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Television and Film
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Television and Film #863
Television and Film
Characters men wouldn't understand
Rick and Morty has TWO shitty episodes a season. Guess they decided to use them up early this time
How is it possible that a show as widely hated on Sup Forums as Game of Thrones still has 30+ threads up at one time?
How can she have a 10/10 body but only a 5/10 face?
Hands down, best animated movie i've seen in years. Not really into happy disney shit anymore...
Tom Cruise injured during a building-jumping stunt when filming #MissionImpossible6; extent of injuries not yet known
ITT: Times you met a celebrity
What was Jorah thinking here?
Why do we have to age? ;_;
/got/ general
Why does Sup Forums never talk about this literally perfect film?
Cute... But that's nothing. Check out mine
This might be the dumbest plan ever
What did you guys think of this? Possibly the most overlooked x-men movie
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
High IQ television
The rape... Sansa
/got/ general Nik Nik Edition
Is gendry's hammer realistic?
I finally decided to download a copy of this film, only to discover it's got hard-coded Czech dubs instead of English...
What are some kinos about being the fourth wheel in your group of friends and being jealous when your best friend gets...
Ive been laying low, no one can know my ancestry
Sup Forums BTFO
Why does every thread on Sup Forums always turn into a political shitstorm? Other boards suffer from this too...
Asian Kino thread
Homecoming at $705m with no China, Sup Forums on suicide watch
Make a typo
~Back in the 90s I used to be in a very famous Sup Forums showw~
How does Sup Forums feel about the show they hate nailing the faults with capeshit? Specifically marvel?
/got/ general
*blocks your virgin walk path*
Why the fuck do people like this stoner shit?
Why does everyone care about the Deadpool stuntwoman?
Female writing team
Wtf she was actually cute in this one
Game of Thrones
Was it kino?
Can we all agree that this show got worse? Everything is more superficial and that's rarely a good thing
Can Star Wars be saved at this point?
Opinions about MDE & Sam Hyde
Has there ever been a less talented person on SNL? How has he survived for so long? He wasn't even funnier than Kel
GOT show VS Book
/got/ general
I'm Idaho!
Every tv show you like turns out to trash eventually
A stunt woman was killed in motorcycle crash on set of Marvel film
Jenna Fischer
Has anyone here seen the Beguiled? Is it any good?
User, What do you mean you don't have Netflix?
Judge Dredd
/got/ general
What was the narrative purpose of this scene?
Is this the best depiction of true OCD ever?
/bb/ Big Brother 19
"Don't tell me what to do!"
*leans back*
Isn't it peculiar that the only army that can't teleport are the white walkers?
Jesus christ Shireen
What's your stance on James Woods
Star Trek
Of color
What does he say?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Poised to be the next big actress in Hollywood
Ben Affleck 45th birthday celebration thread
The Black Goo is "Radical A.I", and Shaw's dissection revealed in NEW Covenant Blu Ray Clip
What are some kino about nigger """""""""""""""""""presidents""""""""""""""""""" who illegally wiretap the homes of...
Korean War
Me want tater
Show me better cast
Promoting mental illness on tv
Today is 27th bithday of Jennifer Lawrence. Say something nice about her
What characters deserve to be in the MCU?
GoT actors rank
What did she mean by this?
Old Joey isn't looking too good boys
Felicity Jones
/comfy/ General
/got/ Game of Thrones General
/got/ general
Canceled TV series that you thought had some potential. The Cape had a rough start...
Who will play them in the inevitable biopic?
When did he get so big? He used to plateau at 50,000 views on his videos but now he gets 200,000 easily
Who will play these anti american liberals in the inevitable biopic?
Why did she turn into an ugly degenerate?
Whats her endgame?
User... Is that it? I thought it would be a lot bigger
Say something nice about this guy
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
Didn't you have greyscale
/got/ general
How do we solve the liberal problem destroying the great USA
It ain't that bad thread
ITT: scenes men will never understand
Can somebody explain to me the Israel Joke? I'm not sure if I understood it
What are some good kinos about drug addiction that aren't Requiem for a dream or Trainspotting?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Which porn star would you most like to see successfuly become a mainstream hollywood actress?
/bb/ Big Brother 19
I fucking hate how this movie
/who/ dr who general
'Justice League' Rumors: Joss Whedon Scraps Zack Snyder's Original Ending for the Movie
/got/ general
So how is this tattoo going to affect the rock's career?
