So which is better?

So which is better?

If you say left you're a man child

If you say right you're a man child

>escapist manchild trash

Grow up


Here's the difference between Star Wars and LotR
Both exist in a world were absolute objective Evil evils
Good or evil doesn't depend on a certain point of view. It's hardcoded into reality. The Force has a Light Side and a Dark Side. The Ring is literally made of evil.

The difference between the two is that despite that, the Lord of the Rings finds place for things like the value of trust, beauty, integrity, duty, and honour.
Star Wars is just a fun romp where you don't need to feel bad about the evil cackling overlord dying

Sheev was the good guy though

I like em both.

Star Wars is more iconic but LOTR has better world building. LOTR is more comfy, Star Wars is fun.

LOTR easily. It's just not as easy to watch or get into, but it's a better made series with a more cohesive story

>Both exist in a world were absolute objective Evil evils