What does Sup Forums think of Supernatural? I just started watching it, I think it's pretty good

What does Sup Forums think of Supernatural? I just started watching it, I think it's pretty good.

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Fifth season is breddy gud, but the show jumps the shark around Season 6 or 7.

everyone agrees season 1-5 was the best

after that opinion is divided, some people will say to stop watching, others like me will say to keep watching for the comfy bromance, some of the following seasons are hit and miss, but lately it has gotten much better again

even the bad seasons have some good episodes

show goes to shit when they introduce the leviathans

I prefer the first seasons when it was a monster of the week show and main plot wasnt so important

season 1-5 is cozykino

>tfw I will never be Dean

The comfiest stuff on TV, famalamski.

Been watching it since I was 11, I'm too far in the deep in to drop the show. Pretty solid show despite some of it's flaws.
>Seasons:(1,2,3,4,5) - Are the high point
>Seasons: (6,7) - Generally agreed to be the low point of the show
>Seasons: (8,9) - Not as good as the first 5 seasons, but a big step up from the previous two
>Seasons: (10,11,12) - A bit shaky at points, but still has plenty of enjoyable moments through out these seasons.
Looking forward to Season 13.

Skip season 7 for the love of all that is good in the world. Other than that, this show is pretty fun. I used to be obsessed with occult shit when this show started, and seeing it (mostly) accurately portrayed was great.

>They meet god
>Show somehow keeps spitting out more seasons
It should've ended there desu

>Fifth season is breddy gud, but the show jumps the shark around Season 6 or 7.
If I credit this show for anything, it's that they jumped the shark, and then just kept finding increasingly larger sharks to jump after that. At this point, it's so wrapped up in its own ludicrous mythos that it's become like some weird postmodern commentary on action-fantasy shows.

Which... is fine. I mean, all the best episodes were the weird 4th-wall-breaking meta episodes anyway.

saw up season 9 or something

good show

Quit at the end of season five.


Holy shit, I was going to ask how young you were to start when you were 11, then I realized I started when I was 14 (at season 4) and I'm 23 now. It doesn't feel like this show is as long running as it is, it started in 2005.

Like many people here said, season 1-5 are pretty good. I don't know why but the monster of the week stuff also reminded me of 90s series in a way. Even the crappy seasons(mostly 6 and 7) have some enjoyable episodes.

Don't know how it keeps going after 12 seasons though. I always thought it wasn't that popular so not sure how it makes any money. It's pretty cool that the two leads are friends IRL and were the best men at each other's weddings.

I guess after 12 years of costarring you either become good friends or you become so sick of each other that it ruins your acting.

FInally getting rid of Crowley should help. Remember when in season 1 a Demon was the ultimate turbo evil? Then they became a joke,.

Dad would be very upset.

Just watch seasons 1-5. That was the original intent of the creators. They had the whole arc planned out and only wanted to do 5 seasons.

After season 5 it gets ridiculous and the plot always tries to one up itself every season. There might be good monster of the week eps here and there, but the overall driving arc is crap.

It took me over a month to get through it all, finished yesterday.
Reflects my experience, the first few episodes of Season 1 before the overarching plot kicks in were the best.
I've got plenty of cpmplaints, not the least of which is that the writers change to rules they play by every season or two, but there was enough promise to keep me going.
What the hell Crowley?
Am I supposed to understand that he just got super suicidal? Did I miss something?


This is when I stopped watching.

It's never going to end. It's been CW's 3rd most watched show for ages now.

Only Flash and Supergirl are beating it.

how was the latest season? I didn't watch it and I don't remember Sup Forums talking about it. Dean was hanging out with mom is all I know.

>watching supernatural for the plot

Not necessary, everything just took a toll on Crowley & it reached a tipping point:
>Constantly being back-stabbed by his underlings & his associates in general
>His love/hate relationship with the Winchesters & Castiel
>Being humanized a bit by Sam back in the Season 8 finale
>His mother coming back
>His son dying (again)
>Lucifer humiliating him.
It's pretty understandable what Crowley did if you look back at what he's gone through in the past 6-7 seasons.

