Reddit - the character
Glad he got BTFO by based Doc
Reddit - the character
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wouldn't reddit be night owl on account of the ED and self-awareness?
Comedian was /ourguy/
Rorschach is basically /r9k/
How is Rorschach reddit? He's a white supremacist.
Someone needs to create a Virgin/Chad edit featuring Rorschach and Manhattan
The Comedian is reddit as fuck.
Hooded Justice is /ourguy/.
Comedian is Sup Forums
Ozymandias is /ourguy/
>smart charismatic sucessful villain is /ourguy/
The only thing /ourguy/ about him is that he's canonically a faggot
>comic written by alan moore
>characters have complete redditor sensibilities
who would've thought?
Just fuck off with you shit opinion OP. Rorschach is /myguy/ he was right all along, Ozymandias was a fool. Consider your thread saged.
how was Rorschach a white supremecist? i dont remember him saying anything about race in any version of the movie, just him implying that he doesn't like fags and prostitutes
Veidt did what was necessary and rational.
Rohrschach was just a raging moralfag.
Manhattan is too autistic to be Chad
Comedian is the only option, even his daughter wanted to bang him.
Would Ozzy still win if Blake was at his prime?
>Anyone beating Prime Comedian
he was the chad of all chads
The Comedian did beat Ozzy when they were younger. It was mentioned in the comic.
Rorschach is confirmed Sup Forums
Rorschach is definitely Sup Forums
>is disgusted by homos and other degenerates
>distrusts the government and media
>murders pedophiles
>is hardcore in his beliefs, to the point of alienating others
But he was a homo, Sup Forums wouldn't approve.
So /fit/?
He was rumoured to be a body builder so definitely. A closeted, muscle-bound sadist sounds like /fit/'s guy to me.
I've been putting off watching this movie for years because of the near 3 hour runtime, but Funhaus gave me the push to finally watch it. It's actually really good, I don't get the poor review scores it got. For a comic book movie it's in the highest tier. Far better than any modern DC or Marvel movie.
Doc is definitely our guy because he likes prime jailbait over roasties
But reddit lacks self-awareness
I thought he was Sup Forums
Always was the best guy in the comic and movie. Maybe reddit isn't as bad as I hear everyone saying. I looked at it once three years ago and hated the way it looked. I prefer Sup Forums's interface and denizens. Even faggots like OP. I've been coming here for about 7 or 8 years I think ... hard to remember. But if rorshack is emblematic of reddit then reddit must be based.
>Rorschach - Sup Forums
>Comedian - /k/
>Dr Manhattan - /sci/
>Silk Spectre (original) - /s/
>Nite Owl - Sup Forums
>Ozymandias - /r9k/
>Silk Spectre (daughter) - /e/
>Ozymandias - /r9k/
>Alpha as fuck genius who doesn't care about women
He wasn't a nihilist though, That makes zero sense.
He was a red pilled fascist vigilante.
He was written to be the most unlikable villain possible and accidentally became the guy most people identified with.
>Ozymandias - doesnt go on Sup Forums
Ozymandias is redit. Think he is smarter (and maybe he is) than 4channer, but in the end got fucked by pol.
He wins at the end.
Is always right.
If he isn't mentally handicapped then he isn't Sup Forums
>the end
No such thing. Rorschach gives his journal to Alex Jones.
And people all believe Alex Jones' words.
In the comics I think he really likes to read a newspaper that seems to be alt-right. When I read it I didn't expect the fan favorite character to be like that, especially with an anarchist author.
It's pretty heavily fucking implied that the journal has serious consequences.
It's not.
It's not even shown that he chooses the journal.
that and a psychopath
People and 'critics' don't like to use their brains anymore. As much as people complain about it here, you can still get a 'conversation' going about it than any other cape film
Are you a fucking moron? Watch/read it again. The journal ends up in news organizations pile. Then one of the workers is told he has to find a story from the pile and the final panel is him reaching for it. In the movie Rorschach starts narrating the first page again. How are you able to be completely blind to what they're trying to tell you?
Yes he reaches at the pile that contains the journal.
But it is not even shown that he actually picks the journal instead of some other letter.
You didn't say "it implies he picks up the journal".
I can agree with that.
You said "it implies that the journal has serious consequences".
So in your mind, when you saw that ending you thought "Oh, it is implying that the news team read the journal that reveals everything, but I'm sure nothing came of it."
Ozymandias is /r/eddit
The publication was shown to be crappy little paper filled with nutty conspiracy theories.
So even if the paper decides to publish it, it's hard to imagine that anyone of consequence takes it serious.
And we don't even know that for sure. The implication in the last panel could very well be a red herring.
also a closet nazi
>reddit the character
You do realize that Rorscach was a die-hard conservative who only saw things in black and white who murders people, right? How is that reddit?
It can't be a red herring if it's the final panel/scene. You don't know what you're talking about.
Its not like Rorshach pulled the info out of his ass.
He puts in specific details on where and how he got them.
People making up their own continuation in their head can take the implication straight or as a red herring.
That's clearly the author's intention since he deliberately chose not to be explicit.
Please stop using red herring if you don't know what it means you moron
>It may be either a logical fallacy or a literary device that leads readers or audiences towards a false conclusion.
Imagine being this much of a shitter.
Yeah, and it works as set up. When it's implied that The Ram dies at the end of the Wrestler, you can't say "no, it's a red herring". A Red Herring is meant to lead you to a false conclusion so it can surprise you with something else. Why the fuck would the writer want to lead you towards a false conclusion AT the conclusion?
So you can spent a bit more thought on the possible outcomes. So that discussions like these can happen.
Ozymandias is /fitlit/
Ozymandias is Quentin.