How do you age like this in 17 years?

How do you age like this in 17 years?

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Heavy drinking, stress, bad conditions around you.

couldnt have said it better myself



Imagine the feels if it had been sean bean in the flashbacks. What were they thinking

>buzz word
>buzz word
>buzz word

instead of
>consistant casting

fyi, there are alcoholic dead beats in their 50s that look physically more appealing and more attractive than you in your 20s. It's called genetics, some people eat healthy and workout everyday and are ugly as fuck.

being married to Catelyn Stark

His wife was retarded it obviously took its toll on him


He became better looking.

The influence of TULLY FUCKING SHITS

>Go from 23 to 40

You become the falcon my son

The North

The North is a harsh place to live.

Kinda looks like Orlando Bloom crossed with Arya

I don't see the problem, natural aging plus a little drinking and harsh tundra conditions

You deal with Catherine's annoying voice and wrinkly fucking face for that long and we'll see how you age.

Why is HBO so fucking cheap? Couldn't they spend some money in digital deaging like the big boys do?

>muhh tv shows are beating Hollywood

Hahaha, no.

>there are alcoholic dead beats in their 50s that look physically more appealing
Yeah, and I've met smarter girls than you. Anecdotal evidence sure is fun.

Enjoy your bloated face, user.

marry a whiny cunt

>Catherine's annoying voice

what did he mean by this?

>sixty in the new 40

They're different actors I think

Young Ned always looks like he just got punched in the face


He fought in a huge war, user. Have you ever seen before and after pictures of soldiers who fought in Vietnam, Korea or desert storm? They seem to age far more rapidly than regular civilians, even within only a 2-3 year span. Basically this

even in this, he honestly looks pretty good for 58

Anybody those deadbeats have to run the North?

Fighting two wars, losing your father, brother and sister and living a lie

damn. this guy is still ugly but his masculine traits increased pretty well. Might be natural development though.

>Catherine's annoying voice
even worse than Stacy Lannister's voice honestly

hahahhaha he has a shirt with the J U S T alliance

The only difference I see is the eyes. Those eyes mang.

yeah they changed from green to blue somehow

better than having a shitty sean bean made younger with CGI


Good luck I guess?