Why do we have to age? ;_;
Why do we have to age? ;_;
I'd still bang her
she doesnt even look like the same person anymore, jesus hollywood is so degenerate
she's still aiite.
>tfw look like shit at 27
Im dreading my 40s
If you were not aging you'd have no incentive to act in the present. Go clean your room.
I agree with you but I honestly can't tell why/how she looks different.
>Why do we have to age? ;_;
because nothing fucks you harder than time
Borealis still looks good.
That's what aging is, you immature fucks
By all rights she should look a lot worse
Fucked up the face a bit with plastic surgery. Doesn't look natural.
Just accept that you're normally arguing with 17-19 year olds when you come to one of the fast boards. Us old guys are the minority here.
>Buffy looks like a decaying sack of sad
>Angel barely looks different
Why do women age so much worse than men?
Women look better at 20, men look better at 40.
middle age crisis is the best thing that men have.
She looks like Michael Bolton from that Lonely Island video
still looks alright to me.
>have fur
>protected from sun exposure
>any wrinkles get hidden anyway
>get burned or get a scar and the fur simply grows out and covers it
Evolution made a mistake
I feel your pain breh...
There is poetry to how fleeting life is. Every moment, every instant is precious and unique, like a flower that exists for one day... Buffy was top tier once (not that she's "ugly" now) and Angel was never a real vampire... At least some other people ages better still... ;_;
im 33 and look like 13
34 and same but it's because I sit inside all day and make no facial expressions to speak of. I'm dead inside.
It doesn't help that she's jewish. Jews rarely age well
that's what you tell yourself, i'm sure.
What happend to her career though.
>Why do we have to age? ;_;
to get milky from mummy
Oh, please tell me I'll be fucking 20 year old by the timeI'm 40. Because I sure as hell wasn't when I was 20 myself.
FACT: Fred aged better than every other main female character in the Buffyverse
SMG stopped being attractive and hot after season one of Buffy.
I suspect there might be some blood drinking involved...
She was doing alright for awhile with horror movies. Then she got older, Blumhouse changed mainstream horror tastes, and that sitcom she did with Robin Williams fell flat. She never made the transition.
anyone who says shit like this always looks older than they are.
Absolutely not, she wouldn't hurt a fly
She looks fine. It's just 4chin's typical shit.
she had an obvious face lift a few months ago and looked horrible (pic related), but it seemed to have settled a bit after about a month and she looks way fine now.
I'd still bang him
what about Trachtenberg or that woman who played Glory?
Wish she did though...
I'd give her my blood anytime
But perhaps an everlasting Fred time Amy would be too much for this undeserving world ;_;
>what about Trachtenberg
Dawn got THICC
Glory disappeared from the radar, but last I saw she wasn't doing that bad...
boreanaz's hairline is pretty goddamn impressive if it's natty
28 and i look like i'm in my mid 30s
avoid hard drugs and alcohol, kids
it is impressive but how many dudes do you know that haven't lost hair by time they hit their 40s, naturally?
it's plugs most likely.
Neither of them aged all that well. Don't get me wrong, neither are ugly, but Dawn got fat and Glory is definitely looking her age.
To be fair, Amy really only started aging out of Fred mode in the last couple of years. She still looked just as she did on Angel well into her late 30s, which is impressive. And right now she's by far the cutest 40 year old alive.
to what extent? i have seen people go either way i really think its mostly genetics.
She was always ugly though
>Why do we have to age? ;_;
no one wants to be a toddler forever
>she still looks fine
if youre a man and are in good physical shape, have decent self control (food, alcohol, drug intake), and are bare minimum above 5'8 aging will only welcome you
It's impressive how hot she became
oh you
that has to be a shop
Looks like collagen, not a face lift. Plus that pic has something wrong with it.
She's obviously older looking, don't get me wrong, but looks pretty much as always. Same eyes, same mouth, same nose.
Charisma and Emma, now those two had work done.
I figured since she was the youngest she would be the least JUSTed. Doing a quick internet search, she looks a bit less fat right now but still a far cry from what she used to be.
Amy was starting to age in her appearances on PoI, but she looks fresher in the promos for the Gifted
Type the phrase Sarah Michelle Gellar 2014 people's choice awards
There's plenty of pics of her at that event
Nah, it's a few years old. She's clearly sick as fuck in that appearance, but don't let that get in the way.
Yeah, and it only shows on certain angles and expressions, which kinda baffles me. I think they changed something to make her look older for the role, mostly her hair obviously.
