Virtue signalling cuck or legit funny guy? Not sure if I want to enjoy his schtick. All my friends fawn over this guy. I watched one standup show and one ep of his "Horace and Pete" show and that was just depressing and poorly acted except for Alan Alda.
Virtue signalling cuck or legit funny guy? Not sure if I want to enjoy his schtick. All my friends fawn over this guy...
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He's pretty funny when sticks to parenting, aging and self-deprecating bits. I think the last standup special was pretty weak and cringy, even though I'm practically a fan. Didn't like "Horace and Pete" either. I suggest you watch "Louie", it's much better.
his O&A days are pure comedy gold, he's still funny but he's suffering the Woody Allan curse so he thinks now that he's some Cannes director.
>big black cocks
>little white dicks
there you didn't even need to pay the ticket price
>He's pretty funny when sticks to parenting, aging and self-deprecating bits
He made the same mistake previously funny comedians like Patton Oswald does: They decide not to be entertaining story-tellers and instead go for easy political preaching. They go more for applause than laughter. They're not about making jokes, it's about "telling the truth, man" or something stupid and unfunny like that.
He can be extremely funny, and he can be oh-so-holier-than-thou. People can hold multiple qualities.
you don't say
Does he ever actually say something along these lines or is it just a Sup Forums meme?
yes he did in an older special and when he was talking about sucking Hendrix's dick
it's not just a meme he really is a hungarian jew that pretends to be mexican and subverts white people
believing otherwise is just burying your head in the sand and not researching these things yourself
Post the source nigger
Haven't looked into any of his stuff but what I heard of him on O&A was pretty good except for the spirals where he'll go on about race and white people. Same deal with Patrice O'Neal really, funny until he starts babbling about racism.
>researching these things yourself
>Post the source nigger
guess we found out who the nigger is
Burden of proof is on you fag, knew you wouldn't be able to back up your retarded claims. Keep spamming le epic BIG BLACK COCK memes that's all you're good for
He says he would suck Hendrix's dick if he had two that's it.
So Sup Forums is just projecting their fantasies about bbc again, got it
>hear a good guitarist
>first thought is to suck is cock
ck is trying to push some type of agenda
i listen to jimmi all fucking day and i never once thought about sucking his dick or another dick if jimmy asked me too
this is not a normal train of thought
Wow a comedian made a joke, stop the presses. You know he's said the same thing about Ewan McGregor too right?
He stopped being funny around 2010 or so, at least his standup specials.
>hear a joke
>first thought is to denounce an occult conspiracy
this is not a normal train of thought
it was not a joke or bit or material
Catch the blast of a cum shot
My wifes hot, suckin black cock, i did worse
I cum last, hung like an elephant trunk
Her head rush, pussy is about to gush
Aww shit!
Wu tang clan bring her fix and
Im cucked, mastered the art of suckin dicks
Right he wasn't joking when he said he would suck both of his dicks, Louis actually believed this man has 2 penises. Why do I even bother replying to retards
except there's more to it
a comedian's routine is their UPBRINGING / reflection of who they are.
for CK to arrive at making these types of jokes is because he looks and IS a chronic masturbate
he is no different then diceman making the same bbc jokes who is also not the race who he claims he is
ck claims to be mexican
dice claims to be italian
both are jewish
>watch 2 hours of stand up
>deeply analyze the jokes because i am a no funny autist who wanted to learn to be funny
>realize his whole set is look how pathetic i am
>ck claims to be mexican
Could it be because his father was born in Mexico? Crazy I know.
>be black
>born in denmark
nobody takes me seriously when i tell them i am danish
You are the half Ghanaian half danish poster from Sup Forums? Just tell people you are a Mulatto and save them the trouble of being forced to identify you as Danish when you are only half.
you've just been talking to the wrong people about it
he's fine. also horace and pete is a masterpiece
Probably because nationality is the most worthless categorization. Ethnicity is what people care about.
>They decide not to be entertaining story-tellers and instead go for easy political preaching.
You're a fucking idiot. Almost every good comedian that ever lived talked politics on stage.
>Almost every good comedian that ever lived talked politics on stage.
Name some.
>George Carlin
>good comedian
He wasn't good post-1980s tops.
Carlin wasn't a fat feminist cuck obsessed with dicks.
>Name some
Bill Hicks
Bill Burr
Jim Jefferies
Stewart Lee
>Virtue signalling
still don't know what it means and my english is not good enough to bother reading complex descriptions
>He wasn't good post-1980s
>thinking "Again!" was better than "Complaints and Grievances"
Shit taste. Carlin became good, even by his own admission, post 80s.
Nor is Louie. He just made a few jokes on white people and triggered the fuck out of insecure dickless betas who unironically advocate for white supremacy on the interwebs.
>going from innovative to fedora
Louie and H&P is great. Lucky Louie was okay. His recent standup is not good.
I personally don't remember any race jokes from him. What I always notice is him talking about female superiority. His narrative is "Women are transcendent creatures and men are stupid cavemen".
He was incredibly funny. Now he's too conscious of his audience, you can tell success got to him in some form or fashion and he probably had a bunch of people around him telling him what to do or say.
He has twelve jokes. I've seen his shit from the nineties and it's mostly the same routines he has now. Off the top of my head he tells that stupid miracle of airplanes and flight bit in Dr. Katz
He just edits them a bit, once you've seen him once there's no reason to see him again
>Bill Hicks
Are you 15 by any chance?
I heard he throws out all his material each year and writes a new routine, because Carlin did the same thing. Can you post youtube clips of one joke he did in the nineties that he still does?
He writes whole new routine each year. I've never heard him repeat a joke in his specials since "Shameless". Yes, topics are the basically the same, but jokes are different. Until maybe the last standup, which didn't feel very fresh.
It's so funny that women are the more irrational and emotion driven sex yet our society has the "sane women vs clueless men" trope. I don't even think women in our society are the more nurturing gender any longer. They literally have nothing over men.
Louis... easy on the cocks there
Shameless, Chewed Up, and Hilarious are 3 of the most legitly funny stand up specials of all time. Live at the Beacon Theater was okay but you can tell it was the beginning of the end. His HBO specials (the one from 2006 and the ancient one from the late 80s) are both brilliant as well. I tried watching his last special and I had to turn it off after 5 minutes. He has become the walking meme Sup Forums made fun of him being.
I smirked once and fell asleep to Hilarious.
Was funny into he became successful then had to pander to liberals or the jews would have blacklisted him
His best bits are on late night shows like Conan, Letterman, Fallon etc.
So like every stand up comedian then.
>make up my mind for me!!! i couldn't live with myself if i enjoyed something Sup Forums said was (((cucked)))!!!
I don't even remember anything political in his last special.
I think there was something about trannies, but that's not the main problem. It's just that jokes were either unfunny or too close to the old material.
>He's pretty funny when he sticks to parenting, aging and self-deprecation
>It's too close to the old material!!!
I mean close to the point that they were almost the same jokes. I liked his "new routine each year" thing, but I think at this point it just hurts the quality.