Ups and downs. The main threat, excluding the setup for next season's threat, was a bunch of pure humans. That seriously de-escalated the GOD V GOD'S SISTER SMACKDOWN APOCOLPSE 3.0 LIVE AT THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE AMPHITHEATER THIS THURSDAY UNTIL THE END OF TIME crap, but on the other hand it meant a lot of painful interpersonal drama and a poor attempt at writing humans to replace monsters.

My biggest complaint is that basically every monster looks human. I'm sure it's because of budget, but I don't care I wanna see Sam and Dean fight a huge dragon.
Other than that and Felicia Day, it's a pretty comfy show.

I actually liked that, it made them more menacing in a way.

Like everyone else says - it's a solid show from seasons 1 to 5, and past that it just gets bizarre, which isn't a bad thing, but may not be one's cup of tea.

It does with a lot of them but the dragon was where it got annoying for me. A normal dragon is already pretty menacing.

Forgot to quote you, sorry

So who's the S13 big bad besides Jack?
>From AltWorld
>Winchesters know him
>We haven't seen him in years
Alt versions of any of the archangels seem to be at the top of the list, maybe AltDeath, any others?

it gets bad real quick, I suggest stopping after maybe end of season 2 and just forgetting about the show

>yfw evil john

I could roll with that. Just not villainous Castiel again.

Alternate world Bobby told Sam & Dean their version of John Winchester has been dead for 40 years, so that doesn't seem likely.

It's gonna be someone fucking dumb like yellow eyes.

I really hope Death isn't really dead and just left because he was sick of their shenanigans or something.

>mfw killing Death was one of the most casual "whatever" moments in the show

It's a shame he left the show on bad terms.

The way they killed of alpha vamp was fucking dumb, they could have done something way bigger with him.

i would skip that season with amanda tapping in it. i love amanda tapping and i love she guest-starred in spn in a major role but they created a gaping plot hole which is heaven could control all their angels including castiel and wipe their memories and they can do it in while castiel was talking with someone on earth like that scene when castiel was talking to that angel kid who was tortured. why didn't heaven do that in the first season castiel appeared? to me that season where castiel never had free will does not exist!

yeah, pic related, i hate so so much everyone involved in that abomination of a plot hole.

Dunno man Fredric Lehne was pretty cool. One of the better villains imo

Remember how killing that reaper billy was supposed to have a cosmic shitstorm with it? What the fuck happened to that especially since a normal reaper dying causes shit and death causes jack shit

There's still one more Prince of Hell left, Asmodeus. He could possibly show up in Season 13.

Probably the dumbest thing ever done on the show as well.

A guy that has the power to reap god, who has been around for billions of years, is going to give the only weapon in existence that can kill him, to a guy whose never followed any sort of rules.

>reaper billy
She was fucking horrible

I could see Alternate Azazel happening. He killed Alternate world Mary too, so it would be interesting to see how he'd react to Lucifer & Mary being in his world

I think they said It's going to be an old character

>summoning death causes a storm that was suppose to wipe out a city
>later on the brothers just summon death for petty tasks

Yep, least her death didn't retcon a shitload of stuff like the Tessas did.

yeah, it's budget constraints.

the dragons did have a giant traditional dragon form but it was not directly shown. we see people looking up at the sky and we hear wings and dragon roar and the look of fear in people's eyes and the way they look up indicates it's a large monster.

but they do great things to go about the budget constraints like how angels "fly" off. or that scene when castiel flies up into second floor window from the street. it's very simple yet very effective.

>>summoning death causes a storm that was suppose to wipe out a city
I don't think that was the case. Lucifer was commanding him at the time. Just summoning him wasn't disastrous.

I liked his fast food shtick

I don't remember Castiel ever flying. You mean the teleporting?

