How come no one talks about the fact that Jon and Daenarys brought a bunch of savages to a civilization that is much...

How come no one talks about the fact that Jon and Daenarys brought a bunch of savages to a civilization that is much more culturally advanced?

Assuming they win, what about all those dothraki and wildlings roaming free in westeros in the times of peace? Are they simply abandoning their old culture? no more raping, pillaging, being easily proned to violence, accepting the use of currency and laws?

That sounds highly irrealistic. In reality it not only would halt the progress of westeros as a society, but make it go backwards.

Why is no one talking about this?

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I only see maesters and alchemists there

explain the cultural differences between Northmen and wildlings

Literally everyone brings it up. Do you watch the show?

I'm talking about the normies that sheer for Jon and Dany.

One can follow a set of laws, the other only follow the law of force.

>One can follow a set of laws
oh really, those guys seem to break those laws more than follow them, howbowdah

its like using an army of muslims to conquer europe and not expect them to enact sharia law.

Dany and Jon are extremely short sighted.

They don't though. The Northerners are the most honourable people in the show.

You mean the high born in times of war?
OK, sure.

but in times of peace the small folk and highborn can coexist in a system of law.

Meanwhile savages are always savages.

Is this a joke? There's a huge difference