Whats the best action scene of all time?

whats the best action scene of all time?

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One of the best shoot outs ever. But not one of the best action scenes ever.

wrong, its THE best action scene of all time

Raid 1 & 2 ending fight scenes are better

Haven't seen The Raid 2, but that fight at the end of 1 got to the point of stupidity with how ridiculously durable all the characters were.

>best shootout
>sprays full auto at aluminum cop cars
>no one dies standing behind them
The raw sounds were cool though.

no dude, youre only using choreography as a criteria

those scenes are VERY awesome, but the robbery in heat beats them in (1) tension, as in the robbery, you genuinely dont have any narrative conception about whats going to happen. anyone can die (2) realism. heat is AUTHENTIC as fuck. its astonishing, how michael mann seems to be the only guy in hollywood who gives a fuck about authenticity. but it pays off, every time

not to say that the raid 1&2 isnt super fucking dope, but... heat is better

This thread needs more webm

The last act of Rogue One.

oh fuck you

If you want to say it's the best directed action scene of all time. I won't disagree. Reason Raid 1 & 2 are better is because they used contact and wasn't being shy about it. The hours they put in to make it feel authentic is much harder to do than a shoot out. Which to me makes it better. It's the execution of the battle. Of The punches.

I agree. But like what said. That shit was unbelievable too. End of the day it's a movie. Roll with some stuff. I just think Heat's action scene isn't as good because it's the director making it feel good. While the action was Meh. However Raid it's the pure action making the scene. Director there to just point the camera.

Carentan in Band of Brothers

fair play. of all the martial arts flicks out there, they might be some of the few ones where you can "feel" every hit

for the most authentic close combat action in a movie ever, though, watch pic related (not for maximum coolness, which is the raid, but for maximum authenticity)

>However Raid it's the pure action making the scene.
It's the same in Heat. The actors had to train and drill that shit a lot so they could get their movements down for when they started filming. It comes through really well in the final product.

Also Heat has the best gun sounds. I think only black hawk down and saving private Ryan did better. Also Dunkirk
Definitely in the top 30
Underrated but not even in the top 200

yea, its one of the few action movies that uses actual military tactics with authenticity, and takes cover and reloading and everything into account

but with both the raid & heat, authenticity is not the main factor.

the robbery in heat comes roughly 2 hours into a 3 hour movie. at that point, it might very well be the climax, and every character could potentially die. you have sympathy for both sides, and its not easy at all to predict the outcome. that causes genuine tension, which is SO rare in action movies that its significance cant be overstated

But training and drilling for a shootout is nothing compared to the fighting like raid. They get hit. And go through hours of the same scene. Same punch. Same spots.

Once again. I'm just judging it on action. Which was good. But not the best action scene. Authentic means alot. But the director lifted that scene. You put in an average director that scene with same cast and script. No where as good. Cause Mann made the action better than what it was.

I love the bass the guns in Heat have and the zip they have in Saving Private Ryan.

ya but you gotta judge the scene for its context in the flick, imo... or, well, i mean, it depends on the type of film. but i would rank the motel-shootout in No Country For Old Men pretty fucking high too, even though they only shoot like 8 bullets. but its shot ingeniously, and its genuinely tense because both dudes could die

also.... Helms Deep. best "medieval" battle

>The last act of Rogue One.
Elite Death Troopers literally can't hit a blind guy walking in a straight line

>And go through hours of the same scene.
They do the same with Mann shootouts. Really, both scenes are excellent but comparing martial arts to firearms is fucked to begin with. Whichever one is "better" comes down to personal preference.

Hard Boiled

That long extended shoot out in the hospital that's done in one take.

>The last act of Rogue One.

last twenty minutes of police story 3: SUPERCOP

just dudes running into the Protags at point blank range to be shot dead, so it did John Wick better than John Wick

Hard Boil peaked in the tea house scene cold open scene

mr pink running away from the cops

not enough actual fightings, just dudes jumping on and off various vehicles

The climax of police story 2 is better.


It's a good scene, too bad it's a shit movie.

I was fell asleep watching that slog. Last thing I remember was some night mission,

Heat was a pretty boring movie, i can barely hear what al pacino was saying and some of the "tense" scene were corny as hell.

normie harder


wow, that's incredibly stupid and you should feel bad for posting it

Honestly I thought the ending fights were the worst parts of the Raid films. Shit like hallway fight in 1 or the porn-shop shakedown in 2 are where the series is at its best, scenes where it's just Gareth Evans trying to find ways to make you cringe and go "oh" as some guy gets his neck impaled or his head slammed into a wall or whatever.

The "boss fights" always seem to drag on to me. I get that he's showing off how tough these characters are but there comes a point where it passes brutal, then moves past even comical (which is still good), into exhausting. I think that the 2v1 Mad Dog fight and the last assassin fight (how many times total do you think someone got stabbed or slashed in that fight? A couple hundred?) both fall into that category.

Anyway, since this is an action scene thread it's worth mentioning that for whatever reason the car chase in Berandal was fucking phenomenal. I was not expecting that.

The entire film is an actiongasm

I'll probably get called a pleb for this but the jet vs truck sequence from the ending of Die Hard 4 I think is one of the craziest action scenes ever.

It's crazy enough out of context but in the film proper this is at the end of a 2 hour movie and the end of a 4 film franchise


I like this one !!!

Nothing can top based John Woo. Everything in one take.

Anything that is not this chase scene from Terminator 2 is incorrect. youtube.com/watch?v=zTCzlleoemU


the hammer girl baseball boy fight before the assassin was pretty good though

would this really happen??

>"no post processing effects were used" annotation appears as soon as they move in slow motion
what did he mean by this?

True that. It was a nice little touch that each assassin got killed by their own gimmick, too.

Sporting goods store fight in universal soldier day of reckoning. It's completely standalone if you want to watch it. The american release is censored.

Also armory fight between the chicks in crouching tiger hidden dragon. Wo ping yuen could fill a lot of this thread.

Oldboy hallyway fight is great but that's obvious.

Spl 2 / kill zone ii airport setpiece. I know it's not an airport but it sure looks like one.

The climax of the johnnie to films drug war and three. Drug war has the best street gunfight since heat imo.

How did we got from this...
to this?

hes a skeleton now, catch up

You're a Michael Bay fan aren't you?

Which part? Nm, no.

>le "you must like Michael Bay" meme

You're exactly the kind of dipshit I expected to be triggered by that aren't you?


Good pick

thats not even the best action scene in the movie

what does "nm" mean?


New Mexico

God I remember that in the theater, it was fucking glorious, almost no background music, and like 10 minutes of shooting.

how old are you?


All of the chase scenes in Fury Road

>How did we got from this...
>to this?
the fuck outta here with this reddit syntax nonsense, do it the Sup Forums way or don't do it at all



The camp attack is slick as fuck 10/10

The sounds made this scene.

>suicide bombing: the movie

Mashallah brother

I love Heat. The street gun fight is fantastic.

There are a lot of great action sequences, but this is probably my favorite.



I think this one

seems like a huge thing to organize an entire actual army helicopter company to fly around and make a crazy scene for a movie

plus I think the napalm explosion was the largest explosion ever made for a film

imo, the best scene in the raid movies is the mud-fight in the prison desu

based user

>wHaTs ThE bEsT aCtIoN sCeNe Of AlL tImE
>posts the best action scene of alll time
