Why didn't he just run? That charge was utterly pointless

Why didn't he just run? That charge was utterly pointless.

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scenes that OP will never understand

Tits or gtfo.

Stop making endless got threads just because you don't feel validated with the amount of upvotes you get in the containment general. Thank you.

Because he is Jamie Fucking Lannister ... and westerosi history is full of exceptional warriors killing dragons against all odds

Yeah welcome to war you roastie cunt. You pretty much know you're going to die and it's only by pure fucking luck that you survive. Also sacrifice is required and men will be sent to do things knowing that they will die. Why do you think Army bootcamp is so abusive and strict? They are training you never to question orders, training you to go to your death without moaning or complaining. Women will just spread their legs for any enemy rather than fight back. Pathetic

Because whenever he is losing a battle he rushes the commander to kill them. He attempted this at Whsipering Woods and nearly pulled it off.

Post tits and/or feet

In a weird way it's a good strategy but also foolish if the commander is smart enough to defend himself.

Did you not read the books? This is what Jaime does. This isn't even the SECOND time he's done this.


how is it pointless? the most important person is at a dash's length

There would've been a point had he decided 6 seconds sooner and succeeded in impaling the Mad Queen in the face and piercing the dragon's heart in one blow.

>and westerosi history is full of exceptional warriors killing dragons against all odds

good thing his target wasn't the dragon

Because he needed to slay the dragon

Because Jaime is a man of honor. He will kill two queens before the end of this shit series and salvage it.

It also only works if the commander fights on the front line.

reminder that JBP loves Rick and Morty

Me and my sister watched that episode together and she said the same thing.

He was thinking he would end the war in one stroke.


not just that, he probably prettys ure that Dany is as bad as her father given that she's just roasted a small army alive. For all he knows, once she gets to king's landing, she'll just burn the city to the ground and just keep going until every slither of opposition has been turned into ashes.

I mean, even if the chances of success are slim, it is clearly a cause worth dying for.

He also loves KEK and Kekistan.

>Quick one. Lucky for you. Mine was some Tarly boy at the Battle of Summerhall. My horse took an arrow so I was on foot, slogging through the mud. He came running at me, the dumb high-born lad, thinking he could end the rebellion with a single swing of his sword. I knocked him down with the hammer. Gods, I was strong then. Caved in his breastplate. Probably shattered every rib he had. Stood over him, hammer in the air. Right before I brought it down he shouted, "Wait! Wait". They never tell you how they all shit themselves. They don't put that part in the songs. Stupid boy. Now the Tarly's bend the knee like everyone else. He could have lingered on the edge of the battle with the smart boys, and today his wife would be making him miserable, his sons would be ingrates, and he'd be waking three times in the night to piss into a bowl.

>Why didn't he just run?
He might be dumb, but he's not a coward.

Jaime Lannister is bravest there is.

His Targaryen PTSD got triggered.

I'll back watch this shit serie just because of this scene, OP faggot. Since Bran got into Jaime's dreams he's becoming a gud man.

Drogon probably heard the horse charging at him

>reading books
What are you, some kind of a faggot?

lemme see those tits babe

What are you, some kind of a nigger?

I'm sick and tired of slutty women not knowing anything about war and the ways of men

All Jaime ever wanted to be was a knight. Having his sword hand cut off robbed him from that, the realms going to shit and he knows his sister is an insane cunt but can't cut himself loose from her.
He probably figured a heroic death was the best he could hope for, and hey, I may just skewer that bitch too.

This was the most kino masculine scene GoT has ever done. Even normies are now singing his praises and of course such bravery in the face of annialation is something roasties and faggots will never understand
Jaime truly has no fight/flight reactions and as he said in S2 'There are no guys like me, only me'
Truly /Ourguy/

People might bash Martin as a bad writer but it's really enjoyable to read this stuff.

Futile last ditch effort deaths are great, the fireaxe jump from Reign of Fire is unironically one of my favourite deaths in a movie.

Actually no, most dragons were either killed by plebs or targs killing each other. Dorne killed one or two, but aside from one or two heroes there's nothing in history like that, meaby the brother of the king that kneel could had killed 3 but he didn't and in any case, they are first men, not andals, andals had a long history of being btfo by dragons.

