It's not funny
It's not funny
Other urls found in this thread:
t. butthurt rick and morty fan
sup reddit
Thanks for proving all Xavier fans are retards.
t. butthurt rick and morty fan
it's funny
it requires a certain level of intelligence to understand it
Me? I like the Plympton
What's so intelligent about "WHAT DOTH LIFE" and "FRITATA"?
It's the lines that aren't in the show that make it funny
you don't get it?
See why
t. roastie redditor
So is this show the new Rick and Morty where autist spam the board constantly with threads crying about it?
Fuck you. Reddit will enable me to pirate the Mayweather white wash
Ok since you get it mind explaining what's so FUCKING HILARIOUS about those shit lines?
It's witty but not funny.
You sound lik a rick and morty fan desu
t. hole
What is this?
It's witty and funny, sounds like you don't get it.
Apparently it's the show like Rick and Morty where autists constantly spam the board crying about it.
is Xavier the way to enlightenment?
It reminds me of what I would make as a TV show if my only contact with the rest of humanity was works of literature.
it sucks
What's the joke here? I think it went over my head
whats wrong with nonsensical james joyce ramblings in animated form?
jeez get a grip, apparently you just don't get it
pic related most farcical scene ever
>sounds like you don't get it.
You sound like this guy
t. butthurt rick and morty fan
It's not funny maybe? An animated comedy that isn't funny is worthless
sounds like you're too dumb to get it
It's your typical "awkward mumbling and deeeeep shiet bro" adult swim shit, with the fans being insufferable cunts who think you need a high IQ to understand it's just stoner shit
sounds like you're too dumb to get it
what the fuck is so smart about it? enlighten me nigger
started watching today
not hilarious but interesting and has some funny moments
why would i converse with a dumb-dumb?
>On December 3rd, 2011, a page for the series was created on TV Tropes.[8] On September 8th, 2012, the /r/XavierRenegadeAngel[2] subreddit was created for discussions about the animated television series. In October 2016, a[1] petition was created to “Make Fox Broadcasting Air Xavier Renegade Angel Sunday Nights After NFL Football” (shown below).
>In August 2017, threads about the television show were frequently submitted to various Sup Forums boards, including Sup Forums,[4] Sup Forums,[6] /tg/[5] and Sup Forums.[7] On August 8th, an Sup Forums user uploaded a photoshopped Virgin Walk comic comparing the show Rick and Morty to Xavier: Renegade Angel to Sup Forums (shown below).[3
Kill yourselves
I remember trying to watch this show. It was borderline unwatchable. Zanzy, random shit that only proffered itself to be funny. The show was shit, those who created it were shit, and those who enjoyed the show are mentally insane.
it's really dated lolsorandom xD humor
it's hilarious pol attempted to shill because they got butthurt by a pickle
No, faggot. You kill yourself.
i lightly laugh at all the nuances and the wordplay, maybe i'm stupid, whatever.
>GoT fan not smart enough for the show
surprise surprise
>reddit jumps on this show for years for le random xD humor
>underage faggots on Sup Forums who are obsessed with R&M and reddit find this show and try to make it a meme, by saying its not reddit
You have to go back, tourist
maybe, not trying to sound like an enlightened stoner but when I watched this show as a kid I laughed at the silly animations and non sequiters.
Watching it stoned as an adult I saw it on a whole other level. Especially season one, it gets deep without hitting you over the head with the message like season 2 did sometimes.
>cartoons for the ADHD generation
The show's humor isn't random in the slightest. You sound like a brainlet.
Dude all that does is signal that youre a bitter virgin
dude frittata lmao
Well you sound like a total chode's inability to confront their past reactions.
They are both just as shit, reddit refugees simply think having it as their new flavor of the month favorite and being vocal about ir is a good way to fit in.
It's time
Eh, it is what it is. I enjoy most of the 15 minute [as] shows, theyre mostly all the same kind of fast dumb humor I like.