I think that was more the first time just because of him being locked away or some stupid shit, fuck knows I stopped caring after 5.

maybe it was teleporting but i got the impression he flew to the second floor because of the sound of wings fluttering. it was that ep when lucifer trapped castiel in a ring of holy oil fire. i think it was also the ep where all those reapers were standing congregating in a city. castiel was walking down street, he looks up at 2nd floor window, camera pans up to window, we hear fluttering wings, we see castiel in 2nd floor window looking down at street where he was standing.

stop at six

I'm finishing 11 right now

the storm was intended to wipe out chicago. death was supposed to kill off chicago but in the pizza diner scene death changed his mind when dean asked "and chicago?" and said he'll let chicago live because he likes the pizza.

Lucifer still had to wipe out an entire town to even summon him on that battlefield/farm

And their wings being broken takes away their ability to "teleport". I think it's the same thing for angels.

we've already encountered three immensely powerful beings who existed before creation (that is, god/chuck did not create them): chuck, amara and death. maybe there are others?

who created the pagan gods? maybe they're less powerful beings who existed before creation and moved into earth after chuck created it?

That was just to initially free Death. Before Lucifer got released, all 4 of the horsemen were apparently imprisoned.

lucifer's way of summoning was one way. sam and dean had to do research to find an alternate way and they discovered a second way which needed that "frozen lightning" thing ("frozen act of god" or something like that?). maybe lucifer did not know the second way but he probably knew and just preferred the massacre way.

Fuck you, season 7 is worth watching. It was a refreshing mixup to the show and had some great episodes.
>Those Robbie Thompson episodes

The ones that brought in felicia day?

>Robbie Thompson
His season 7 episodes are definitely fun except the Felecia day one.


If bobby was still a hunter rufus will be too.

"The End"Ws such a fucking baller episode.
I hope one day they run with it. Have some sort of super disaster that the Winchesters FAIL to stop.

Let there be an entire post apocalypse season. The main fight against evil finally over and lost. Let them just drive around a ruined America trying to help out those who remain.

Would be cool but probably won't work with their budgetary restrictions.

Yep, the Apocalypse shown here would be downgraded to a few unwashed windows and grass being left a bit overgrown.

they're following the general trend in television and movies and creating a spinoff aimed at females. not interested in watching. i wish they would also create a spinoff for guys but *sigh* studios are not interested in making shows for guys anymore. they're interested in the teengirl market.

You know what I'd like... if this shit somehow actually had an impact on the planet.

- Thousands of demons get released through a hells gate... no one on the planet knows anything.
- Lucifer gets released, storms and a whole fuckload of shit happens... a few news reports but other than that the country is unaware.
- Eve creates loads of new monsters, wipes out towns... no one knows anything.
- Leviathans... same shit, no one is aware.
- Angels fall from the skies... and fucking nothing about it having any impact on the world.
- Amara fucks over a town... nothing.

It's gotten to the point where a demon could nuke California or something, and no one in the world would even fucking notice.

Then they'd have to actually account for their actions and somebody would have to consider previous events when writing episodes. Too much work when you can just insert and argument and a Brooding dean scene.

It would be interesting if they did a season wherein the general public finds out or at least the government and they hire hunters as consultants. Seeing the brothers in a leadership role would be a nice change of pace.

>Then they'd have to actually account for their actions
They kinda had to with the brits

You have to wonder, how will they END it?

It can't go on that much longer can it?

dean had sex with an angel and sam had sex with a demon (repeatedly) so maybe off-screen the angel and demon gave birth to sons and spinoff will be about the two boys (teen boys or young adult boys) hunting and trying to find their place on earth. sam's half-demon son will be the sensitive one who, despite being half-demon, always does the morally good thing and is constantly trying to keep his cousin, who despite his half-angel side, is cocky and prone to making troublesome decisions, out of trouble. and they're living with adam who is finally freed from the cage.

The girls they fucked died though.

I recently watched finished the first 5 seasons. I started watching S6E1 just to see what they'd do with it. Turned it off after they IT MUST HAVE BEEN GOD shit and decided to call it a day. All the dying but not really dying and the deus ex machina gets tedious.

