Is pic related the lowest point of a once-great show/the most bastardized anything has ever become?

Is pic related the lowest point of a once-great show/the most bastardized anything has ever become?
>astronomically more likes than dislikes, vast majority of comments are positive

I'd say the Lady Gaga and Lena Dunham episodes completely destroyed it

Wake up in the morning buying seed at Sneed's

>implying that it was ever good

any show that ran for more then 5 seasons.

debate me

south park(good middle the last season was absolute shit), family guy (crazy good early), nu-american dad (pretty good early massive recent quality drop) futurama(goat up to s4 & movie then massive cancer with billion backs and reboot) except that sunday morning cartoon episode that one was good

even king of the hill had super bad episodes

you cannot be debated as you speak the truth. King of the Hill suffered the same problems as Zombie Simpsons just not quite as notably, it's most noticeable in the subplots from season 6 onwards or so, they get really cartoonish and dumb, characters start acting really out of character.

Seinfeld is great for the entirety of its 9 seasons.

>die millennial scum


massive drop around early as s3

you would know this if you watched all of seinfeld

for instance the bits in the beginning seasons were actually good in the opening and were very subtle raunchy

whom doth thou quoteth?

wat dothhhh lifee xxDDD xavierrr xDDDD

ok but lay off the memes

i am projecting a bit but i suppose i should take my own advice and limit Sup Forums

I think we can all agree, it was all downhill after this

>le shit on le family guy and american dad and all the other shows
>when Simpsons did the exact same fucking shit


the intro was terrible. but the episode that followed was quite excellent.

southpark was consistent up until they started season arcs

season 5 had at least 6 or so classic episodes in it

Curb Your Enthusiasm

conkey was one of the most iconic episodes of trailer park boys

but at the same time was its downfall

bitch are you really trying to tell me that that whole indian wedding thing was funny at all like cmon eliane fuck over some takeout

Why are The Simpsons still being produced? Who even watchs that shit aynmore?

>massive drop around early as s3
How long until Sup Forums starts pretending s1 was the best Seinfeld season ever and it was only downhill from there?
And how long until "post-Larry David Seinfeld is better"?

I just want to point out that the post cancel futurama seasons had no good episodes.
They had good moments, but they were in between or at the end of shit stories

it's no different than the Michael Jackson episode

Except for Michael Jackson specifically asked his character to not look like him and refused to sing

But the michael jackson episode was legitimately great

IASIP is still funny, I haven't seen the latest season but I would actually say the earliest ones are the weakest.

You're actually right, season 11 was one of the shows last good seasons

11 and 12 had some dangerous low points, but the show's not ruined quite yet. But if it really does come back without Dennis, that would be the end.

Early Family Guy was not that good outside a small handful of eps.