Post essential jewkino

Post essential jewkino




why are the jewish always gettin up on their roofs

Its a metaphor for coming out of chimneys

To breathe more free air than everyone else.

This, Jews on chimney is metaphor for gentile foreskin circumcision / sexual pleasure removal


was this movie supposed to be funny?

Is this the Barbra Streisand one? Quick rundown?

Yeah, I think so. But that slut sunbathing was the best part.

in a subtle situational comedic way yes.

But its also a critique on jewish theology and as that lot more mean-spirited than hail caesar for example.


delete it faggot
Jewish people are glorious

It was supposed to be the Book of Job.

It was supposed to be accurate.

Jewish woman dresses as a man to attend a yeshiva and become a rabbi.



That's fucked up


Do you think woody allen movies are very jewy? When I was younger I just thought they were stereotypical representations of intellectual middle class behavior, but after being on pol a bit, and watching them with people of a less intellect upbringing than me I can't really tell the two things apart anymore

>stereotypical representations of intellectual middle class behavi
it is for the NY intellectuals, which are massive jews to. and the ones that arent even proper jews, they behave like them, its a status thing.

everything woody allen is turbojew, theres this psychoanalisis thing going on all the time, which is a very kikey discipline too, down to the very foundations. im from latinamerica and i knew a couple studying psychoanalisis that then converted to kaballah, its silly, but thats what people do.

Woody Allen movies and other Jewkino like Seinfeld basically exist to show the inner workings of the average Jew's mind, which at first seems pretty relatable but when you actually take a step back you realize how psychopathic the Jew characters are