>slavery is bad
>burning people alive is ok
Explain this shit, faggots.
Slavery is bad
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Better to die on your feet than live on your knees, negro.
any other commander would have just killed them all except for dickon and randall.
They're her enemies willingly standing with a powerhungry cunt, who killed the last king and fucks her brother.
>would you like me to burn you alive or would you not like to be burned alive?
>hmm... burn me alive
>me too
What else could she do?
It is war you fag. They fought, they lost, they die.
They would've have done worse. The fucking traitor betrayed his house and killed people he swore to protect.
>instead of bending the knee you have to kiss dany's feet and massage them as a foot slave
would you do it?
but they were white males
No, because I'm a pit fag.
If you are an slave you suffer for years.
If you burn, you stop suffering.
She was making them a favour.
Slavery doesn't come with a choice. You either are or you aren't and it'd decided by the person in the position of power
In the case of the burnings, the person in the position of power gave the option to be burnt or not be burnt
Since Daniel's whole shtick is that she's breaking the wheel, which I imagine is meant to imply an end to the lives of all being decided by the arguments of the powerful, she let the lives of those present be decided by themselves
would you rather die free or live serving?
>burning traitors
If she actually keeps this up I might actually be Team YASSSS KHUEENESI
>burning prisoners alive is part of war
>calling others retard while being this dumb
>b-b-but others are evil too
>hey, you can give me your money or get shot
>see, you had a choice
danyfags on damage control is the funniest thing
A slave can choose to stop working and be killed in the same way.
>burning people alive is ok
>Doesn't understand the concept of the "Ends Justify The means"
>Doesn't understand that anyone who is an enemy of her, is an ally of slavery and therefore deserves to be burnt
You cannot have it both ways. Yaas Kween fags cannot complain about that and then justify Dany doing it.
>spend two seasons showing dany liberating slaves to show how morally superior she is
>noone in the seven kingdoms practices slavery anyway, even the villains
What did they mean by this
Tranny pussy cries about every thread
>slavery is, like, the worst thing my dudes
>but it's OK that the Dothraki not just routinely sold entire villages into slavery but also raped and murdered indiscriminately and saw nothing wrong with that because reasons
>slavery is bad
>burning people alive is ok
Problem, faggot?
>Explain this shit, faggots.
Dany is Antifa
Everyone but the Monarch is a slave under the system of Monarchy.
>burning prisoners alive isn't part of war
Oh do I have to be delicate with my war enemies now. Maybe I should send them some flowers and hope they die of a heart attack while contemplating the cuteness
You fucking retard
I never got that. I thought the entire point was to show that she was a compassionate leader who only wants followers that would willingly serve her.
But she's just come to conquer.
not this guy But I guess his point was that any sensible commander would have killed those who turned their backs on the king they were originally fighting for, and treated those who remained loyal and didn't flip flop by bending the knee to someone else the minute things got hard, with respect or at least letting them die with dignity.
>the only 2 options when dealing with disarmed prisoners is straight up murder or silly hyperbole including giving them flowers
How about lock them up and not let them go until the war is over? What is the geneva convention?
Assuming being burnt by dragon breath works like it was shown in the last episode, then literally yes it's okay, and the pyres for the Red God are not okay. Burning to death on a stake is abhorrent because it's slow and extremely painful. In contrast, the Tarlys were reduced to ash in seconds by Drogon. It's not a stretch to assume that it would painless to die that way.
>it's not slavery when you have the choice to refuse to serve but die
it's hur tern
>Danny's father burns people alive: OMG you horrible monster
I almost feel sorry for Dan, I think she really thought she was going to come over, be the peoples' champion, rally the smallfolk against their cruel oppressors, but really nobody likes her and she's got to much Target Madness to not become a sadistic despot, she can't help herself
>it´s a DD mocking their target liberal audience and they are too stupid to realize it episode
What is preventing them from starting a new war once they're free?
Also do you legit unironically think the Geneva convention exists on Game of Thrones?
>How about lock them up and not let them go until the war is over
Dany literally said they can't take prisoners or else every battle they win will result in more prisoners and she doesn't want to deal with that.
The choice are literally join or die. WHICH IS EXACTLY RULING BY FEAR
>she can't because it's too hard / she doesn't want to
And that's why she is going to die by Jon's hand and never get what she wants, because she's a sanctimonious amoral cunt.