>still the qtest 40 old
Of course she is, and still one of the most beautiful women alive too, at any age, but I'm still sad aging is inevitable... Makes me think someone should preserve those genes, you know... for posterity, for the future of humanity
She had it since forever. You can see it when she's in the sandbox in 'restless'
She was in some 50 Shades of Gret knock off flick, her tits are great
it's based on the mother genes. as long as your maternal grandfather has hair going into old age, you'll probably have it too. it is not a given that every man loses hair.
t. old man with good hair genetics
I kinda dig how Cordy has gone full MomPOV
To be honest she was already on the decline by the fourth season of Buffy
She's got 4 or 5. They weren't even bothering to cover them by the end of the show.
I'd eat her tendies if you know what I mean
>Eliza dushku ended up marrying a billionaire much older than herself
Might as well do it while she has some good looks left, but still, damn.
She was going anorexic during this season.. nothing will match her cheeky chubbiness of season 2
Well, its mostly gravity+ cells dont split as much.
If it bothers you so much, stand on your head 2 and a half hours daily, that will slow your aging process by 10%, so when you are 88, youll look like 80.
Now, that dont look like much but ask any 34 year old actress if she would like to look as 26 years old, or even better 42 y/o as 34...(damn,them be getting jobs years,them be years when someone will actually pretend to listen to them in offshot chance theyll fuck her, its the good time, but pass 34 its bu-bu time, she has to work for stuff and stuff, hence feminism).
Females have shelf lifespan of 7 years(from 21 to 28), from 18 to 21 they are still rough around the edges, still looking the best paintjobs,masks and illusions that trick men that they are somethingmore than a man without beard and vagnis.
it's like pottery
>Amy was starting to age in her appearances on PoI, but she looks fresher in the promos for the Gifted
Really just the 5th season is when she looked older. But she was like 39 there, so it was bound to happen. She really does look younger in some of the trailers and stuff for the Gifted, which is weird
It might be wardrobe. She's dressed like an old mom in all the promos for the Gifted, instead of being dressed like a qt hacker gril, so that might be whats making her look older to you.
And fear not user, she has two kids, so her genes will grace generations to come.
I'm 23 and literally no one has ever guessed that I'm older than 16 or 17. I actually feel awkward telling people my age.
She was only thiccer in S1. Then lost weight filming a movie. The baby fat was gone by the time S2 started.
Every season is the same. Starts off with a fuller figure and gets thinner as it goes.
>no one has ever guessed that I'm older than 16 or 17
That's easy when no one talks to you.
The majority have money to keep it looking natural though is my point so we have no clue.
Even with good genetics he would still lose some hair.
I've heard a similar complain from a friend, however he was asian. Must be a hassle when going out though.
>when i was 18 people thought i was 14
>when i was 22 people thought i was 20
>bamn, hair loss begins
>when i was 24 people thought i was 26
>when i was 28 people thought i was 32
>33 now, people think i'm 40
use your youngness while it lasts, friendo.
Yep... I think so too
Doesn't make me wish any less they give us natural qt Amy back but still...
And she doesn't look older to me, just slightly different from Fred time, and only at occasions
With any luck, someone notices that too and we can have more of her works for a long time...
I'd still bang both
Spike hurts the most. I know he's in his mid 50s, but still. Been rewatching the show on tv recently and he was such a good looking guy, especially in season 2. Perfect bone structure. He was in his mid 30s at that point too, Angel by comparison looked like shit when he hit that age.
I'm 33 and people still assume I'm 22-24, but it's all because my family, my dad is already 60, and has a head full of black hair, and barely couple wrinks in his face, my sister is 24 and people asssume she is 15 or 16.
I went from teenager to late 20's in about a year.
>tfw never got to look 24 or 25...the peak
Darla still hot
my feels
I'm still not happy about them making her a blonde, there's no reason to meddle with perfection. That said the blonde look is very slowly starting to grow on me.
She does look older though, compared to pic related, but that's fine with me. She still looks fine as fuck, just more like a classy, beautiful older woman than the tip top cutie pie she was before.
Julie benz is in a league of her own.
>when you're're buffyfu is much better looking than she was on the show
Her face looks about as authentic and natural as pic related
is this a new meymey?
oof madon
I've realised she's awful in everything
Defiance was the last thing I watched with her
No matter how much work they have done, the neck and the hands always give it away
See girls? Avoid sun and you will age gracefully
amber a qt
True true, bare minimum you've got to remove the teeth and fingertips.
...wait, what are YOU talking about?
She's also an occultist
Yeah, like how people always say Christie Brinkley is an extraordinarily attractive 63-year-old and I wouldn't argue against that but the horror show starts at the elbow
that's a bad picture.