Why does pic related have the strength of three grown men? Also, did you like the movie?
Just watched Logan
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because the age of men is over, the age of strong wimmenz is upon us
Metal skeleton probably
Because she was a superhero?
>Why does pic related have the strength of three grown men?
she's a lab altered mutant, surprised you don't ask why she has claws in her hands and feet, you stupid cunt.
>Donald Pierce, the Reevers, and the military contractors have a problem grabbing 1 mutant girl
>at the end of the movie they have no problem grabbing the 1 girl and a dozen or mutant kids
On its own it was pretty decent.
Compared to the expectations one would have after reading reviews, affected by its marketing campaign and all the praise it got, it'd be pretty damn bad.
Its a really good fucking movie .. don't let anyone tell you otherwise
one of the only good films of the year
She only has metal claws
Because she's a fucking manufactured weapon.
it would make her really heavy if she was using her weight as leverage she could theoretically fuck over a stronger opponent
At what point in the movie did she display the strength of three grown men??
>She only has metal claws
It was good, but it was also retarded.
>not a boy
a pity
Because she's Logan's clone
>surprised you don't ask why she has claws in her hands and feet, you stupid cunt.
Someone's TRIGGERED lol
So why isn't full grown wolverine as powerful as a rhinoceros
Footjobs would be extremely dangerous.
>logans child
>South American Indian
The experimental children had random women birthing them.
Laura had a Mexican surrogate, so Laura is Mexican.
>only half Logan
>has more claw bones than him
She has 6, exactly like Logan.
One was snapped off each arm and put onto her feet.
Xavier talks about it, how men are stronger, so female uses their legs.
Name one time a woman has ever driven off a man with her legs
Literally every women spread their legs and even taken down entire kingdoms alone.
>driven off
Why are there no young white mutants?
Metal grafting can only be done on fully grown mutants
Because mutants were literally created based as minorities.
Logan took a literal approach by making all the kids minorities.
She was OK until she started speaking. Probably the most grating and annoying voice I've ever heard, Jesus Christ.
But Europeans are a minority?
I think a dude somewhere at some point has suffered at least one field goal kick to the nuts by a woman and been warded off.
Not in Trump's America.
>hit a bee hive to make the bees go away
ruined the whole movie for me.
and i've never heard anybody else say anything about it, either.
c'mon, Sup Forums, where's your racism when i need it?
If it was a real fight, adrenaline would take over and they would barely feel it. The only way to stun someone for sure is to hit them really, really hard in the stomach and knock the air out of them. I doubt many women could do that to a man.
>telepath freezing people with his mind is fine
Nah, seriously though, she, like Logan, heals immediately. I don't know how /fit/ you are, but anyone having this ability would become ripped in a matter of hours because muscle growth is basically damage, regeneration and repair. That's dumbing it down significantly, but you get what I'm saying.
We never saw her with her shirt off. If the Logan universe were real life she'd be built like Bruce Lee under that rainbow shirt.
So why isn't Logan as strong as the hulk you fucking dumb ass?
Lol the racist white cowboy shit. Talk about fuck whitey
>retarded Sup Forumstard doesnt pay attention during movies
Because you can only fit so much muscle into a man, so much density into a muscle, and he isn't the size of the hulk, you fucking dumb ass?
It was an exaggeration DUMB SHIITER
Because when she does then it's too qt.
Are you okay?
>why is she strong?
cause she is a mutant
>did i like the movie?
no, i thought it was shite and x-men are normally one of the few super hero movies i like.
She did but the character is Mexican so speaking Spanish was her natural language.
She spoke English as well though.
So are we going to just ignore the fact you're stupid?
I've literally come into this thread and stated a fact, then explained away your rebuttal as though to a toddler. If you don't understand at this point there's nothing else I can do. In fact, if your original rebuttal was an exaggeration then I don't know what your problem is or why you can't understand what I've told you.
Let me be real simple for you baby
>little girl mutant
>stronger than grown men
>full grown Logan
>stronger than most men but not by a lot
You understand pumpkin?
Did they ever say in the comics or other movies that Logan was super strong, like Hulk strong?
How did X-24 throw that truck off of himself?
Logan should be waaaaaaay stronger than the strongest man if it was scaled up. Yet he's not.