*Blocks your bypass*
How would you cast her?
Why don't they animate shows like this anymore?
Deadpool casts black woman to play white character in order to fill quotas
Was it rape?
Up and coming actresses thread: Hunter King
Characters that are literally you
So Rick and Morty
Was it rape?
Why do none of the people in his shows ever go on to greater success?
Who will they cast in the reboot?
Are there any movies that just feel insulting to your intelligence? This fucking movie is so dumb I want to kill myself...
/snug/ general
Randyll Tarly was a Ned-Stark-tier idiot to reject Dany's offer...
Daily reminder that men will never fully understand Game of Thrones
So, uh, tell me, Sup Forums
ITT good jews
I miss Amanda Knox threads. did /ourgirl/ do it bros?
Why does he hate white people so much?
What are some movies about a guy to antisocial to leave the house because he sees no reason for it unless its to get...
What FUCK was his problem
/got/ general
Friendly Reminder:
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Is she hot or not?
Please be good
/got/ general
What's the overall Sup Forums consensus on The Cleveland Show..?
Who else was also OUTRAGED?
Here's the true king of Westeros
The Nice Guys
Is Liam going to redpill Stephen Colbert tonight?
Is there are superhero series that is worth watching?
Don't read it like a faggot
Joss whedon cut
/got/ general
How the fuck did Dany not capture Jaime...
ITT: only 10/10 movie special effects
So which is better?
I want a 9/10 tv show
Great delivery of lines
Were were you when you noticed Reba McIntyre was a decent actress?
Who will play these anti american liberals in the inevitable biopic?
What the fuck is his problem?
The Mummy bombed
Nice work, dink
Give it to me straight, was he just a GRRM self-insert?
You have to admit he was right, neither she nor her father had/has any rights to claim Westeros
/got/ general Rethinking about life decisions Edition
Yes, we get it, using a midget is edgy
Are they lost?
What the fuck did I just watch?!?
Preacher Thread: Coming Soon Edition
Original mini series had god tier practical effects
Favorite RLM video?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Was it as good as people say?
Media promoting mental illness
Dey popped Sammy? Ah, hell nah
What's the point of sound design? Why don't they just use the actual audio that was recorded?
/got/ general Queen Mommy Edition
Reminder that not hover handing is now groping
Humble, likable and just king, the kind of boss you'd want, doesn't think he's anything special
Was this supposed to be based on a real story?
What are the best lonelykinos? Lost in Translation captures that lonely vibe really well but it's quite boring
Give it to me straight, is he alive or not?
Is he the biggest LARPing faggot of all time?
D-does season 1 live up to the hype? Is it pure kino?
What went wrong?
Who will die?
Nobody changes their clothes
Still the best capeshit trailer ever
Why did they turn her into a comic book tier villain?
Why does Hollywood keep trying to make her a thing?
What the FUCK was her problem?
Recommend some dreamlike films
I watched this recently. Not by choice particularly, I was just there when someone put it on
What are some movies where people get broken in half?
/got/ general
Genuine kino appreciation thread
Star Trek's new captain does not care if die-hard Trekkies like him
Will GRRM be able to write his own version of this stories ending, without being influenced by the tv show...
The Last Jedi Ending
/bb/ Big Brother 19
Any kinosseurs here?
26 years old
Has Sam Hyde Gone Too Far?
GOT - Cringe reactions at Burlington Bar
They had a threesome, right?
/got/ general dickon edition
/got/ general "I'm fucking Darth Vader" Edition
Hiro Approved board discussion thread
Holy shit guys......RIP
Tfw you realize there's over 33 Game of thrones threads flooding Sup Forums right now
Did they change something about her look? She looks different this season. I'm not the only person who noticed it
ITT: Actors who automatically improve the quality of movies they're in
Is the downfall of The Simpsons the most tragic thing in television history?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General:
So lemme get this straight
What do you want to see next from her after Squirrel Girl?
/got/ general BENDINI Edition
They had the best scenes in GoT, you may not like it but it is true
ITT: Movies that made you cry
This is what that smug little cunt gets for showing off her power level in the previous episode...
Yesterday I was watching GoT with my girlfriend
Who the fuck okayed the decision to use modern nigger music in the soundtrack when the film is clearly set in the jazz...
It's a goth/emo girl is cuter than the plastic blondes episode
What's your favorite episode of the Simpsons, Sup Forums?