>everything is black and white
>all circumstances are the same
Can you even say with a straight face that Jon has never executed people before?
She sounds like your typical Salamander player.
how does your underdeveloped mind look at the situation and conclude that imprisoning, feeding, and sheltering thousands of enemy soldiers for years is a winning strategy or somehow more benevolent than a quick death by dragonfire
Jon is going to die too. His execution of Janos Slynt was completely unjustifiable. Executing actual explicit murderers like Oly and Ser Alliser Thorne isn't the same thing as Dany executing disarmed prisoners. But executing Janos Slynt for not following orders is totally wrong. I don't let Jon get away with that, don't know why you think I do. I just said Jon will kill Dany, that makes no comment on my opinion of Jon. Nice attempted strawman though.
>Watch the opening scene
>Tyrion walking through the ashes whilst his people are getting culturally enriched
>The Tarlys get culturally enriched
>Randyll's last words about the army of savages
>Tyrion trying to stop the mad queen
The show is doing a pretty good job at making me support Cersei/Euron
slaves didn't had any choices, those people had
Put yourself in their shoes and answer that question, you moron. Would you rather be kept prisoner for a few years (even in awful conditions, Auschwitz Levels of abuse) or die, RIGHT THIS SECOND? We both know which you would choose.
geneva convention exists for a reason you dumb youtube commenter. people in westeros can see that burning prisoners alive is not good for them, dying by fire is more painful than beheading etc. you dont need a document telling you that those things are bad.
the worst thing about dany is that shes dishonest. "i want to help people thats why i'm fighting xDD". everyone else is at least honest that they want power. killing tens of thousands with rapist savages and big flying monsters because "i only want to help", lmao. she wants the iron throne cause her crazy father was a king aswell and her brother brainwashed her into believing that getting the iron throne is her destiny
you either die a hero or...
>>hey, you can give me your money or get shot
>>see, you had a choice
yeah, that is a choice you stupid fuck. if you don't give them your money you get shot
I would rather fight for the girl that rides a dragon and commands Mongols than do either, but if I had to choose prison or death for some reason I would choose to die in seconds rather than spend years starving in Auschwitz level conditions and likely die from disease anyway.
Mad Queen ending confirmed.
>Dying by fire is more painful than beheading
How do you conclude this? The two morons that chose death were a pile of ash before they even had time to writhe in pain or flinch. It was nearly instantaneous.
>I would choose to die in seconds rather than spend years starving in Auschwitz level conditions
Lol, wow. You are a failure of evolution. That kinda makes me giddy even thinking about the hypothetical situation where your DUMB ASS chose to die rather than tough it out for a few years and then get released and get to keep living for decades potentially. Fucking pathetic.
"bendini or die lul" isn't much of a choice.
A real and benevolent choice would be "You can choose to serve me, or lay down your arms and return to your homes and never take up arms again aside from your leaders who I'll imprison but treat as befits their status"
>dying by fire is more painful than beheading
studies that confirm this where? oh right, there are none
Not that it matters because they weren't left running around in flames like a comedy show, they were turned into ashes in literally seconds.
If she just wantd the Iron Throne and that's it, then why hasn't she burned down the city and killed Cersei already? Jaime himself knows the battle would end in an hour at best.
I audibly laughed at this one
>Daenerys Al-Baghdadi
how will YASSSQUEENs rationalize this ISIS tyranny by fear?
It's funny but also sad that you think living in Auschwitz conditions wouldn't kill you by disease or just because a dothraki guard decided he was bored
>explain this
Bigot much?
Each of those Dothraki are Maesters and Master Blacksmiths that can work with Valyrian steel with degrees from Volantis and Bravos.
>I will abolish slavery!
>Now serve me for the rest of your life or I will burn you alive
When did that change of heart happen?
Those enslaved were brown, those burnt were white. What's the problem? Aren't we trying to eradicate the whites?
try to understand the conversation before you reply you sad little fuck
When you are a Slavery you can always kill yourself. Impressment is a thing but does not make it a good thing.
because shes a shitty character in a dumb show and they have to drag it out for 2 more seasons, so they cant just have dany burning everyone with 3 dragons and wining in a week, thats why.
