
So listen: let's just say I heard some things. I mean uh... ya know... not really asking, per se... just sorta inquiring, maybe, about some links...

Other urls found in this thread:

links schminks

Are you inquiring about the Linkyleaks dataset?

lel who? what?

literally no one's herad of curb your enthusiasm , this thread is a testament to that

Nobody wants Larry David nudes m8

This viral marketing campaign is about to change that. Literally everyone will know about curb your enthusiasm.

Simple recreation of Timeless Art of Seduction will do

I had a big poster of that in my room and people thought I was gay

>I had a big poster in my room.
That is pretty gay

for you

They're not out yet

Prettay, prettay, prettaaaay gay

I had a shirt with Larrys face on it and people always asked me who it was and I told them in was my Grandfather. Nobody thought it was normal I could tell by the reactions but nobody cared enough to question it either.

>Hey Lah? It's me, Bob, haha. Just wondering when you needed me to come into shoot. Haven't heard anything yet, haha. Just wanted to make sure you h-had my number, hehehe.

the fuck happened to that kike's lips?

Botox injections to get the highly sought-after duck look.

Funkhouser is objectively the worst character. Yes, even worse than Cheryl.

Doesn't he play the cuckold in dogfart videos?

I don't hate myself enough to watch that kind of shit.

sounds like you would know

What fuck steals videos then holds then ransom? They'll never pay up, just sell them online instead.

"The hackers, who broke into HBO’s computer network and have been doling out stolen information for the past several weeks, released more unaired episodes, including several of the highly anticipated return of “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” which debuts in October."


>They'll never pay up, just sell them online instead.
Speaking of not paying up

larry's cousin is worse

That guy is so fucking ugly I have to look at the roof and shit whenever he appears in a show or movie I'm watching.

He's funny as fuck though

Heeyyyyyy, Funkman!

The Funkman is great. He became a lot better when he was one of Larry's buddies rather than his foil.

take that back. He's so delightfully irritating, every appearance he has some new scheme.

Here's what actually happened
>Be CEO of failing Time Warner Inc.™ division
>Receive order from higher ups to increase profits or lose fetal tissue benefits
>Scramble to reduce costs immediately by firing writers and artists and hiring more marketing pajeets
>Commission washed-up jewish pervert to come up with yet another season of his social conditioning show
>Make big announcement about brand new episodes of he-said-she-said situational comedy show
>Stomp foot and throw trash on the ground when everyone ignores it
>Blame everything on pajeet and his curry mafia and tell Time Warner Inc. conglomerate that everything is under control
>Panic about not being able to put fetal tissue on the table and the spawn going hungry and being shoah'd to death
>Come up with ingenious© McGuyver© idea to get the birds a'chirping
>Tell pajeets to tell the world that he-said-she-said "comedy" show was leaked by hackers and to use plenty of exclamation marks
>Rub hands when the lugenpresse picks up the story "when something is leaking, something must be sinking" *snicker* *snicker*
>Tell Pajeets to comment "no comment" whenever someone asks about those dastardly leaking hackers
>Command Pajeets to not comment at all when someone asks why nobody can find the leaks online
>Order Pajeets to upload old game of thrones episodes as "Curb.Your.Enthusiasm.S0901.1080p.HD.h265.hack.leak"
>Send copyright® infringement letters to everyone who downloads them and threaten to sue them for damages
>Snicker and rub hands every time some easily frightened boomer sends in their retirement money, begging for mercy
>Think about fetal tissue and drinking menstrual blood
>Rub hands again because rubbing somewhere else hurts since early childhood
Such is life as Time Warner's little helper

Possibly the best quote of the entire series

this is possibly the most autistic thing I've ever read. PLEASE go back to pol

>hastily reshot episode one of new series
>larry has internet trouble
>calls an engineer who he suspects is transgender
>awkward comments and faux pas ensue
>angry engineer hacks HBO using larry's logins and steals the rest of the series
>larry accused of leaking his own show
>engineer has knowledge of rest of series so turns up occasionally to give larry advice on the next awkward situation

Someone is going back somewhere, but it's not me.



lol what a cringey faggot

You are seriously fuckin retarded
And Completely devoid of humour, I can't imagine how big of a failure you are.