New Star Wars The Last Jedi leaks.
Looks like Snoke is a big guy. See how he towers over the Praetorian Guard.
New Star Wars The Last Jedi leaks.
Looks like Snoke is a big guy. See how he towers over the Praetorian Guard.
Wow, he really is a big guy
For the Resistance
How is he big?
He is smaller than BB8
a le leak?
A big toy
For you
What flavor is Snoke's Kyber crystal?
BB-8 is just closer to the camera.
Snoke actually has a torture device of sorts connected to red (blood?) tubes.
Sounds in line with the retarded leak from yesterday, the same which said that Phasma is Emperor's daughter.
What was the retarded leak?
Oh god is it another death star
Man, I could go for a ring pop. It's been years.
One of the books released ahead of TFA says Phasma's suit was made from the chrome armor of one of Papatine's Naboo starships.
Manlet BTFO
Seems kinda ok
I let Force Awakens pass because it was trying to lure in all the OT fags but they need to stop the pandering, after Clone Wars there's a very large part of the fanbase that aren't OT fanboys.
Luke acquires the two tree cuttings immediately after RotJ with Poe's mom's help in Shattered Empire. They were held in a secure Imperial vault, and were remnants of a tree from the Jedi Temple that is seen in final episode of TCW. Luke gives one to Poe's mom, which she plants by her home on Yavin IV.
So Benicio del Toro is confirmed a hacker. He'll be hacking Finn's brain, yeah?
It's the same toy as the OP. It's a BB-8 that opens up. Retard.
Obviously. And it opens up into what looks like a Death Star complete with trash compactor in lower left, ya maroon.
this time EVEN BIGGER!
wouldn't phasma be more than a fucking captain then?
Vader was 2nd in command, and didn't have a military rank.
Malachor V?
yes, he did.
darth vader was a lord
i mean i guess maybe phasma kept it hidden from snoke? maybe he told him after she got trashed in movie 1.