I don't know, if only you could look that up on some kind of wiki of some sort
i miss keenposting
Is that Jack White?
To make the ravens even less of a threat to the main characters.
>all the misinformation in this thread
Fuck me. Laura is the "daughter" of Logan, she is pretty damn strong because she went "feral" in combat, when Logan goes "feral" he becomes unstoppable. Only her claws are adamantium which results in her being a faster combatant, her claws are placed differently because that's how they grew, they were not placed there and Charles explains that part anyway.
I hope that helps.
If Logan has super regeneration when he lifts something heavy shouldn't his muscles break and rebind quick enough so he's always getting stronger.
It was cute
He has a fucking metal skeleton, that's probably pretty fucking heavy
That weight would make him even stronger when fighting people dumb cunt
You don't actually understand what i am saying here, retard. He has all that weight in his body and can walk normally and is probably faster than normal humans, that implies super strength.
She's still growing. It would be retarded to put metal in the rest of her bones
That's not even close to Hulk strong. He's supposed to be Captain America strong. He's actually a lot weaker in the movies than he is in the comics.
Is she white by American standards?
You've never been really, REALLY kicked in the balls.
oh yeah? well I had sex with your wife!
If someone really really really kicked me in the balls reddit, that would only make me more angry. And don't tell me about testicular pain until you've had a double torsion you insufferable hog
She's a mutant, you retard. Her daddy has the strenght of ten men.
Nice enough movie but pretty damn overrated by the board and press.
Liked Merchant and Huge Actman in it, the girl was just ok and Patrick was lmaojk half the time.
Never seen a capeshit where the heroes are vulnerable to villains that incompetent so that was a nice change.
The kids being completely alone at the end seemed ridiculous. With Logan there and the kids being chased through the woods all I could think was damn, it's like Michael Jackson wrote this shit. Or maybe that other faggot Singer.
It was all too predictable. Sanctuary being real and Logan making the noble sacrifice was I felt a bit of a cop out.
Very fucking violent to a point where you have to ask if it's really necessary. It's a good enough story that you'd want to share with your kids (if applicable) but with this much explicit gore it kinda shoots itself in the foot.
Negro family did nothing wrong.
Nu-Wolverine as the ultimate weapon is... meh. If the part of the issue with Wolv was that he lost the family Patrick gave him, why not make it a mix of the other xmen? Or maybe one of them with a microchip. Then again that thing with the bullet was well carried through.
The interplay between Wolv and the kid that should be instrumental to the film wasn't as well realized as, say, The Road.
Also, long. Really long.
But yeah, it was decent. Certainly better than most capeshit but I fail to see what everyone else did.
>It was all too predictable. Sanctuary being real and Logan making the noble sacrifice was I felt a bit of a cop out
Not to mention there was a glaring plot hole near the end. Logan took that green shit which effectively gives his healing factor a jump start and makes it work again, so it should have healed all the damage done by the adamantium poisoning extending his time by another 20-30 years easy but instead it heals enough for a rampage and that's it?
I thought that was a pretty big cop-out so they could have their sad "Logan is dead" ending.
It probably did heal the poisoning but what does it matter when he was impaled and stabbed repeatedly after it had worn off?
That would be true if it wasn't for the fact that as soon as it started wearing off he was back to his gimped self before that when he should have been top tier, and without the poisoning/government tampering fucking up his healing factor, due to that thing being able to heal and remove any and all damage, any damage sustained should have healed instantly.
That's cause he was covered in bullet wounds though.
I know but my point is the film hints at the government introducing shit to water/food to kill the mutants at the genetic level, yet Logan still had his healing factor or else it couldn't have been re-activated with the green shit, so when it was activated it should have aggresivly healed all damage he gained over the years of it being shut down including whatever the goverment did in the first place, reactivating it and resotring Logan to Wolverine status but instead it just shuts down again which makes no fucking sense at all.
Oh I see what you mean. Yeah I'm no biologist so I couldn't tell you.
>I-I can explain! I was just curious! I hardly even read the post! Haha. I'm not going to jail right?
for you
fuck you!
wolverine does have super strength and speed but the metal on his bones is poisonous and that weakens him but hes still faster and stronger than any other human