What went so wrong?
What went so wrong?
Gavin Evans
Other urls found in this thread:
Hunter Davis
Angel Phillips
You just have terrible entry level pleb taste
Adam Hughes
A Ghost Story is better than every film on the top row with the exception of NCFOM
Colton Hernandez
t. reddit spacer
Anthony Powell
2007: five great films, four of which didn't come out until the vey end of the year
2017: five movies that all came out in the first 7 months, of which two are great and two are good
OP: faggot
Evan Russell
you really think those 2 of those pieces of shit on the bottom are great?
Ryder Cruz
notice that 2017 ones have better critic score on average
Jayden Sanchez
Dunkirk and A Ghost Story.
John Walker
At least have some shame and try to hide your redditry.