What does Sup Forums think of this show?
What does Sup Forums think of this show?
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the office in a different office
This and 30rock are shit
started off well, but got so bad i couldn't even finish the second to last season
Literally perfect show. One of the only shows which remained good the whole way through and never made me think the writers had lost their touch, unlike Futurama or Simpsons.
>this whole scene
Fucking kino.
The first couple of seasons are pretty good, its a blatant copy of the office but its honestly funnier and has more likeable characters.
After Adam Scott and Rob Lowe join the main cast it goes downhill though, I think I stopped watching somewhere in the 5th season it gets pretty bad.
literally //reddit//: the show. am i right fellow channers?
i like sitcoms but dont watch this because women writers.
The 2nd best comedy of the 21st century, behind The Thick of It