I want a 9/10 tv show
suggest away
pic related last tv show i watched that is 9/10 if not 10/10
I want a 9/10 tv show
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There really isn't anything that compares to The Leftovers.
That said, if you're looking for more religion-related shows, check out Young Pope. 9/10 easy.
"Nathan For You" always gave me a laugh.
Why does everyone circle jerk that show? The first ep fucking blows.
>he thinks that "the Leftovers" was about theology
>when his IQ starts with 9
dont want something that compares to it just good shows
is mad men good?
what about Hannibal?
I was under impression The Leftovers was a shitfest. Are you telling my that is incorrect?
if youre looking for answers and shiit its bad
but the characters and acting are 10/10
mad men and sopranos are my all time favs.
never seen hannibal but i hear good things.
gonna check it out soon.
first season of mad men is kinda slow, but it reels you in. my elderly mother felt the same way at first, but she just finished watching the whole thing and loved it.