Is this the greatest performance of any TV character? Sup Forums can't possibly deny that Bryan Cranston is a god tier actor.
Is this the greatest performance of any TV character...
>Bryan Cranston is a god tier actor
He's kinda not, tbph. I don't want to say that he doesn't have range, but he's never not gonna play a middle-aged to older white dude. Zordon being the exception that proves the rule.
o_o Knock Knock!
o_O whos there!
-_- It's me
$o$ LE DANGER!!!!!!!
Yeah dude give him an oscar already lmao. Bb IS SHIT.
cranston was ok in the first two seasons, after that he starts overacting everything and it's really fucking bad
>he's never not gonna play a middle-aged to older white dude
that doesn't mean that he's not a bad actor you fuck
morgan freeman only plays wise old guys but that doesn't mean he's not a good actor.
>morgan freeman only plays wise old guys but that doesn't mean he's not a good actor.
It does, it is shit,safe and underwhelming worst of all completely lacking of nuance wich makes it more of a waste to be a low profile/energy coward.
>Dude le elongated fake voice lmao.
Fuck him.
>he's never not gonna play a middle-aged to older white dude.
How the fuck is that an accusation? What else should he play? He won't become a black woman, and he's not getting younger either.
Yeah but I wouldn't call either of them "god tier." That shit should be reserved for the greats that had "it" since their youth. The DeNiro's and the Brando's so to speak. They aged into and out of ranges and still kept the same level talent (for the most part, no one knows what DeNiro is doing these days.)
range is a meme. you don't need to play tons of wacky characters in different shapes and sizes to be called a great actor. cranston has good range in that he can nail both dramatic and comedy roles.
Morgan Freeman is a bad actor
Literally Vin Diesel tier
>implying it wasn't based Jonathan Banks
Stringer Bell with Idris Elba is the greatest performance of any TV character.
hehe, good one.
Rank em'
He's an alright actor by himself but he was exceptionally well directed in BB, like the rest of the cast. If you want to see him acting whilst poorly directed watch any of his flops since the end of BB, same with every other major character from the show. Hank turns up as minor side characters in awful 90s sci-fi movies all the time, he's a shitty actor guided into a good performance for one TV show.
It's the same deal with De Niro, you look at him in Taxi Driver or Goodfellas and think how can this be the same guy in Dirty fucking Grandpa? The answer is Taxi Driver and Goodfellas were De Niro doing what Scorsese told him. Take Scorsese out of the equation and he's a Little Fockers grade actor.
He was good,but nothing beats James Gandolfini as Tony Soprano. He looks real and acts real and he oozes confidence and yet we feel his insecurities. Breaking Bad was a really entertaining show but a lot of Walter moments were unrealistic and just written so he can be a badass. Tony never needed writing to make him look badass,he just was.
left to right, left being best.
Agent Cooper
Dougie Jones
Mr. C
Honestly the best acting I've ever seen, be it movies or television.
De Niro is a bad example. He's been phoning it in since the '90s and those are all silly comedy flick roles that don't elicit a great performance like a New Hollywood drama film when he was still young and hungry. He's even said he's tired of having to make shitty films to pay for his wife's crazy spending habits. Hank was also a shitty actor even in Breaking Bad.
there's a lot of great things to say about BB. the level of acting isn't necessarily one of them.
The pilot was really good
it's kind of obvious that the show had to end after the 3rd or be it 4th season
Cranston did a good job before he went full Heisenberg
Holy shit that was him in Dirty Grandpa
James Gandolfini, Edie Falco, and Michael Imperioli are in a significantly higher league than Cranston, although Cranston's good. Like 9.8 vs. 7.5
Nope. Serviceable, but not even close to best
lol m8. the guy was simply being himself on set
I can't understand how people like you exist, Deniro's name was all over that movie
>the exception that proves the rule.
An exception would weaken the rule honey.
>inb4 its a saying
That's not relevant though. He expressed a huge range of emotion and experience with subtlety and convincingly. Cranston didn't do 1/4 of that.
To quote someone else, he could give a monologue with a few facial expressions. Cranston has to scream and yell memes to convey things (to plebs).
Cranston=memes; Gandolfini=KINO
Bryan Cranston as LBJ...well, you may be onto something
Bryan Cranston just being a hysterical faggot (playing Fred Schneider the drug lord) is not "god tier acting"
by all accounts he was a gentle giant off-set. he even went out of his way to be nice to that fat piece of shit who played vito, whom the rest of the cast have openly talked shit about.
Judging an actor by his/her performance should only be about 50%. With good direction even the worst actor can be pretty good. And vice versa
Cranston can be good and even great, definitely. I'm not saying that. I'm not even saying he doesn't have range in terms of emotion, but as far as characters go he's nowhere on the same level as say someone like Philip Seymour Hoffman. I'm just saying he doesn't deserve to be called god tier.
"prove" shares root with "probe" and here means "test," not "confirm"
Gandolfini is easily the best, then Hamm but Cranston could have been a lot better if BB didn't turn into a meme show in the end.
I never saw that movie or paid attention to the commercials
So you're just a big fucking liar then.
I'd say Gus was even better tbqhfam