What's the worst movie you've ever seen in the theater? I'm still mad I paid money for Date Movie
What's the worst movie you've ever seen in the theater? I'm still mad I paid money for Date Movie
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That's my boy.
Episode III
Alien Covenant
Inside Out
Spring Breakers
Bridge to Terabithia was trash I left 3/4ths through
I’ve never left a film halfway through, but I came pretty close with Friends With Benefits and Ted. I fucking hate Mila Kunis.
Zoolander 2
What a piece of shit
if you hate her whyd you go see ANOTHER movie with her in it
Now You See Me
nothing like sitting watching an on-screen audience cheer and applaud for cheap CGI
Ratchet and Clank
$4 for the latest transformers.
Shit was painful.
The Hobbit. SW7 was pretty bland Disney shit, but it wasn't as bad as The Hobbit. The last time I went to a theater before that was for Iron Man 2, and that sucked as well.
Now You See Me.
Hangover 3.
Now You See Me 2.
avatar (in 3D)
>Now You See Me 2
you fool
Either Transformers 2 or Rogue One, not sure which.
>go out to the cinema
>we'll decide what to watch when we get their
>friends brought their gfs
>I waste £7 and 2 hours
I think it was john tucker must die. This was back when no one really used the internet like the did today and you only saw trailers on TV, plus the cinema was cheap so you would go most weeks.
I went with 3 other male friends as we usually did and we would generally just pick a movie when we got there. We picked it based on the title thinking it would be some action type movie, ended up being the only males in the theatre, besides a few boyfriends watching this terrible chick flick from start to finish
Funny People. Awful, just awful. I went to see it on a Sunday too, which for some stupid reason made it double the usual price of a ticket.
saw this for a school end of year trip
>want to see this
>miss out when it's in theatres
>see it on TV years later
>"oh heckin yes let's do this shit"
>completely fucking slackjawed with amazement at how bad it is almost right out of the gate
>turn it off and never look back not too long after saphira backflips into maturity
Boondock Saints 2
The only time I considered walking out of the theater, unfortunately my ride was there.
Suicide squad
Any movie that has a skybeam as the climax is garbage
The Spirit
Fucking hell...
pheneix forogtten
world war z
I was dating a chink girl in chinkland and we watched a chink movie.
holy shit, chink movies are awful.
Freddie Got Fingered. So bad it's good my ass
Freddie fingered my ass good. Got so bad ( ;
The first Hobbit was good tho
and the last few minutes of the 3rd
The Matrix 2
I guess: Catwoman
Suicide Squad
Alien Covenant
X-Men 3 took years off my life
Dragon Wars. But I saw it with some friends and we had a giggle over it.