Uh... David Duke and M-Moonman *smirks at the camera*

>uh... David Duke and M-Moonman *smirks at the camera*
Is this what constitutes as comedy in the USA?

Other urls found in this thread:


>le silly walk British people

imagine waking up everyday and realizing your comments about race on twitter cost you and your best friends multiple seasons on one of the most popular cartoon networks in television right now. this is what he was "fighting" for. Jesus Christ I'd kill myself. Appealing to people like this is what cost his friends and their families a steady income. Chuck and Nick deserve better. Why couldn't he keep his fucking mouth shut for the election? He has the same amount of viewers now as when he did before MDE aired. Give or take a couple dozen. I don't blame nick and charles for parting ways with him


>Is this what constitutes as comedy in the USA?

Not really which is why the show was quickly cancelled.

Whenever I hear Moon Man I always think of the beer.

The david Duke thing was kinda stupid. In fact most of that skit was terrible besides the costumes

Guy Heaven will always be the best skit.

It was a good show but please would people stop giving Sam Hyde celebrity status when he's just a fat stupid twat. Stop massaging his fucking ego. Because it actually makes him far less funny than he used to be.

Charls and Nick both had great skits in the show as well. And some of Sam's were shit, e.g. the gym one. In fact Charl's gym one (from the first episode) was better than Sam's gym one.

It was a good show tough and it's a shame they're not still making it

No they cancelled it because they're liberal cucks who can't stand different opinions

>Sam Hyde
>being funny and not a complete failure in everything
Pick one

a clown called a retardedly dressed physically and socially handicapped person david duke, so it must be an endorsement to duke, huh?

This is what I imagine a typical r/donald refugee on Sup Forums looks like.
Also those "lmao let shit Sup Forums up with pol threads, this will surely get them on our side" fags

I'm that gorilla dick nigga. I make dyke pussy wet.

American here. I have no idea what show this is.


you have to go back Pedro

you rolled a 5 and a 1

Don't worry, OP. Everything is going to be altright

>people missing the whole point of the PUA skit
>guy is lonely and depressed
>demeans and humiliates himself by subjecting himself to almost surreal "fashionable" clothes and ebonics-level "hip" lingo
>the look on his fucking face when after having lowered himself to normie status it still doesn't work, he'll still be alone for the rest of his life
its a fantastic skit about how sacrificing your principles and still failing is worse than dying alone with principle

how does sam live with himself?

No, stripping access to healthcare is.

>his show isn't funny until you imaginatively interpret it and explain why it is clever for a few sentences

better luck next time, Sam

>old man and the sea is about a man on a fishing trip
>ulysses is about a cuck in dublin
>genesis is about two people made of clay living in a garden
wow look the lefties have already degenerated to being incapable of recognizing subtext


>because they're liberal cucks who can't stand different opinions
Replace liberal with far right and you have the average Sup Forumserina

You're giving too much credit to WP

>super busy right now
Unlike Sam Hyde

Sup Forums BTFO!

That doesn't make sense at all.
Sam, stop being pretentious and admit you're an unfunny "lol so random" shithead

HAHAHAHAHAHAH funny joke man. I'm not sam btw

It got canceled so I guess not.

>comparing literal shit to literal masterful pieces of art in their respective genre
You're going too far m8, I am dying of laughter

>funny joke
Unlike Sam hyde's

I haven't followed any of this since the show imploded, did Nick and Charls really drop him?

is this true? are they not speaking to eachother?

>get the chance of a lifetime to become the next Eric Andre
>Shitpost it away by being a fucking retard on social media


>masterful piece of art
are you in junior high?
>anything other than dinner party posturing
you know no one actually likes him all that much right?
>sky fairy origin story by goatsuckers

Sup Forums is an image board, not a company
The two aren't in any way related

got too popular too fast, couldnt handle it

2017: I am... forgotten...

When will this childish redditor stop shilling his shit

yeah check last hydewars video
wow im so glad he told us how he feels about fat ugly black women it was so worth it to destroy charle's career so that we could know sam's opinion on leslie jones. fucking faggot i bet he thought his virgin fans would think he's epic and brave for making such a boring tweet. fuck that fat nigger jones and fuck sam hyde for ruining world peace

I don't see an issue with that.

Is this too hard to imagine?
Sam fuckedup everyone's chance at tv with autistic twitter spamming and having triggered autistic pol virgins harassing his bosses and colleagues from other shows and their families both on twitter and real life.

Sam is a joke. Not a funny one though

what is this from

Sup Forums discusses the truth, sorry that you're too much of a bluepilled faggot to appreciate it

Reminder that Sup Forums is the only board that has an active reddit outpost on it.

Still lightyears better than Sam hydes material

t. Triggered Sup Forumsvirgin frogspammers awoooooing madly


You don't have a job either faggot.