Serious Aidan Gillen thread
What did her death accomplish, if anything?
Remember when laguerta wanted to fuck dexter and then they dropped that whole thing completely for no reason
/got/ general Daddy Jaime Edition
Bald, jane bald
Absurd movies
Replace a word in a movie/tv series title with "loli" I'll start
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
/who/ Dr Who General
Is his name pronounced "lew-is" or "lew-ee"?
You can't bruise the cru-
Who else loved the latest episode?
/got/ general
Be some character used to logically advance plot
Tfw no strictly platonic friendship in high school
ITT: Talentless hacks
Those states
This is not ok
Was this movie fucking great or what?
The new Half in the Bag is a little late, isn't it?
What do you think of this clip
/got/ - I wish you good fortune in the wars to come
Do Americans usually park like this?
Why is he keeping his death a secret?
BREAKING: Tom Cruise injured while filming Mission: Impossible 6 stunt jump
Official goddess of Sup Forums
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Why are people pretending like Jon being a Targ changes anything...
Stuntwoman dies on set of Deadpool 2 in Vancouver
I just finished binge-watching Bojack Horseman for the first time, and damn I loved it
Emilia Clarke appreciation thread
Warhammer 40K is now a Live Action T.V show
One Piece Live Action TV show
Roommates and I have been drawing on our fridge lately, about got the lower part filled up. We take requests lol
The sopranos thread
Press F
Is there any explanation why it's taking them forever to march to the wall. It took Jon...
/got/ - azor ahai edition
Young Sheldon
Is shown being in THREE places (somewhere in the Reach, then Dragonstone...
Cute as fuck
Slavery is bad
Let all true men declare their loyalty
Post yfw last movie you watched
/got/ general /ourqueen/ Edition
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
ITT: Post a movie and others post the first quote they can think of
Is pic related the lowest point of a once-great show/the most bastardized anything has ever become?
Berserk Golden Age TV series produced by HBO would be big hit if done correctly...
Spider-Man > Spider-Man 2 > Homecoming = Spider-Man 3 > a steaming pile of shit > TASM > TASM 2
What is the scariest kids show and why is it Thomas The Tank Engine?
But the truest victory, my son, is stirring the hearts of your people. I tell you this...
Stunt driver dead after accident on Deadpool 2 set
/got/ general BOATSEX edition:
How does Daenerys and the Targaryen family have Dragon blood...
I'm looking to have a "so bad it's good" horror movie night with friends. Any suggestions?
What did Sup Forums think of this?
That´s a great poster !
Who is the bigger scumbag?
Why didn't you tell me this was so good? You never tell me when things are good, Sup Forums...
Am i the only one who is hateing the new episodes? They are not really funny, they focus too much on being serious...
Is this the most iconic shot of all time?
What are some comfy Japanese daily life documentaries? Looking for something with architecture, mundane things...
Remember that timr Jon was burned by the lantern while trying to save Mormont????
More like chadatron am I right?
ITT God tier comedies
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
How come I always hear so much about Mark Hamill's accident and scarring as if it's so important...
Teen Choice Awards 2017
/got/ general no girls allowed edition
/got/ general
Hop in
Oh yeah, that happened... and it was awesome
White girl is the race traitor
What did he mean by this?
/got/ general Retards Edition
Press F to pay respect
Bow to me or be burned alive. along with your son and sole heir
DC has good cinematogra-
Wow. Look at this advertising campaign. Go watch Valerian RIGHT NOW or else you don't support GIRL PWRRRR XDXDXDXDXD
Jessica Chastain playing a 26 years old. Really?
Holy shit, this guy is LITERALLY me
Is this overrated?
Spend like 3 days with Jon Snow, mostly talking about knees
Damn, she must have had a hell of a cunt for it to be worth starting a war over
/got/ general
Video: Aidan Gillen on his role as CIA "Bill Wilson"
I am not sure what Tyrion and Varys expected of Dany...
Superman, in saving the Earth, causes collateral damage that may have killed a few people
What was the thematic significance of this scene?
Didnt people also say wonder woman was a mess?
Rick is an anti-Semite now
Fat tumblrinas overreacting when?
What is this pose? What does it imply?
Kino that wouldn't have a chance in 2017
Is she really pregnant?
/GoT/ General
Teleportation in Westros
How would he have handled Yas queen?
