So how is this tattoo going to affect the rock's career?

so how is this tattoo going to affect the rock's career?
and presidential run

>stretch marks from steroids

Childhood ruined

tattoos are stupid

That is the most litty tattoo I've ever seen.


>getting a disgusting amount of ink permanently punched into your arm because you think youre """deep"""
people who get tattoos are trash

>you'll feel the MANA (spirit)

Wha did he mean by this?

>all that 3rd grade poetry babble to justify a tattoo

Shut up, Dwayne


>you vs the guy she tells you not to worry about

At least, for once, a millionaire went to a good tattoo artist. Nikko Hurtado is one of the best in the world. Half these celebs and athletes just walk in to any crappy parlor when they get the itch.

Tattoo on the left is unironically better.

Other way around

synthol triceps

Guys, I won't lie. The moment I saw THE BULL i immediately pissed myself. That's right. My pants are full of PISS (urine)


he means Maori kind of mana




Played too many fantasy video games.

>22 hours
That's a slow fucking artist. Most of that tattoo is shading with one color which shouldn't take THAT long. Looks great though, but way more evil than something I imagine The Rock liking.

DYEL detected. Stretch marks happen to nearly everyone to some degree.

>when people try to explain the deep meaning behind their tattoos

This is a travesty



>right arm is covered
>left arm is mostly covered

Say goodbye to seeing the vascularity and vains in those biceps. Real shame. At least leave one arm ink free

>it's a deeply personal, symbolic and spiritual tattoo
yea this phoenix represents a really difficult time in my life but like i came out a stronger person???

what an idiot, his simple little bull tattoo was apart of his legacy

The Rock has too many tattoos and they look kinda stupid. This one is especially ugly.

Sneed Bart Sneed

Looks badass





I can still see the bull underneath, fucking retard

No you can't you lying piece of shit

>be an actor
>get tattoos
>now everytime you get a role, you either have to sit in the make up chair for hours to cover it up or get it sloppily written into the movie/show

You can see a part of it in the cracked area, but you gotta be looking for it.

It looks weird as heck. Doesn't even look like a bull. More like a bird or some shit

>being this unlitty
crazy sauce!


Honestly, the man couldn't be any different from the absurdly charismatic performer he was from 98 to around 02, I honestly don't care anymore.

He's stupid. Mana reserves lets you cast spells. Spirit is another stat that usually affects magic defense and effectiveness of white magic.


original tattoo had something iconic, this looks like generic trash you'd find on an avenged sevenfold shirt

Any weight gain will give you stretch marks.

Someone I knew got a tattoo of "Hate" in Japanese on their arm because of how bitter they are.
Listening to him explaining it is just sad.
He's no longer my friend.
I have no tattoos.

>life is a struggle for a healthy handsome man
Try living in a wheelchair and shitting yourslef everyday asshole

I have tattoos and I hate when people ask me what the meaning of it is. It's so tiresome. Sometimes things just look cool, there doesn't have to be "deeper meaning" to it

>oh no i'm getting paid millions of dollars just to sit here and have some make up artist cover my tattoos, how horrible


I don't think he cares since he's getting paid millions

the Rock is definitely on the up and up rn. gott hand it to him, he came a looong way from that ghey wrestler image. he doesn't even do his eyebrow thing anymore. the new tat goes well with his updated image. he looks like a war vet or a firefighter or something. he's the hero America needs.

What wrong with it's mouth?

wow he sounds like a woman

he's turning into the undertaker

>know this dumb bimbo
>big fake titties, bleach blond the whole shebang
>she tells that she wants this big ass phoenixon her back
>shows her sketches on her phone
>they look like a kid drew them
>tells me how it represents her over coming hard times and rising from the ashes

I wonder if normies ever realize how stupid they sound

stretch marks happen with any muscle gain, hit the gym dough boy

Could have just gotten them from growing taller during puberty too, I did under my arms and I'm pretty lanket.

Its a herbivore you fucking dunce

The left tat looks way better

he fucked up

tattoos are so fucking gay

yes you can, the right side of its face and part of its horn

I got liquid snake's tat because I like the idea of nuking this world

everyone loves it unless I say "its from a video game" then they hate it it

This. It always sounds so try-hard and pathetic.




What a gay, it doesn't even immediately register as a bull skull, and for a supposedly world renowned artist tattooing a Hollywood celebrity you'd think they skip the skull tattoo meme. The long winded and pretentious caption is indicative of someone high on their own fumes because of the unnatural confidence boost steroids give you - same thing with Joe rogan

retarded faggot with a tribal tattoo detected

Why the fuck would you tell them it's from a video game

>I have tattoos

Christ I'm sick of this guy
>Le story of my life in this extravagantly expensive tattoo!!


rock is a wow nerd

>it doesnt have a meaning! i just got it cause it looks cool!


why is he so cringey

I hope you're joking

the old one was better because it was more like a symbols. symbols are better tattoos than more "realistic" images. if he wanted to get a new one he should have just made it a larger, more complex symbol design.

but whatever man.

>be one of the few people in the world who can get maori tattoos without looking like a retard
>get generic chicano/hipster shit
>muh meaning

This^.Symbolic tattoos that are shaded in black look much better than these gargantuan pile of shit stains

I got my last name on my back. I don't need to explain that to anyone at least.

Reddit spacing. Trying to hide the person's gender and then still revealing it
Back to your hugbox

>MANA (spirit)

What did he mean by this?

>muh easy life projected into a tattoo of pretentiousness
i kind of lost respect to the rock for he tried to justify getting this shitty tattoo behind muh meaningful reason


Yes he does steroids but you can get stretch marks without them you skinny fat fagget

>doesn't even know how to greentext or quote

Summer general?

that's a really cool story bro


I'm sorry are you building battlemage? For fucks sake you rolled a fighter, and you got a nice Strength value.