>tfw no dayne
>tfw smiling knight

>Having his sword hand cut off robbed him from that
On the subject, can Qyburn really not figure out SOMETHING for Jaime? Some sort of pivot similar to the Scorpion's with a gripping "hand" mechanism? I mean I'm not expecting them to go full Army of Darkness, just something rudimentary he'd have to manually adjust with his left hand. He'd never be the fighter he was with no hand and wrist movement, but it's gotta be better than constantly failing with his left hand.

I guess they figure it's better for the story for him to keep dealing with his fall from grace for now.

> target wasnt a dragon
It was

why do retards think he wanted to kill the dragon? he wanted to kill the queen to end the fucking war.

>durr how would he know she the queen

she's riding a fucking dragon and looks like a targaryian

That movie needed more helicopters the poster was awesome, I'm certain half the reasons that movie didn't become a classic is that it over sold the dragon-army fight


Qyburn doesn't seem like a mechanical genius. All his stuff is using obscure elements to create big booms or people back to life etc. there is a big difference between a robotic arm and a bastila. I mean if they can make that shit they can make machine guns.

looking at the script leaks it seems like he was charging at the dragon after all. the writers of this show are genuinely braindead

Maybe he could Frankenstein a corpses hand onto him.

have you seen how stiff the zombie he made is? it wouldn't be much of an improvement.

it was ten billion percent danaerys you moron

he knew Sup Forums was watching so he tried to show off

They clearly changed the script from the leaked one that was probably written a year ago.
He obviously charged Dany, if you have actually watched the scene play out I dont know how you can even debate this

All I'm thinking is basically what amounts to a crude and vaguely hand-shaped vice that he'd have to manually tighten onto a sword handle before battle every single time with no other form of articulation, much less automatic. It's pretty simple engineering. Even the thumb in pic related would be overly ambitious and impractical.

Other anons already said similar things, but it's because he wants to be a knight. He was raised on stories of heroism and valour, his childhood was spent in the safety of summer hearing tales of brave knights doing noble deeds. Now winter is here, the simple, stable order of the world of his youth has crumbled apart, his sister (the person he used to love most) has gone crazy, his children are dead, he's fighting a desperate war on all sides against people who were once allies as well as the hordes of a completely alien culture led by a Targaryen - and then suddenly, in the midst of the chaos and confusion, the smoke parts and he finds himself on a white horse, with a lance, pointed at a dragon.

The complications of the adult world he's lost in fall away, the simple values of his youth resurge within him, and he charges.

Something like this? Westeros straddles an odd mix of tech between the 12th and 16th century, so it could happen, but not at qyburns hands probably.
>In 1504, Berlichingen and his company fought for Albert IV, Duke of Bavaria. During the siege of the city of Landshut, he lost his right arm when enemy cannon fire forced his sword against him. He had two mechanical prosthetic iron replacements made, which are today on display at the Jagsthausen Castle. The second, more famous prosthetic hand was capable of holding objects from a shield or reins to a quill. In spite of this injury, Berlichingen continued his military activities. In the subsequent years he was involved in numerous feuds, both of his own and in support of friends and employers.

Jaime fookin Lannister is /ourguy/, fearless, charismatic and masculine hero!

>defeat in battle
>surely going to die
>make sure to kill the mad queen in heroic sacrifice

Neat, that's along the lines of what I was thinking, but hell even if only something like the left one was feasible for the Thrones universe it would be good enough.

anyone got a link to that vid where kit is awkwardly talking about how jon snow should be listening to sansa

Why didn't he just throw the spear

He knew he'd lost the war as soon as he saw Drogon decimate his entire regimen in the space of two minutes. There's no way Cersei would ever abdicate power to Daenerys, and he's too cucked to abandon Cersei, so he was a dead man regardless. He saw an infinitesimally slim chance to kill Dany and he took it.

Granted, he's not dead. Next episode will almost certainly start with Drogon pulling him out of the water after Tyrion convinces Dany that he will be a valuable hostage. Leaks be damned, they didn't get it all right this episode, no reason to think they'll get it all right next episode.

good luck throwing a spear with your submissive hand while simultaneously riding a horse. retard.