Give me one reason to watch this "kino"
Celebrity nudes general
Which exact event, aside from Ned becoming Hand of the King...
What doth life?
Fucking idiots STILL support her after this
I know Spider-Man Homecoming is old news on Sup Forums...
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
How do Marvelfags think this movie was great?
The Shire. Home
Started using VLC like seven years ago
- "You're a lot leaner!"
/who/ - Doctor Who General
/lbg/ - Letterboxd General
Do you want the big enchilada?
Jeffries Edition
"thought you might still be rowing"
Virtue signalling cuck or legit funny guy? Not sure if I want to enjoy his schtick. All my friends fawn over this guy...
How is she gonna react when she figures out she is the one who should bend the knee to Jon Targaryan ?
Rick and morty sucks now
Who here rooting for the walkers?
British """""humor"""""""
Was Fargo season 2 the best season?
/got/ what is dead
/got/ general: The Wall solution edition
"And you are a manlet"
4 good episodes in a row and Sup Forums still won't admit that they're wrong
New episode of Rick and Morty was gold. It's back, baby
Just started Mad Men. Seems mediocre so far, but I'm only 3 eps in and I'm sure it will change
Which version should I watch?
Why is he such a fucking cuck?
HBO - Insecure
Or the Queen who fucks her Uncle?
Best GOT actor/actress?
Are you watching Younger? It's up to season 4
Name a campier movie, I dare you
/got/ general: chad roasting edition
/got/ for connoissuers only
Why did Brad Pitt support killing people because of their political views?
Harry Potter
Shot Caller
Rewatching Lost again and I still dont get it
Sam Shepard moved on?
How long before the creators of Rick and Morty have to apologize to (((them))) about this scene from last nights...
Anyone else find it hysterical when certain actors have scenes regarding the white walkers...
Why do you retards worship this shit...
The Dream Team
If Aegon was still alive, who has more rights?
Thank you Canada for all the nightmares
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
/got/ general
Food kino thread?
Massive undertaking
Troy: Ayo Hol Up
Why would anyone on this board discuss shit like CIA's endgame or Thoros'es plans if there is the plot of the entire...
/got/ - Game of Thrones General
And you're a lot shorter
How did HBO go from one of the best networks on television to one of the worst?
Personal 10/10s
Jennifer Lawrence
/got/ - Game of Thrones General
I finally decided to download a copy of this film, only to discover it's got hard-coded Czech dubs instead of English...
It's time to settle the debate once and for all
"Actress" Sommer Ray
Essential jew-kino
Okay let's get this shit fucking straight
"Never betray me again."
You have my Hammer
Sup Forums show ideas you came up with
/bb/ Big Brother 19
/got/ - Game of Thrones General
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
The Fountainhead
Star Trek
ITT: characters women will never understand
So wait
I shall be known from now on, as the Black Vegetable
Are there any good recent movies with a pro-white message?
/ourgirl/ new video
Does anyone have the Maisie Williams greenest around?
Who would the Friends have voted for in 2016?
Wait hang on, where's this guy?
ITT: scenes men will never understand
Kino or jewish propaganda?
/got/ general
I guess we're some kind of Suicide Squad
This is objectively the best chart
Were they ever funny?
What was his goddamned problem?
/got/ - Game of Thrones General
Episode 4 was actually decent
Who's your favorite Simpsons character?
What are the chances
Xaiver: Renegade Angel
Yes, destroying the stock market where many working people's retirement is invested will be great...
Why didn't you tell me how good this was Sup Forums?
Now that the dust has settled, I think we all agree that the theatrical ending was far superior to the original ending
Rick called out the Jews. Shut it down
What's the point watching this shit anymore if we already know this biggest twist between these 2?
/got/ general
How can human "males" ever hope to compete?
140 iq
What do we think of Natalie Portman?
50 Shades discussion
C-can i be a meme now?
This literally gets worse and worse with each episode
/got/ general
Last week left edition
ITT: scenes women will never understand
Elizabeth Hurley
/got/ general
Dan Harmon says it's his least favorite episode of the new season
Name a better trilogy than this. I dare you
So what do you want to watch tonight, user?
Who should play him in the inevitable biopic?
Hey earl
HOT FISH this episode was awful
/got/ - Game of Thrones General
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
I'm not evil, Cersei is! I'm here to liberate all of you and save Westeros!
