ITT: Scary Scenes

Excluding jumpscares, what was the last scene from a movie that truly scared you?

The movie doesn't even have to be necessarily good(in fact the rest of it can be pretty shit), but the specific scene's build up and payoff just freaked you out even after you were done watching it.

I knew what was going to happen with the painting there, it still just freaked me out.

Other urls found in this thread:

Army Dog 3 where he tomahawk missiles the hospital, the screams still chill me to the core

I thought the scene in The Exorcist where the demon imitates Karras' dead mom's voice during the exorcism was pretty freaky

When you first see a morlock in the background in The Descent. I never get scared by horror movies but I literally jumped up in my seat.

This fucking scene in Jaws
Freaked me out

Anything James Wan touches tends to have at two or three good scenes in it.

Just recently saw the babadook, and while overrated there are a lot of chillling scenes

-the scene where she watches TV and sees images that resemble the babadook
-the scene where the babadook seems to visit her at night in a dream
-when she hears the voice while she's driving


cunt of a bird

The entire first half of Sinister

Fucking watching this right now, it's great so far.

I thought the floating through the kitchen and living room was terrifying

Also the scene where she's reading the childrens book. Its spooky when it closes in on the monster like it's jumping out at you

the closet scene from the ring is still the scariest fucking thing ive ever seen

Temper your expectations. The second half shits the bed so bad.

Thanks for actually posting a vid

When the witch grinds up the baby.

Posted this in another thread, but might aswell post it here too.
I'm surprised how no one ever mentions the hotel bathroom and balcony murder scenes in The Conversation in these threads.
Maybe by themselves they are nothing special, but in the context of the whole film which is utterly quiet and slow with constant building tension until those two disturbing scenes makes the balcony jumpscare highly effective.
Heavily underappreciated

The entire film is absolute shit and only gets worse when mick from slipknot turns up.

The snuff film angle was entertaining. Shame it ended up being copypasta tier shite. Enough of the fucking ancient demons killing children shit.

zelda scenes in pet sematary
fuck that skeletal bitch and how she looked, glad i didn't see the movie as a small kid else i'd be traumatized

At the end of Blair Witch when they're searching through the house

too unironically kino for Sup Forums

Glad this happened to more people.

When she looked at him I almost stopped watching, holy fuck it scared me way more than I expected