It's a fucking fantasy series with dragons and two resurrections, fagboy.


Because he was honorbound to go try and kill it. He is pretty chivalrous.

Plus he's a knight, the pointy stick isn't for throwing, it's for ploughing into your opponent with the force of one horsepower.

>just turn your brain off, bro!

Was no one else utterly pissed off that someone was able to jump directly across at the height of a horse allowing them to tackle Jaime to safety just in the nick of time?

Fucking anime-tier bullshit.

And not only that, but less than five minutes after having the salesword (I forget his name right now) also casually leap out of the way of the dragon's fire? Like, how small of surface area did that ONE breath torch? Because earlier it was able to spread across 10 or so men shoulder to shoulder.

I'm still mad about it. Cheesey af moments in an otherwise long overdue quality scene.


So are D&D actually ballsy enough to commit to Daenerys going evil and or insane?

Her answer to almost any problem for all seven seasons has either been 'I am the rightful queen' or 'Dracarys' and every time she burns her enemies to the ground, the more tyrannical and insane she seems.

>DUDE bro we need to remain true to realism in a series where someone can survive a fall out of a 30 foot tall tower and dudes can get resurrected with magic and dragons and giants are real LMAO
You guys are virgins, arent you

The problem is that they've trained the howler monkeys at home too well, every time Dany fights someone and says Dracarys it means Dany is obviously in the right.

The good news is that for the shocking finale Dany is 100% guaranteed to get fucking fucked for pure shock value

Why did you ask the question if you were going to have an autism flareup when we told you the answer?


Why are you projecting your autism when its a question about a show where suspension of disbelief is a common plot device

Was he going for Danny or the dragon?

If you were just going to "suspend your disbelief" why did you bother asking the question in the first place?

That's not Rickon, you fucking newfag. Jesus..

Wasn't this a show exclusive scene?

That movie needed more helicopters the poster was awesome, I'm certain half the reasons that movie didn't become a classic is that it over sold the dragon-army fight

That's why they are pairing her with Jon, in essos she was clearly going evil, but I can see pairing her with Jon so he can fuck her head into being good again. We already see that, she wanted to burn the capital until Jon told her not to.

Because he's the hero Westeros needs but not the one it deserves

someone post the picture of Bronn and it says something like (dragon crying) beneath him

>suspension of disbelief is a common plot device


thanks user - hero of the day

no problem

>men feel superior, while fat piglike men in positions of power force the best of them to die for made up ideals

Best post

>made up ideals

>For all he knows, once she gets to king's landing, she'll just burn the city to the ground and just keep going until every slither of opposition has been turned into ashes.
If she was going to do that, she'd be doing it, rather than sending ships to Dorne and the unsullied to Casterley Rock, while turning up at this battle rather than at King's Landing.

quality post


yeah, nothing of that applies to Jaime, who struggled hard after losing his main hand instead of making an instant anime recovery

Dany has stated her wish to use dragons to take King's Landing several times in the show now. She's also starting accuse her advisors, such as Tyrion and Varys, of conspiring against her. People can still reason with her but her temper is fiery to put it mildly and nobody really knows how long other's can keep that temper in check.

And it is important to note that the Mad King didn't plan on buring King's Landing as a mad act at random, he was clearly loosing the war and the enemy were at the gates. Dany has lost her fleet and unsullied and basically only has her dothraki and dragons left. What if she loses the dothraki? Suddenly her only card left to play is "burn them all"

>What if she loses the dothraki?
She won't. Leaks confirm that the Dothraki are some kind of super-army despite not having any armor, Jaime goes back to King's Landing in the next episode and says that they can't beat the dothraki in battle.


Thanks for spoiling the season for no fucking reason...

It's not even a spoiler, this is predictable as fuck

Someone should shoop a MAGA hat on his head

Except Guts didn't have his sword hand cut off, just his left hand.

>Your Grace, I've made some modifications to the Scorpion that I believe Ser Jaime may find appropriate.

you do understand that swordfighting, especially on pre-hand loss jamie level require working wrist?