Dany burns two people for no real reason
The superior Coppola
Boy Kat Dennings sure has been packing on those pounds since 2 broke girls was cancelled!
Watch film
/got/ 7 good men edition
Whats the /tv consensus on Katheryn Winnick?
ITT: post a pic of your local theater
Did HBO crackdown on piracy?
"Robb, I write to you with a heavy heart. Our good king Robert is dead, killed from wounds he took in a boar hunt...
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Petyr Baelish
/got/ general MAD QUEEN EDITION
Is Million Dollar Extreme: World Peace a good show?
What happened to their careers ? You don't see them in anything
What does the note say??
F ;_;
/bb/ Big Brother 19
Tardies died for nothing
/got/ general Lannicest Babby #4 Edition
/who/ - Doctor Who General
What did she mean by this?
Despite what Cersei might have told you, I'm not here destroy your cities and kill your family, I'm not like her...
He's fucking back! The king is back!
Name my band
What did you think of Swiss Army Man?
The Strain Thread
Got bullshit
Weekly /DCEU/ General Thread: Fake News Edition
What's the best musical of all time and why is it Rocky Horror Picture Show?
Tom Cruise Reportedly Injured While Performing High-Flying Stunt For MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE 6
Say you have to show your little brother/cousin the story of Jesus, but you only have two available movies to show them
Marvel's cinematography is bad!-
We need to see the dothraki raping and pillaging and and the dragons eating humans how the fuck they got so big
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Why are there no Rick and Morty threads right now?
Is this accurate?
Post trilogies that follow the 3 > 1 > 2 pattern
ITT: Films fascists will never understand
Michael Bay
/got/ general/ Mad Queen Edition
Don't be a... TOMMY TEXTER
Is cowardice seen as an exclusively male trait in Film?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
What are the shows best moments?
I think you know what I want you to do
ITT: Actors with the most punchable face
/lbg/ - Letterboxd General
Tonight on TV, on four separate channels, back to back episodes of The Big Bang Theory
The new movie doesn't get what makes killer clowns so creepy
Can we talk about The Beverly Hillbillies for a minute?
Yes, destroying the stock market where many working people's retirement is invested will be great...
Your clothes. Give them to me now
ITT: Best films to get stoned to
How come no one talks about the fact that Jon and Daenarys brought a bunch of savages to a civilization that is much...
Cast him
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
The Orvile
What the fuck was his problem?
Well @realDonaldTrump, at least I will go down as a president!
Post Simpsons jokes that you still don't get
Can we discuss web-shooters for a sec? Which one did you guys prefer?
/got/ We chill here until the torrent for episode 5 is released, pull out your sacks and relax
Implying you would not
/got/ general
You want to do WHAT with my eyebrows?
Lol u tk him 2 da bar
Star Trek General
Creep by Radiohead starts playing
Game of throne links
Paul Latza tell all interview
ITT - Characters that Remind You of Yourself
Why this scene turned into a meme?There is dozens of worse capeshit scenes
ITT: Shows that are simply repugnant
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Home Alone remake
Sup Forums BTFO
Watch Super Size Me
He's a titguy
/bb/ Big Brother 19
/got/ general
Has Sam Hyde Gone Too Far?
Honest thoughts on Jazz?
I'm queer
Which one?
Post a tv show or film and I'll tell you what superior work it's ripping off
It's a Chekhov episode
Recommend movies with flawless CGI
Movies to watch with mom
Jon Snow is the true hero of this story. He's been eating shit since season 1 but keeps fighting for everyone anyway
Why do i keep seeing pictures of fat Emilia Clarke every year and yet she is fit and skinny in every season
Gotham Thread
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
"They iced that nigga?"
Wait, so people only like this ironically, right?
This man is a hero
Is the book as ambiguous as the film as to whether the murders actually took place?
Adult cinema general
Post your worst theater experience
What do we think of Michael Douglas' son?
What does Sup Forums think about Porn?
Sam Hyde
What does Sup Forums think of The Eric Andre Show?
What are they watching?
I'll be useless sir
Marvel movies don't have good villai-
ITT: We post pics and people recommend films with similar vibes
Austin Powers 4 when?
/got/ general PROMISE ME NED edition
/got/ general
HBO hackers leak upcoming episodes of Insecure, Curb Your Enthusiasm
What would be the happiest possible ending?
What sort of people enjoy Doctor Who and can't see it's massive flaws?