>danyfags on damage control is the funniest thing
make rape versions of this "choice" see the hysteria
i read it retard. try actually replying
>ally of slavery
>in a country that does not practice slavery
It his so close to real life politics that all my keks are not enough
>Dany literally said they can't take prisoners or else every battle they win will result in more prisoners and she doesn't want to deal with that.
oh are you saying conquest is hard? just burn everyone and everything, food included. 10/10 would bend nanny. also swords are a thing, its clear that she just gets off on it, like when she nailed all those people to the post (even the ones whos only crime was being born in the wrong house)
she a stronk wymon who dindu nuffin wrong
>Jon has never executed people before?
he did it with a sword like his father told him to. He did not drown them alive, skin them or do anything fucked up
>death by dragonfire
or months or maybe like a week? once they have time to think, why would not they join instead of being in jail?
>>hey, you can give me your money or get shot
>>see, you had a choice
Considering they're in a war and had just lost a battle in which they tried to kill her, it's more like
>hey, you can either give back the money you stole from me or I can shoot you
>hmm... shoot me
>me too
>dying by fire is more painful than beheading
>studies that confirm this where? oh right, there are none
>People defending roasting war prisoners alive for choosing not to fight their own people after some dumb cunt brought over thousands of raping savages
What is this retard-caliber reasoning
the whole point was that "it was a choice" is not a justification for dany's actions (it was a justification many people gave) because getting shot or giving your money to someone is a choice aswell but most people still dont think armed robbery is okay just because "you had a choice, you choose to get shot, its on you".
your answer to this was
>but its literally a choice retard xdDD
apologize NOW. i hope you are ashamed
Did someone shop danny's face already?
She didn't even watch them burn. She turned her back and walked away while they screamed.
Not that it matters. There's 8 episodes left, everything is going to be so simplified that they won't have any time to linger on shit like morality.
She'll be fucking Jon by the end of the season and the whole thing will become some boring-ass good vs evil giant battle show, which is exactly what A Song of Ice and Fire is supposed to NOT be.
Yes, benevolent, because it's so fast it's likely painless.
>once they have time to think
You don't get to change your mind like that?
>slaves don't have the choice to just not do what their masters tell themto do and get killed
you are actually retarded if you do not understand something as simple as slavery
but you're a fucking retard. my whole point was that regardless of the fact that armed robbery is wrong, dying because you say
>hurrr no me giving you money would be the morally WRONG THING TO DO
and getting shot in the face is 100000% your fault
we can debate the morality of armed robbery after you safely leave. they should have just bended the fucking knee
>same person that says bend the knee
but user she said some dumb shit about breaking the wheels and supporting the little people of westeros before she burned prisoners alive, so its ok
The guy is right. Auschwitz is the better option, you can always kill yourself later but there is a chance the soviets will come. This reminds me of that ep of torchwood where a guy kills his whole family so the aliens that are taking over will never get their hands on his kids but the invasion ends soon after he does the deed
Executing Janos Slynt was totally justifiable by law.
Because comparing it to robbery is false equivalence. Going to war with someone is a little different than just being stopped on the street by Tyrone.
Fuck the people, she burned all the food being transported from the Reach to King's Landing.
How will the smallfolk survive the Long Winter without food?
Oh, right, doesn't matter. The only people in Westeros who matter at all are the fucking A-Team teleporting around the country.
This writing on this show has become fucking trash tier. But at least it's almost over and they have incredible production design.
the absolute state of danyfags lmao.
no it is a justification for dany's actions. go on youtube
watch people cheer for the burning and say how they all had a choice
>nobody complains when Stannis burns people
>can't intelligently reply
>better just call him a danyfag and close the thread
>You don't get to change your mind like that?
>because it's so fast it's likely painless.
all the screaming and agonized faces must have been in my mind
>getting shot or giving your money to someone is a choice aswell but most people still dont think armed robbery is okay
Not the same kind of situation at all. Dany attacked the army that had just massacred her ally in their castle. After winning the battle, she gave them the choice to either join her cause or accept death. If she just set them free, they would regroup and fight her again later on.
dany is a foreign invader whos killing westerosi people with big monsters and crazy savages, I'd say shes very much like tyrone attacking people on the street. lets not forget shes doing all this because she wants power, not because she has to do it
>people dont see stannis being influenced so heavily by the red priestess as bad
>And giving it back to you.. the people
>autistic dragon screeching
This. In the end it won't be the characters actions and thinking that doom or save the kingdom, it will be the writers pan