victory theme wrong

>It ain't me starts playing

Why is the Tron theme our victory theme?


>all these newfags ITT

Think it's special occassion since it's /vr/ that got trashed. They're 'retro' after all. Usually it's It ain't me.

Why do /an/ have boss nigger and not us


This is new to me. Are the teams controlled by CPU? Who chooses formations and roster?

There are usually threads before each cup when managers ask for player suggestions.

Teams are controlled by AI, yeah. Each board has its manager, they set the formations, rooster, etc and send it all to Boris, who runs the whole thing then and streams. During games, managers can call a time-out to change tactics, players and such.