What's it like to be almost 40 and have people still treat you like a precocious child?
What did your local blockbuster/video rental store turn into?
You very big guy
I only like this show because there's finally a hispanic character who isn't a fucking brown mestizo indian
New episode tonight!
Rate the harry potter films
A similar situation arose with Star Wars: The Force Unleashed’s protagonist, Starkiller...
Worst girl
TVs of Sup Forums
Hi welcome to Film Theory 101...
Is this really anne hathaway? What were the best nudes to come out of celebrities?
What'd Google mean by this?
How do actors not get a boner when stuff like this happens
It's right, you know
ITT: We post our top 5 and call each other plebs
Name a better cop show. Expert tip: it's very difficult
/kpg/ Kinoplex General
What would you like to see next from best Emma?
This Chad terminology is a borderline mentally retarded notion. Also stifled was not an ideal man...
King Arthur had such a great soundtrack, what a shame it bombed hard
Manlets BTFO!
Just watched Logan
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
What did The Simpsons mean by this?
/ourgirl/ new true american video
How can we use this to our advantage?
Makes u think
F sweet prince
/got/ general
Lets discuss her body of work
Does anyone have Gay Kino recommendations...
ITT: true American kino
Hop in
Why did it bomb do hard?
/sneed/ general, post all sneed related topics in this thread
Human music.... I LIKE IT!
How will South Park handle this one?
This man is a hero
Won't the elves get bored in Valinor?
My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius
Sorry Lauren
What is the best trilogy?
What would you like to see next from her?
Killed his son using his signature move
Hispanic character
I wonder whose dick she sucked
What are your favorite japanese films?
Who was in the wrong here?
/got/ general
I can't afford health care
/got/ general
Why are there so many tall canadian brunettes in television and movies...
I really liked the finale. Really depressing when you think about it...
Xavier: Renegade Angel confirmed Reddit
What would you like to see next from this guy?
What the fuck happened?
Can we all agree on this?
What film causes the highest amount of asshurt?
Who was in the right here?
It seems as though this time a couple of years ago they were trying to push this woman onto our screens...
Which was superior?
The thinking mans cape kino
Louis Theroux Thread
What can you tell me about this movie?
/got/ general
Mommy... Baby wants to fuuuuuck
When is season 3?
This man is a hero
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
ITT: actresses on their peak
*record scratch*
What would you do in his position, Sup Forums?
You know how everybody loved Ewoks in Episode VI? I hope you're ready for more with these pieces of shit called porgs
This was pretty good
Why is media so fucking retarded sometimes?
Why all the men in porn are ugly? So the average joe can associate himself with?
So is Bran the only person right now who knows that Jon is the son of Lyanna and Rhaegar?
/got/ general
He'd be perfect and you know it
Am I the only one that does this after a movie? It's what they get for charging me 15 bucks for garbage
Best trilogies for each decade since the '80s?
First Sup Forums image you have saved
South Park premiered 20 years ago today
What the fuck is his problem? This pizza is perfectly edible plus delicious
Why do people dislike this film again?
I'm a survivor. We're a dying breed
We did it reddit
How does Netflix keep putting out such high quality content?
Jesus, imagine being this butthurt about having to do your job
Is this show any good?
How do we fix sony?
/got/ general
What did she mean by this?
Does he have good taste in film?
I don't get it
/who/ - Doctor Who General
What does Sup Forums think of this show?
Now that the dust has settled, what does Sup Forums think?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Whats the purpose of back lighting your tv? Why do normies have to do stupid shit like this?
/got/ general
What was his secret?
So if she can grab and throw around cars with her "magic" why not just cut the middleman and directly grab and throw...
Buddhists kill and torture Kurishitans just for the sake of being assholes
Who /TeamLannister/ here
Why didn't he just skip town?
Tfw literally always thought "Netflix and Chill" means to watch netflix and chill
Childhood is worshipping Return of the King
2017 > 2007
Get sent on a literal mission from God to preserve the Bible
Can a janitor be alpha?
What are the best 1vs1 in movie history?
"What doth life"
What did Sup Forums think of the Narnia trilogy?
What went so wrong?
Actors that ruin everything they're in
Would the machines honor the deal with Cypher?
/bb/ Big Brother 19
ITT: Times you met a celebrity
/got/ general
Was he a Chad?
Let's put to rest the "Snyder is better than Nolan at visuals" meme
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...