How do Marvelfags think this movie was great?
"An evil organisation called Hydra has been operating within SHIELD and our heroes discover this and stop them successfully"
Is this plot? How do Marvelfags enjoy this?
How do Marvelfags think this movie was great?
"An evil organisation called Hydra has been operating within SHIELD and our heroes discover this and stop them successfully"
Is this plot? How do Marvelfags enjoy this?
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Because when the bar is set that low, a middle of the road action thriller looks really good.
How do Spielberg think this movie was great?
"A friendly alien is stuck on Earth and some kids help him get home"
Is this plot? How do Spielberg enjoy this?
I mean, 2014 had 3 quality movies, 2 of wich stand out for the plot
>Dawn of The Planet of The Apes (the plot)
>Days of The Future Past (the plot)
>Edge of Tomorrow (the OST)
Again, apekino and logankino work wonders together, so if Winter Soldier DID stand out, it wasn't for the plot
Marvel is nothing but shitty CGI+quips fiesta. The Winter Soldier was a mediocre movie, yet the best one marvel has ever released.
This scene is the best fight scene out of all this countless cgi shit they drop every year.
Basically this. It's a forgettable post 9/11 thriller but because Disney is so bland everyone likes it
Same with GotG, it's basically a big budget version of starcrash, but because it's a cape film everyone says it's great (where as Starcrash is considered terrible)
fuck off,this movie was one of the few mcu movies that is not reddit shit
this villain looks nothing like a soldier, anyone that don't know the characters would think he's a school shooter
>Edge of Tomorrow
>implying it's just the OST that was standout in it
Seems good to me.