Reminder that pol IS reddit

Who is this guy?

in his last hydewars he was talking about pewdiepie and talked about gassing the creators of bioshock

What an unprofessional

What does that have to do with anything? I don't see issue with that Sam did because that's just how he is: chaotic.

Some people don't really care about potential and just want to push buttons and see how far they can go with it before being stopped.

Good for Sammy.

the 40 minute one where he talks about dropping toxic people. he was talking about andrew ruse, charles, and nick rochefort. he mentioned andrew chuck and nick by name. also check chuck and nick's instagram accounts, they dont live in RI anymore. looks like they all went their separate ways. chuck was asked about MDE on a recent one of his live playthroughs and he said he's "done with all of that"

The size of a tangerine.

Oh look it's a faggy Democrat

Why don't you go to Plebbit? You would fit in much better there. We don't really want fags around here.

seems like something rlm would say. probably the least offensive tweet from sam


Said the fag from the most Reddit board on this whole side, Sup Forums

The irony with your reddit spacing

ahahahah Sam holy shit
guess the jews got them too, your long time friends, fucking hell...

le chaotic neutral meme

you really think sam doesn't wish he still had a show on adult fucking swim?


That and the "Jews rock" shit was the only funny thing about World Peace, why couldn't those fags make actual funny things instead of that shitty sketch of that cop that is going to take out the trash? It wasn't even entertaining.

>don't care about potential, just wanting to push buttons and see how far you can go
>whine like a little baby when your show gets cancelled because of your button pushing
Lol Sam isn't only ilogically inconsistent in his jokes, but in real life too!


? that's his nickname retard. how new are you faggots? sam calls him chuck all the time

>haha bants though epic bants haha
This board is just as bad as Sup Forums - in fact probably moreso

Sup Forums might have its fair share of autists but at least it talks about things frankly

Sup Forums is just "haha i'm trolling you haha", "haha i'm so irrelevant haha", "haha it's just bants though haha"

Which is, y'know, fucking pathetic

did this come true? is he forgotten?

so is replying ITT desu famalam

Still triggered.
Pls go back to posting nazi frogs and this autistic wolf thing abooooooooing on your favourite red pill board.
Kthx sweetie

He is remembered for being the biggest failure in entertainment during the election season

thought that was everyone who supported hilldog

damn.. if this is true i'm dropping sam. his solo videos were getting stale anyway. is charls still making art?

I never understood the attacks on Leslie Jones. They just seemed completely pointless and mean spirited. Aside from appearing in that Ghostbusters film, what did she even do that was so offensive to these people?


Everyone ITT is a loser fag but me and my political opinions are best

They didn't get their show cancelled lmao

Yeah let's get super serious and earnest on a tibetan throat howling exchange

woah woah hold up, I've seen new videos where they're working together
got a sauce for all this 'MDE are breaking up' stuff?

Source is common sense and the evidence you were provided in this thread already


She had the audacity to be born black


>where he talks about dropping toxic people
>gets dropped because he is the toxic person
Oh the irony

What the fuck are you talking about, he talks about Nick positively in the video and even has a shirt for Nick's antique shop on his website. Charls and Sam have just decided to go their separate ways, really doubt Sam sees him as a toxic person

you stupid faggot, SAM IS THE TOXIC PERSON
get that in your skull you fanbaby

So that is the superior white race.. hmmmmm

stop being a lying faggot, retard

kill yourself dike
>the 40 minute one where he talks about dropping toxic people. he was talking about andrew ruse, charles, and nick rochefort.

>I've seen new videos where they're working together
link? smocaine 3 was filmed three years ago and just got around to finish editing because they were parting ways

lol why does one fag keep spamming verbose essays on how ebil Sam Hyde is ITT

>be the reason that everybody lost their job and is blacklisted in the tv industry
>somehow think he is not seen as a toxic element destroying others' lives for twitter fame and expect others to still like and respect him after the fact that he was dropped by literally everybody and looks like a hobo nowadays
How do I know you have autism?


Calm down Samantha

>heavily promoted, even during normie Family Guy reruns
>aired directly after new episodes of Adult Swim's second most popular show
>ended up being the 3rd lowest rated adult swim original for the entire 2015 and 2016 period
>caused lots of controversy from liberal media outlets, at a time when Adult Swim was already under fire from liberal media outlets for not hiring women and the head of AS replying "women aren't as funny"
>advertisers threatened Turner broadcasting with a boycott
>segments of the fanbase known to be far right and/or complete shitposters looking to offend people

Gee whiz I wonder why it was cancelled. Must be a libtard zionist conspiracy headed by the secret Adult Swim king Tim Heidecker.

>yew three lines of text is an essay for the average Sup Forumstard
lmao at you cucks