I saw the whole season 1 and 2. Everything is very clear to me except:
Why was Cooper shot?
I saw the whole season 1 and 2. Everything is very clear to me except:
watch season 3 for the answers to that
Jodie, they explain it really quick I think in episode 28 or something
Also, who attacked Jacoby?
Watch the movie ASAP
Leland. Jacoby said he smelt gasoline, which is what people smell when Bob is near
They explain this in Josie's drawer knob episode
I wanted to know WHY, they do explain everything of how josie pulled all off. but what was the reason to shot an FBI?
>Josie's drawer knob episode
Is that Twin peaks 2017?? or the fact she transported?
Finish season 2 dumbass
Watched all. They never explain Why she shot Cooper, there was no reason to do that.
before she dies she says she shot him to prevent the possibility of him arresting her
Because she's a dumb bitch
I love Twin Peaks and defend so much about s2, but God I hate that Josie is the one that shot Coop
She started to lose it and thought Cooper's real assignment was her.
Scorched engine oil, not gasoline
Is season 3 worth getting into?
I hear some really bad shit about it
I don't think it was meant to be Jodie, but they didn't have anyone else.
It's different from the first two seasons, but it's definitely great television, don't let yourself get discouraged by plebs.
Here's the flow chart for whether or not Twin Peaks is for you.
>seasons 1+2: watch up to episode 3 (s01e02), if you don't like it then you won't like the rest
>The Return: watch fire walk with me, if you don't like it then you won't like season 3
Season 3 is more like FWWM than the first two seasons. Most people bitch and moan about it because they expected more fanservice and similarity to S01/S02, and instead they got a Twin Peaks-flavored collage of Lynch's entire filmography.
season 3 is the best of the lot, the only people who don't like it are the ones who want a nostalgiafest where the same characters sit around drinking coffee and eating pie all day
I love Season 3 but that's exactly what the old characters do.
season 3 is best season. The fact that they allow something like this on tv almost redeems decades of pleb shit pouring out 24 hours a day.
yes, it's great
Thoughts on episode 8? Could a normal person even stomach it? Made me realize that the world in Eraserhead is the underbelly of all of Lunch's philosophies.
it's shit
only redditors love it