I think Cas and Ruby were both around long enough to have a baby.

they have noticed it but they just chalk it up to weird weather. like the falling angels are just unusually heavy meteorites. and when amara was destroying the sun, a scientist was shown on tv stating that it's normal saying that the sun goes through a cycle of dimming and brightening.

like when news reports a busload of kids is killed we think how awful and crazy people are. we do not think that it's one of the seals of lucifer's cage being broken.

some did notice the demon smoke getting released but then they got possessed.

the people who do notice these things and try to warn others are just laughed at as crazy kooks.

not right away. it was already stated that one year on earth is 40 years in hell so demon girl sam sexed could have gone there gave birth. same with angel girl. time in heaven could run differently from earth.

cas and ruby has son and he wants to take over the world. half-angel and half-demon sons of sam and dean have to stop him.


But too much strange shit has happened for the government not to have fucking noticed. And after 12 years of more and more strange shit happening, it's just getting retarded now, that Supernatural shit is still hidden to the public.

they tried a spin-off series aimed at teengirls and one ep (i think it was season 8 but i might have misremembered which season) was supposed to be a pilot for that. it was the ep where in chicago there're vampire family, werewolf family and, i think, shapeshifter family kinda like mafia-style families and they had a romeo-and-juliet type theme where guy from vampire family is in love with girl from werewolf family and it wasn't about hunting but about soapy teengirl stuff like family in-fighting alliances drama backstabbing.

all that twilight vampire diaries stuff didn't appeal to me. i guess it didn't appeal to a lot because they cancelled that spin-off.

>Which... is fine

I'm surprised that this is always my lasting impression after I decide to catch up out of boredom and lingering curiosity about the Winchesters. Their sporadic MOTW episodes still hit it out of the park every time though

Say what you want about Day, I was never a fan either. But Robbie Thompson is the best writer Supernatural ever had besides Kripke himself. Carver and Edlund are up there too but he's superb. And I wasn't even talking about Charlie's first episode, I was referring to Slash Fiction and Time After Time.
>two Leviathans take the forms of Sam and Dean and go on a nationwide killing spree
>Henry Winchester time travels to 2015 and meets his grandsons, explaining what happened to him. also introduces Abaddon

it's not as if a giant 50-foot demon was seen walking down a major city. what's happening in spn universe is basically more weird weather and more weird killings. right now in our own universe we're getting weirder weather and we just say it's climate change and it's the new normal. and all the weird killings are just more crazy people becoming crazier. in spn universe, that holmes guy could have been demon possessed and the movie theatre killings was a seal broken to release lucifer but no one is saying that because we assume that he's just a crazy person in a world with more and more crazy people.

gabriel caused a power outage throughout the east (or was it west?) coast and that is weird but still not something that would make people think an angel must have cause it. didn't north america have a major power outage once irl?

I thought Day would Yoko Ono the show up but then they killed her too, jesus. I almost felt bad. Couldn't even take satisfaction because it reminded me of all the sweet female characters they killed off over the years

i did not understand the hate for day. why the hate? was she already hated before she guest-starred?

Stop after season 6. After that it's not so much downhill as much as jumping headlong into the abyss.

Pretty sure he's dead, since Bobby named his gun after him.

Sorry, I meant before season 6. End of 5 is it.

Show for women and closeted homosexuals

Prove me wrong

shit there are 12 seasons? I dropped it for some reason when dean (soulless or something) and crowley had best bud road trip. With season was that?

Yeah, people on here hate her for the sjw and nerd culture shit. Doesn't help that she basically plays herself in the show. Also her character is gay which I'm sure triggers all the retards on here. Not even defending her, but people hate on these great episodes just because she's in them which is stupid. Thompson wrote her entire character arc, but then for some reason they passed it on the BuckLeming for the episode in which she was killed. Literally the only bad episode she starred in was Dark Dynasty which was shit again because Thompson wasn't the writer. Also he left the show, so now almost all the og writers are gone. There a couple new writers that are good (Perez) and Berens and Dabb remain but other than that, the writing is not what it used to be.


>Also he left the show

That sucks, didn't know that. Where do you keep up with background SPN news? AVclub?

>they're interested in the teengirl market.
I wonder why.

Swan Song was my series finale.