The Merchant of Venice 2004

So recently watched this movie.
Had a question about jews , Was Shakespeare anti semite or jews are like that?
Spoilers ahead if you have not read it or seen it.
So Shylock gave up his religion to have his fortune back. I mean how could one give up his religion? Are jews really that greedy? I will give up my life rather than give up my religion

Also Lynn Collins was damn beautiful in this movie.

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The Jewish religion is the worship of money. It was about usury. Which before merchants took over the world with capitalism (state sponsored usury) was considered a major sin.

Accumulating capital and lying to gentiles are acts of worship to the god of Jews

It was really just reiterating catholic doctrine regarding jews at the time, that is no one has the right to harm the jew but you shouldn't tolerate their mischief. You can see it in the "if you prick us do we not bleed?" monologue. The jews are still people and deserve to be treated with like people.

>The jews are still people and deserve to be treated with like people.

wow Shakespeare was a fucking cuck

That was always the stance of the catholic church. poison sellers need poison buyers, the jews were not much of a threat if you maintained strong morality. Of course they put too much faith in the common man and didn't think jews would brainwash the young so much. There were hopes to convert the jews, the problem is this often failed as they would only pretend to convert. Still they wanted to avoid random mob killings of jews and were quite successful considering the animosity.

>I will give up my life rather than give up my religion
sup muhamad

Sup Amazing Atheist. You must be fun around parties.

There was a jewish musician who the jews claimed was the messiah who converted to islam over death lol.

Jews are really like that, and he was anti-Semitic. Voltaire was also anti-Semitic. Rly makes u think , it's almost like Jews really are assholes and people who have been around them can confirm

It happened a lot in Spain. They gave them two choices: convert or leave. There were many who were found secretly practicing Judaism and executed.

A large problem with judaism is that lying is acceptable, because they believe god can not be understood by man. How can you lie if you don't know what truth is? Thus they have no problem being unprincipled. Christians believe the nature of god is logos so they avoid this problem.

Literally everyone was anti-semetic until the "holocaust"

Am Catholic (and Shakespeare was too) and can conform it's the almost-official church doctrine. Or at least was before the cuckening of the current non-pope.
Of course the Jews used our credulity by marrying some devilishly gorgeous Jewish women to the brightest goyim.

>hurrr shakespeare was anti-semetic
>hahaha based shakespeare was le redpilled
>conveniently ignores shylock's whole "hath not a jew eyes" speech which advocates against anti-semitism

I used to believe people were sympathetic to jews because of Holocaust.
But I didn't knew Jews were persecuted since middle ages. Can you believe how it was to forced to live in ghettos?

Yes the moral was don't hate the jew because he's a semite. hate the jew because judaism is an evil ideology.

Yes to be forced to live with people who share your ancestry, religion and culture because you keep subverting everyone else is like anudda shoah.

It goes much older than that. I don't even nazis hated Jews the way Romans and Greeks hated them.


fucking lol

Is Merchant of Venice 2004 a good way to see it for the first time?

early anglicanism was almost identical to Catholicism it was only made so the king could loot church property and have more control.

I never got how the Merchant of Venice was considered anti-semetic. Shylock, apart from being a bit too obsessed with vengeance/greed, is by far the most complex and relatable character in the entire story.

Shylock goes through some personal shit whilst continually being mocked and discriminated against. His biggest bullies borrow some gold with a clearly written contract. They then renege on the deal and whilst being pathetic and whining about the big bad jew, they use their connections with the local nobles to force Shylock into giving up his religion, his daughter and his pride.

if anything its anti christian

I'd read it first. The 2004 flm is great but they speak shakespearian very quickly.

Christians are shown in good light And the Christian characters have a happily ever after ending.

are they? I must of missed that. They all come across as vapid closeted idiots to me. And in macbeth the english win, doesnt mean its anti scottish

As a stupid religious person and collectivist sheep, your perspective isn't valid. A fortune is a practical and material. It can do good for you, for your family, for others. A religion is less than nothing, a tool of control that some authority brainwashed you with.

It was written at a time when Jews were banned from England. Like with many similar issues in his other plays, Shakespeare’s character has to broadly reflect the English monarchy’s policy in order to avoid censorship (and persecution), so, yes, Shylock is very much the villain and his defeat is very much a comic triumph. However, the fact that he is by far the most complex, human and, arguably, sympathetic character in spite of this shows either that Shakespeare was not an anti-Semite, or at least that he felt it was dangerous to unquestioningly accept monarchical policy. You can see the same thing in his other plays with other issues such as racism, religion, sexism etc.

A side note is the interesting parallel with Christopher Marlowe. He was publicly an atheist which was a severe offence and probably would’ve ended him up in prison were he not to die in a bar fight. He didn’t give a shit what the monarchy or public thought, which is reflected in his popular but controversial plays Tamburlaine and Dr Faustus which were decried as blasphemous and heretical. And yet his view on Jews seems much more conservative than Shakespeare’s - The eponymous figure in Jew of Malta, the main inspiration for The Merchant of Venice (which was originally called The Jew of Venice), is selfish, hypocritical, backstabbing, moneygrabbing and basically the embodiment of pure evil.