>Deadpool casts black woman to play white character in order to fill quotas
>black woman stunt driver hired to play her in action scenes
>accident kills stunt driver who wouldn't have been on set that day if not for social justice
Butterfly effect.
>Deadpool casts black woman to play white character in order to fill quotas
>black woman stunt driver hired to play her in action scenes
>accident kills stunt driver who wouldn't have been on set that day if not for social justice
Butterfly effect.
Get a life, user.
If they made her white, it would just be a white stunt driver woman who died.
He has one, unlike the stunt driver
le kek some woman died isnt that hilarious jej
Damn nazis
What, is this 2010?
I kinda want to see the world through your eyes for a week, user
That's some top schizophrenia, OP.