ITT Absoulte shit movies Sup Forums had recommended


itt: absolutely shit taste



What a pathetic waste of internet. Thanks a lot, cuck.


>someone wasted bandwidth making this thread

shit thread desu


trips of faggotry and bad taste

absolute plebs

>bait as weak as this
>people will still fall for it

Including me. Delete yourself OP

What a shitty bait thread

Blade Runner's not awful but it's pretty weak besides the visuals and soundtrack. Logan was pretty mediocre.

>all these triggered redditards

The Thing is reddit as fuck

I keep seeing sheep blindly defend this movie but nobody giving facts why it's good. There's no character development and a shitty lackluster ending, not too mention it was a box office flop. Keep being sheep though.

Most of the people defending the thing are Reddit autists

something something john carpenter master auteur

>stop liking this thing because it performed poorly at the box office
>keep being sheep



Never followed another Sup Forums recommendation.

All these fucking sheep in here liking the thing because other Reddit autists pretend to.

>not too mention it was a box office flop

How to spot a pleb.
I bet you're one of those faggots posting screenshots from rottentomatoes

the fighter
america hustle

estan re culeras

spotted the libcuck pleb

any fucking inarritu film

>t. has only seen the revenant and birdman

>best practical monster effects ever put to film
pick one

Who bullied you on Reddit?

i paid actual money to see babel in a theatre :( why lord why

>All these Reddit auists trying to fit in pretending they like the thing calling it kino

The Fifth Element

Depends which one you're on about. The 1982 version is GOAT, the 2011 offering is purest shit.

nigger be gone

>Muh character development
Why can't you fags deal with the fact that grown adults don't mostly go through that?

I atleast expected way more than what I got, going by how everyone was praising it as Lovecraftian and how it was a character study with some philosophical questions about who we are, what I got was some jump scares and a very shitty monster effect at the end, when you see the final thing and it can hardly move.

Maybe it was amazing at that time like the first superman movie or star wars but overall the effects have aged poorly and only with some heavy nostalgia you could consider this is old yet standard horror anything beyond average.

Why its good:
>Comfy/Isolated atmosphere
>No females aka no pointless subplot
>scary monster
>god tier practical effects
>Ennio Morricone score
>Kurt fucking Russell

what more do you need faggot?

>There's no character development

LITERALLY the most plebian """critiscm""" for any movie

>Saying anything is "god tier"
Kill yourself autist

>character development

not an argument

Lol why does Sup Forums schill character development for other movies but for this movie somehow it's not needed? It's like you are msm

Not the movie, but the series: Fargo

It's okay dude just watch Iron Man 3 again nobody will make fun of you


Wow such filmmaking much deepness very true wow


why has god forsaken me


This boring garbage was praised here.

So many sheep triggered itt


ITT 12 year old OPs
I bet you hate TCM too

old movies are reddit.

I wish you autists would spell out abrrviations. Nobody knows wtf you are talking about.

The Godfather

>t. woman or libcuck trying to get into movies


>tfw I'm left leaning and my mom was the one who introduced me to crime films and Michael Mann
Thanks, Obama.

I'm only in this thread for recommendations.

Literally had to stop 30 minutes in. Quite possibly the most boring movie in existence.

Star Wars is better.


Literally watch everything that's been pointed out as bad. All great movies.

If you have autism or didn't go to college you might enjoy these movies

>let's pretend to be philistines

Don't even compare this boring shit to a masterpiece like Star Wars

It's a much better film than that poorly acted popcorn flick Star Wars.




Hypocrite, you're usng it not being popular as a reason why it's bad while also claiming people who like it must be sheep following the herd.

The closest thing to character development in Ghostbusters would be the secretary girl falling in love with Rick Moranis, yet everyone loves that movie.

>Jump scares
There is literally one jump scare you lying fuck, and it's a great one that even makes sense.

That's Ghostbusters 2 you fucking troglodyte.

Oh right.

Even better then, there's no fucking character development whatsoever in Ghostbusters yet everyone loves that movie.

Ya that monster reveal at the end was seriously fucking mediocre

>meme actress' name is on poster, a clear warning for unsuspecting audiences

It's your fault desu

Blade Runner might be my favorite movie and I agree.

ur a fuckin fag, dude.

Trips AND bait. Nice.

how old are yu d00d


If you'd seen the movie you'd know what it was an abbreviation for, redditor faggot

I was not able to get into it. The premise was somewhat interesting, but overall too boring. One of the few movies that I slept in the middle and continued watching the next day.
Just does not live up to what people say it is.

I think we can agree Sup Forums has shit taste

i expect that the pic is clearly not related