What would you like to see next from this guy?


5-hour film about the big bang starring Michael Caine as the bang

Prequel to the TDKR about CIA.

to see him wipe the stupid fucking grin off his face

i need this

A note in the obituary

Interstellar 2 kek

His only good film was Following so he should have retired 15 years ago

The first new James Bond after Craig leaves.

you're a big bang

His only bad movie was Prestige and even so was far better than any shit from disney that redditors like you love to watch

Nothing, I said nothing!

his abandoned Howard Hughes project

Seinfield - the movie from Christopher Nolan

WWII Extended Universe


WW1 kino

Kick-Ass 3

A movie featuring an autistic and delusional con-artist, who has success despite the implausibility of it all.

Who's playing the tangerine?

So an autobiopic?

a movie in medieval times