/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General

Pete goes fishing Edition

Russian tv-site >leaked the descriptions of the rest of the episodes, but keep in mind we're not sure they are 100% true. The same site was right for episode 12, so let's see when episode 15 airs if we can trust the rest.



Other urls found in this thread:


First for Fine Art Lynch


give me the spoilers I missed them in the last thread

They are fake.

Reminder that Eddie Vedder cowrote a song with David Lynch for the finale of twin peaks, it confirms that god is not dead but dreaming and Dagoth Ur never gets his mind back.

Dogue is Janey-E's wife
Dogue drinks coffee and says hellooooooooooooOooooO
Gordon eats a donut

who /unspoiled/ here?

most kino aged actor imho

why did the mods delete the spoilers?