Rick and Morty is just a half hour 12oz Mouse/Xavier/Aqua Teen with more story and dragged out jokes. I like R&M too, btw, and we all need to chill out with our opinions on dirty midnighy cartoons.
The writers really jumped shark in season 2.
If you like Xavier, give 12oz Mouse a chance. Its the pinnacle of the shitty 11 minite show format.
>All the brainlets in this thread
I thought you appreciated true kino?
>literally proving you're a hole
>trash disguised as deep disguised as trash
Prove this premise wrong.
So basically, there are these shows that make you guys feel like your intellect is inferior to others and then you got mad about it and you spam the board with hate for the shows to try to ease your hurt feelings. Got it. Good luck with that!
Honestly you need to be high to get it, that's the truth
what a run-on diarrhea sentence, are you a writer on xavier renegade angel?
As a 165 IQ genius, XRA has been the only show to ever make me laugh, and no, I don't smoke marijuana.
>12 Oz. Mouse season 3 never
>>>/Reddit/ is that way
12 oz mouse is shit anyway, I have no idea WHAT THE FUCK people see in that trash
He says between sobs.
Yowser, Sup Forums has gone bowser.
Giuseppe's, formerly Sneed's
The writing is good enough in this show that it just makes me bust a gut laughing at certain lines.
>I'd like to see this guy pray an abortion.
>Caught this wigger lookin saucy at my mistress!
>I have fingered myself -- to DEATH.
And it isn't obnoxious in the slightest. It's just a funny show.
Why the fuck does people suddenly started talking about this shit a lot
This show is packed with subliminal messages and is made by pedophiles to normalize pedophilia.
Notice all the strange scenes with children?
Looks like a new big dick swung into town!
>Sup Forums has finally found its infallible reddit repellent
Whyever could you care?
Why even live?
There was only one good part of that show and it was the endless drum solo.
>I think he took off, to go to burning person or something
>we're AT burning person
>I went to burning person this year?
does it exist
with an h it becomes h-self
i'll just put that though on the h-shelf
>sniffs glue
>I need something stronger
>staples arm
This show is amazing
I never got that joke and a friend told me it's a gateway drug theory joke, what's the theory about?
This show was so weird, but I found it fun. I don't know why people hate them. They think it's too random or something. I think they're too random or something.
I don't have such high IQ but I never smoked either, or done any drugs. I don't even drink.
Like the way some people think that if you smoke weed, you'll end up shooting heroin.
It's super try hard post modern shit. I watched the whole series, fucking crap
It demands a certain threshold of cognitive alacrity
It necessitates a level of cerebral robustness
i enjoy the counterculture Sup Forums produces but that XRA show is just not funny
please don't make it a meme
My roommates last year constantly insisted we watch Rick and Morty because "I would love it" and its "my type of humor". I watch the show, and its not that bad, IMO 50% of the jokes are funny and 50% aren't, which is better than most shit.
But when your friends all have to say the fucking jokes before or as they happen, and talk through the whole show like "oh man this part is great" or "dude this is so funny", it becomes completely unwatchable. Not to mention the entirety of the fanbase which is filled with fucking redditors who think its the next great thing.
If the show was better, I could maybe put up with the shit fan base it is submerged in, but its not.
354.882355 ml Mus Musculus is better
Still waiting for the inevitable Xavier revival.
The hidden lines from xavier are my favorite
>and what do you call these...wind monkeys? (WIGABOOOOOS)
>Xavier, You just killed those people (Did I?)
well this meme went 180 fast. i don't even know what's the goal here anymore.
Too kino for plebbit to understand. Go watch your funny face goo goo GA GA Rick and Morty you drooling plebian.
genetic engineering isn't something they had in ye olde days
because glue is a way of bonding two pieces of material, and stapling is a stronger variant
Too bad the 3d animation is more offputting than Sam Hydes face. It probably coulda been a good show
so shockingly bad and forgotten it becomes overrated syndrome
>Reddit and Normie fags