This was pretty good

This was pretty good

I hate niggers.


Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.
Suffering leads to virginity


>you're a virgin
>arguing with holes

You're obviously some bbc white roastie, fuck off wench.

Once again, the 1960s serve as a race hustler’s vengeful reference point. But when the get-whitey genre was initiated in those blaxploitation movies made after the turmoil of that decade, artists from Melvin Van Peebles and Larry Cohen to Bill Gunn and Gordon Parks toyed with various genres to dramatize American social and economic circumstances. Black political consciousness was being realized on screen for the first time.

Get Out is the recrudescence of Obama-era unconsciousness. Reducing racial politics to trite horror-comedy, it’s an Obama movie for Tarantino fans.

How small is your wittle white pee pee

me too.
but only african-americans
africans are bros
